Chapter 2

Not wanting to battle words with him in order not to have him change his mind, Bella, on the other end, said she does not want does t s too desperate simultaneously as her view about men was robust. Taking in a deep breath and breathing out, she mumbled:

“I will make restitution with five million dollars with an advanced payment of two million five hundred thousand now and the rest when the job is done.”

Picking offense to the amount that she was willing to pay for the job, Harris told her about the risk involved as he was risking prison if her father ever came to find out about their little game.

“That amount is not a good offer for what you are asking me to do ma’am. Besides, you and I know that I will have to be my very best if I want to impress your dad.”

“You are not even a qualified actor, so you are not in any position to make demands here. Moreover, you will not perceive such an amount in that dirty market that you are working in, even if you have to work for a whole year.” She thundered, and her words were like bullets that cut deep through his ego as a man.

Starting at her and telling her to keep her stupid deal as he wished undone coming there, he rose to his feet wishing her a splendid day as he thought to himself how such a pretty lady would have so much pride and discourtesy on her.

Watching him about to and thinking of the fact that Ahe did not have much time on her hands, Bella stood up on her feet, and walked towards Harris with a remorseful countenance, she apologized, for being rash with her words and, imploring him to take back his seat, she returned to her seat too and with closed eyes and deep breath she asked, “Name your price.”

Paying attention to her question, Harris felt happy and not wanting to look or sound too obvious, he let out, “Ten million dollars is the deal.”

“But that is too much.”

“Take it or leave it.”

Bella saw that as blackmailing as he was taking advantage of the fact that she needed his services, but without any choice, she had to accept his demands for what was at stake in her life, was much more important than that money.

Harris waiting for a confirmation from his soon-to-be fake girlfriend, thought back to the troubles he had encountered before reaching her office, and the methods he had used. Being denied access to meet Bella, as he did not have an appointment with her, Harris stood at the reception hall confused, but he had made up his mind to meet with her no matter what it would cost him.

Catching sight of staff going out of the company to empty the trash, Harris had an idea which was to follow him to get the information that he had got to know. Catching up with the personnel, Harris tapped him from behind, and the guy turned on alert, he asked Harris who he, was and told him not to be scared, he said that he just needed some information on how to find the office of the manager of the company.

Being skeptical about Harris, the guy told him to leave or else he would call security, but Harris, scared of wasting his chances, pleaded with him to wait. Shoving his right hand into his pocket, Harris brought out a five thousand note and handed it to the staff. He was sure, that he would not decline the offer as being a cleaner, which would take him a long way throughout that day.

That was how he got the information he needed, together with the directions and all that was left to do was to play his cards well and find his way.

“Here, this is a check for five million dollars and your balance will be paid, as soon as you complete your job, but memorize this if you fail to do your job well, I will hint to you as your information is going to be with me, and every detail about your life and loved ones will be scrutinized.” Bella’s countenance was so serious as she said that, but to her amazement, Harris rejected her invoice, saying:

“I do not trust you, rich people, as I comprehend how you all operate. I like my transactions to be done in cash and not to worry, no one will ever suspect that we are not a real couple, even you will be surprised.”

His words were satisfying so Bella asked what he wanted to be done, and heard him say, “Why don’t we start by meeting up at a romantic dinner date, where we can discuss more this and you can bring the cash too with you added to it some extra cash for my shopping as I believe that you will not want to see your boyfriend not meeting your father’s taste or will you?”

He could see that his words were getting an outstanding part of her, but she could not bear to take out the offer that she was giving to him. Squeezing her fist and nodding to his requests, she asked him to leave his details with his Secretary and wait for her call in the evening.

Rising to his feet, Harris offered a handshake to Bella, letting out, “It was nice doing business with you Ms. Bella Dubois.”

But Bella throwing a spiteful gaze at him, wished him a splendid day while telling him not to forget to drop his contact number on the table and to shut the door behind him.

“See you soon my love,” he muttered as he turned to go out of the office, watching him exit, Bella, held in her anger from exploding as she wondered how she had gotten herself into such an embarrassing situation.

“I cannot believe that I will be stuck with him for six more months,” She mumbled in outrage.

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