Chapter 2

Ivan's POV

I groaned when I heard my alarm ring. It is not that I hate mornings but the idea that I will sleep late at night because of work does not sit well with me. 

I looked at my clock at the nightstand and saw that it was 5 in the morning. Hardly had I gotten out of the bed when something caught my eyes. Shit! How could I have forgotten that today is a weekend! But I still understand, it is because I am always busy with my work that I can hardly recognize between weekdays and weekends anymore. I decided just to wake up since I had already woken up and there was no point in going back to bed. 

Today I will be taking Elsa to the park but it will be in the afternoon therefore I still have time to do some work and spend time with my family. Yes, when at home, I am not the arrogant and rude jerk people know me as. 

I walked to my bathroom and brushed my teeth. I later walked to the wardrobe so that I could choose which clothes to wear today. I chose blue ragged jeans and white tee-shirt with the writing 'The Big Boss' at the back.

I went to the bathroom and showered. I finished my business after twenty minutes. I walked out and wore the clothes.

 I smirked when I looked at myself in the mirror. I was so hot. It made me miss the old days when we were in college. I was the center of attention. I attract ladies. I have never been in a relationship even though Linda always claims that we are together no matter how many times I tell her that we are not. She irritates me but she is good in bed and that is what makes me tolerate her. 

It was still early and I knew that no one was awake. Yesterday was a family dinner and I decided to sleep over here cause it was already late to go back to my house. I decided to help mom and prepare them breakfast. Times like this are meant to me treasured and used properly.

I walked downstairs and went to the kitchen. I took out the ingredients and mixed them accordingly. After some minutes of mixing, I prepared the oven with the right temperature. I decided to also cook pancakes while waiting for the muffins to be ready. 

I sang my favorite song location by Dave ft Burna boy. They are not my favorite musicians but I damn love that song. I assumed that the spoon was my mic and sang loudly. At that moment I forgot that I was not in my own penthouse but in my parent's mansion until I heard a giggle at the kitchen door. I saw it was my baby sister Elsa who was watching me.

I smiled at her and she came running towards me. I shook my head. She amazes me. How stress free and always jovial everyday but I understand because she is still young, I was also just like her when I was young.

"Morning sweetie pie."

"Morning big brother."

"What were you singing?" She asked innocently and almost made me laugh and tickle her but I knew that I needed to restrain myself cause we were in the kitchen.

"A song?" I said as a question instead of a statement if she wanted to play the innocent I bet I can match play better than her.

"Really? Do I know it? Can I sing along with you?" 

Yes. She loves singing so much and I loved hearing her singing cause she was really talented.

"Sure why not. But I think the problem is that I do not think you know that song."

"But big brother! Am sure there is a song which we can sing together."

I thought for a while and nodded my head. At that her face brightened.

"Of course there is. Why don't you tell me which song you would like to sing?"

"Savage love." She shouted excitedly immediately after my question and I nodded my head indicating a yes. The song is sung by Jason Derulo who is actually her best musician. She has forced David and I to know all of the guys' songs so that we can be singing along with her. 

I laughed when I remembered a certain day when I was cleaning her up where she asked me whether I think if Jason saw her he would fall in love with her. At first I was shocked because she was five years old at the time. When she saw my shocked face she shrugged nonetheless she said, 'what? Do not give me that look. I know all about boyfriends and girlfriends. Ashley, my classmate and friend, has a boyfriend who always kiss her when they get the opportunity'. At the moment I wanted to tell mom and dad to transfer her to another school but she blackmailed me into not telling them. Yes, she is really a smart dream. However, her dream has always been that she will one day be with Jason Derulo even though I know that one day she will eventually forget about that damn musician.

"Big brother, let us start."

"You know I was singing while I was preparing breakfast right?

She pouted at that.

"But I do not know how to cook." She lowered her head in disappointment.

"Hey kiddo. You know that you can always learn right?"

She nodded. "I know but who will teach me?"

"I am here, aren't I?"

At that, She lifted her head and her eyes were full of hope.

"Yes. Wait? Does that mean that you will teach me to cook delicious meals just like you do?"

I laughed.

"Yes kiddo. I will."

She was still short therefore she could not reach the table. I took a stool and made her stand on it so that she could reach it. She just observed me but was still confused at what I was doing.

"So let us start?"

I took out a bowl, whisk and all the ingredients necessary for making pancakes.

"So I will tell you when to mix what but we will also be singing okay?"

She nodded her head vigorously out of happiness.

We started singing savage love while teaching her how to kick the ingredients. She was very attentive and never made a mistake. I was proud that I was the one who was teaching the little one how to cook. We sang different songs while preparing the dishes. After an hour we had finished cooking and also cleaning the kitchen.

We set the dining table since I knew it was time for the rest to wake up.


 Elsa ran to mom when she saw her. Mom lifted her and kissed her forehead.

"Morning baby?"

"Morning mommy."

"How was your night?"

"Good. Mom, guess what?"

Mom looked at her.


"Aaaargh. Why can't you just guess. Anyways I will tell you since you are no fun when it comes to guessing."

At that we all laughed and that is when I found out that dad and David had also joined us and were looking at the two ladies of the family.

"I help Ivan to prepare breakfast. I know how to make pancakes but I am still not yet perfect."

"Wow. Am so proud of you honey. You are now becoming a big child."

"But dad, tell mom I am not a child anymore."

Dad shook his head but still talked to avoid making Elsa angry.

"Michal honey. You know that she is no longer a child."

"Okay fine. You are a beautiful young lady." Mom said and it seemed to satisfy Elsa.

"Okay. If you are all done. Can we now sit down and have breakfast before it gets cold?" I said.

They all nodded their heads and sat down. We ate while talking but not business cause mom did not like it when we talked about business when we were eating.

Later that day, David, Elsa and I watched an animation movie which Elsa wanted so badly. 

It was 2 in the afternoon when I decided to take Elsa to the park so that she can have some hours to play before it gets late.

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