Chapter 2

“Hello,” Luke drawled and took off his sunglasses.

Isabelle swallowed when he saw him in such a close range. He was so tall. The word good-looking was too subtle to describe him. He exuded not only charm and very good looks. She knew how her friend would describe him now that he is in front of them. This man had a face and body that would make your own body tingle. He was sporting a stubble and this near, she could see how beautiful his eyes were. She hadn’t had any boyfriend yet but she felt something in her body reacted just by looking at his toned abs and chest.

Luke on the other hand almost cursed when he saw how gorgeous Isabelle was. She had a very lovely face. Her skin was flawless. Her straight black hair which went below her shoulders suited her. She had a svelte figure. Her breasts were not too big nor too small. He could use the adjective perfect to describe their size and shape.

“H-Hi,” Joyce almost stammered as she stared at Luke who was looking at Isabelle.

“How are you, ladies?” he asked. He tore his gaze from her to look at Joyce. He offered his hand. “I am Luke Contrero.”

Her friend got his hand as if in trance because she couldn’t seem to take her eyes off while she had her eyes on his neck. She didn’t seem to have the courage to look at his eyes or face. The way his eyes touched her face and body was creating some strange feelings inside her. Their eyes meeting for a few seconds was enough for her. She couldn’t exactly describe how she felt now that the man they were just talking about was in front of them.

“I’m Joyce and this is my friend Isabelle.”

“Nice to meet you Joyce and…Isabelle…” he said her name in a way that sent electricity in her body.

“Issa…” Joyce called her because she wasn’t looking at Luke.

She had no choice but to raise her eyes. She almost bit the inside of her bottom lip when she saw him narrow his eyes. She had no idea that Luke felt his pipe cleaner throbbed because the mere sight of her body was enough to make his meat thermometer want to explode. He had a sudden feeling of taking out his considerable thing from its confinement because his briefs were suffocating it. But she regretted looking at his eyes because now she had a sudden desire to slap him. She didn’t like the way he was staring at her like he wanted to do something sexual with her. From her eyes, his stare went down to her nose, lips, neck and then down her breasts. She wanted to cover them but of course she didn’t. She didn’t want him to see what effect he had on her. He extended his arm for a handshake but she stood up from the beach chair then left.


They were inside Joyce’s car.

“What you did back there was so unbelievable Issa! You ignored the Luke Contrero!” Joyce said with disbelief which she felt was so dramatic.

She wanted to laugh but she controlled herself. She knew her friend so well. She was sensitive and for sure she would get upset with her and won’t talk to her for a few days.

“I didn’t like how he was looking at me. He was undressing me with his eyes!”

Joyce shook her head in disapproval while driving. “For heaven’s sake Issa! You are overreacting! You should be flattered! He likes you! Many women would want to be in your shoes! We are talking of a very hot billionaire here! Stop being an old hat! You are wasting your beauty and sexiness if you act and think like a spinster!” she clucked.

She chose not to make a comment. She would never win against her best friend anyway. It was a fact that they were different in many ways. From status in life, beliefs, mindset and fashion but strangely they became friends. Joyce’s parents were cool and not as strict as her grandmother who raised her. Her grandma always told her not to let men take advantage of her. And besides, she didn’t have any interest in any of them. One more year and she would graduate already. She didn’t want to disappoint her grandma.


Luke and Reed were in the mini bar of the resort’s hotel. The former didn’t like drinking alcohol but this time he felt he needed some booze because he was pissed.

“I can’t believe that a woman walked out on you. That’s a first, cousin!” Reed said with a chuckle.

Luke drank some of his bourbon and didn’t say anything. Isabelle’s lovely face never left his mind.

“I have to say that she is beautiful but obviously she is definitely different from the women you date and bed. She has a certain innocence which makes her more attractive. Are you tired of the women who are always ready to hop in your bed?” Reed asked but still no reaction from him. “Just a word of advice, cuzz, please don’t add her to your collection. I feel sorry for her. Don’t ruin the poor woman’s future,” this was said with a grin.

His forehead creased and he looked at his cousin. “I don’t remember asking your opinion about what I want to do with Isabelle,” he said sardonically but Reed just chuckled.

Facts about Luke Contrero: A self-made billionaire. Had a face and body that would melt any woman’s heart and make their panties wet. Physically fit. A health buff. Generous. High-handed. Liked beautiful women and expensive cars (in that order). Considered having sex as the best way to relieve stress. One fucking machine. Never fucked a woman without protection. Didn’t bed the same woman for more than three times. Had no scruples when it came to getting what he wanted. And at this point, he badly wanted Isabelle.

For sure Reed knew it. They were more like brothers. He knew him so well.

“Call Cortez. I want to know everything about Isabelle,” he ordered.

Reed nodded. He felt that his playboy cousin was really attracted to the innocent but lovely woman. It was the first time that Luke wanted a woman to be investigated. But what Luke said next, surprised him more.

“Clear my schedule for one week. Let’s stay here for a while. I take back what I said. I have to agree with you. Sta. Teresita is a place worth investing in,” he said as he swirled his bourbon in the glass.


“Joyce is polite and nice but I don’t like the way she dresses and the way she acts sometimes. I let you hang out with her because she is a good friend to you but Isabelle, please don’t be like her okay?” Salome told Isabelle as they were about to sleep. They slept in the same room. Her grandmother was on the bed while Isabelle was on a mattress next to the small bed.

“Don’t worry grandma, I won’t.”

“If your father didn’t abandon you, your life would definitely be much better. I am sorry that we live in such a condition Isabelle. You are the only one who can help yourself have a good future and that is my only wish for you. I know that Joyce’s brother is wooing you but I hope you won’t agree to become his girlfriend and just concentrate on your studies. As much as possible, don’t depend on any man to have a good life. You are very beautiful and a lot of men will be attracted to you but steer clear of them. They will just prevent you from achieving your dreams. Show that father of yours that you can become successful even without any help from him!”

She just mumbled a yes as she closed her eyes because sleep was taking over.


The next morning…

“Eat breakfast before you go to the university,” her grandmother said as she was sewing a uniform for their neighbor’s daughter.

“I have time to weed the garden grandma. And after you finish that uniform, I can drop by Mary’s house to hand it to her and get the payment,” she offered and her grandma just nodded.

She had been weeding for a few minutes when she saw two vehicles stopped in front of their small house. One was a black pick-up truck and behind it was a red sports car. A tall man wearing dark glasses got off the truck. He looked around and then nodded at the red car. She gaped when Luke came out of the sports car. He was in a gray shirt and black jeans which she was sure were expensive garments. He was beaming as he walked to her.

“Isabelle…” he called her in a husky voice which caused her to have goosebumps.

“What are you doing here?” she asked, sounding panicky. Her grandmother could come out of the small house anytime and would see him.

Walking behind him was his bodyguard who was now holding a bouquet of flowers and a basket of fruits. He handed the flowers to Luke.

“I came here to woo you,” Luke drawled and her eyes widened.

“Isabelle? Who is that?” came her grandmother’s voice.

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