Chapter 2. Alessio D'Amelio

I walked back into my office to meet my best friend who was now seated on my chair, she had her legs on my empty table, and in her hands was the framed picture of me standing next to my dad which was usually on my table. "And how may I help you?" I asked still standing at the door, I had almost forgotten that I left her in my office. "You're finally back, what did the old man tell you?" She asked taking her legs off my table. I went to her and snatched the frame from her hands then set it back on the table where it belonged. "Why are you being so cranky? Did they finally let you go?" She teased if only she knew that I would soon actually be let go.

She noticed how serious I looked and jumped out of my chair in worry, "did they really let you go?" She asked, her eyes were filled with concern. It was weird to see her so concerned as Sadie was one who rarely showed her emotions. "Chillax, I wasn't fired, or at least not yet" I assured. "What do you mean not yet?" Sadie asked with a raised brow.

"Mr. Jones said he will let me go if I don't cover a big story before the end of the year" I replied, I knew that I couldn't keep it from Sadie, she always managed to read me like a book.

"That old man just won't give you a break, will he?" She asked with a scoff, from her tone I could tell that she thought that Mr Jones was just making empty threats, but I knew that he was dead serious.

 "I need to find a good story to cover and I need to find it fast," I said and slid into my chair. 

Sadie walked across the table and plopped into the chair right opposite me, "If you're so desperate for a story why don't you investigate Alessio D'Amelio?" She said. The room fell silent and we stared at each other for a long time before bursting out into laughter. Investigating Alessio D'Amelio was no different from ending one's life, he was the CEO of an automobile manufacturing and assembling industry but was also one of the most suspicious people in the country but no one dared to conduct an investigation on him as those who did were either found dead or reported missing.

"I might as well jump off a bridge" I joked amidst laughter, the laughter slowly faded away and we both became serious again.

 Although Sadie had said to run an investigation on Alessio D'Amelio as a joke, it suddenly became a matter of concern. Alessio D'Amelio was a man of mystery, no one knew anything about him apart from the fact that he was an Italian man. It had only been 8 months since he started the industry and he was already the most feared man in the country. Even the government didn't have the guts to face him, let alone a shitty reporter like myself.

"Maybe I should just give up investigative reporting" I muttered earning a glare from Sadie, it was time for her motivational talks.

 "Girl, you are the number one investigative reporter in the country and you want to give that up because of what?" She asked, I knew she was right, I couldn't just give up investigative reporter, it was what I was known for. "But what's the point of being an investigative reporter if there's no crime to uncover, It's like the whole country is now crime-free," I said and flew my hands in the air in defeat. "Girl, there are a lot of crimes out there. You are just too scared to go out and uncover them. You've been acting like a scaredy cat ever since that…." 

"Can we not talk about that?" I asked, cutting her off. I wasn't ready to recall my worst nightmare.

"I'm just saying, if you want to keep this job and your reputation as the best investigative reporter in this country, then you'll have to stop being a coward and go chase the story. You can't sit in your office and hope that a story comes to you" she said, and I went silent reminiscing her words. I hated that she was right, I was a coward, and I didn't have the guts to go after influential people anymore after that dreadful night.

"Do you have an idea of a shady businessman that I could investigate?" I asked, a smile formed on Sadie's face and she began listing influential people who she suspected to be dr*g smugglers. 

"...Richard Silver and lastly.." She paused and shot me a weird stare.

"Alessio D'Amelio but I'd advise that you don't go after him, you know what happened to those who tried" she said. She didn't need to tell me twice, for someone trying to avoid danger, Alessio was the last person I wanted to mess with.

"That's nice and all but none of them will accept an interview with me and most of them have filed a restriction order against me" I replied with a sad sigh, Sadie rolled her eyes at me as if she didn't expect me to say that.

 "You know how to get information about people like that without being attacked" she replied causing me to glare at her, she knew that I was terrified to do that again, it took a leap of faith to even want to interview them and she was asking me to secretly stalk them.

"I'll take that as my clue to leave," she said and quickly left before I had the opportunity to say anything. 

I loved Sadie very much but sometimes she can be a lot, I got up and grabbed my bag ready to leave as it was already closing time. "I'll continue at home," I said to myself, but for some reason, the name Alessio D'Amelio didn't leave my mind.

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