Chapter 3

“Go away! You can’t be here!” Isabelle said, sounding panicky.

Luke’s forehead creased. Yesterday she walked out on him and now she was shooing him away.

WHAT THE HELL? He angrily asked himself.

He forced his hired investigator to give him information about Isabelle as soon as possible because he believed that time was money so he didn’t want to waste much. He found out that she was living with her grandmother since she lost her mother at a very young age. Her father was Swiss, who unfortunately, she hadn’t seen since birth. She was taking a tourism course in a university and she was in her third year. She was nine years younger than him. So far she was the youngest woman he had been interested to bed. Even in a simple mint green top and a black skirt that went below her knees, she looked lovely. He was six feet and one inch tall and the top of her head reached his chin. She was tall and slim which was perfect. He was positive that she was conservative since she was raised by her grandmother. From what he had seen of her reaction to him yesterday and today, he was sure that unless he wooed her, she wouldn’t hop in bed with him. Courting a woman was not his thing but she was going to be worth it. He would befriend her grandmother and the rest would be easy.

“I said go away please!” she begged but he just grinned because she looked even more beautiful though her face was a bit red from probably anger. She looked helplessly at him. She felt that he had no plan of leaving. “Stay here! Don’t you dare move!” she angrily commanded before quickly going back to the house before her grandmother came out. She was just in time because. Her grandmother was close to the door and was about to go out.

“I heard you were talking to someone. Who is out there?”

“No one grandma! It was a passer-by asking for directions. Where is the uniform grandma? I will bring it to Mary now,” she said so she won’t get out of the house anymore.

Her grandma Salome mustn’t see Luke or she would be in trouble. She quickly got the paper bag which was handed to her and gave her a peck on the cheek before saying goodbye.

Luke was leaning on his car while waiting for her. His bodyguard was a few meters from him and was roaming his eyes around. Isabelle was thankful that her grandmother’s house was a bit far from other houses. She didn’t want their neighbors to see him and spread gossip about them. He had a smile on his lips as he watched her. She walked past him with the paper bag in her hand.

“Hey wait up!” he held her arm while a sexy grin was on his lips.

“Get your hand off me!” she tried to pull her arm away and looked back at the small house with a worried expression.

“You left me yesterday and now you are walking out on me again? I went out of my way to come here just to see you.”

Her eyes narrowed. “I didn’t tell you to come here! Will you just leave before my grandmother sees you?”

Luke beamed. Obviously Isabelle was afraid of her grandmother.

I can use that to my advantage. He thought.

“I am not leaving until you talk to me. Come, I will take you to your destination.”

“No need! It’s just on the next corner!” she hissed.

He then straightened and let go of her arm. He crossed his arms on his chest and leaned on his car again. “If you don’t get in, I will honk so your grandmother will come out,” he threatened.

That got her. She paled. “You swine!” she said through clenched teeth.

This time she didn’t protest when he took hold of her elbow and led her to the shotgun seat. His bodyguard opened the door and Luke helped her get in.

After closing the door, he told Luis in a firm tone, “You can go back to the resort.”

Luis’s mouth opened but he closed it again after a second and just nodded.

“Next time I will open the door for her,” Luke added.

He didn’t want any other man to do things that he should do for Isabelle. His brows knitted. This feeling was new to him. He shook his head as if to clear his mind.


[In the car]

Isabelle was annoyed but at the same time she was feeling something else. Luke was unlike any man she had ever met even compared to Brett. She didn’t know if that was good or not. Though she didn’t want to have a relationship with Brett, she never snapped at him because he was a gentleman aside from the fact that he was her best friend’s brother of course. Luke Contrero was another story. He wasn’t an ordinary man. He was used to getting his way. She couldn’t imagine her grandma’s reaction once she saw him. When he slid in, she almost caught her breath. He smelled so nice. She was sure that he was wearing a very expensive cologne for men. She sighed and turned her head. She’d rather stare outside the window than look at him. He had a sinfully good-looking face that could cloud her right mind. If she knew what was good for her, she should stay away from him.

Luke’s lips twitched. Isabelle looked uncomfortable. It was another first for him to meet a woman who seemed to always want to run from him. Usually it was the other way around. Women came to him willingly. This lovely woman definitely was very different. She was a breath of fresh air.

“Relax my Isabelle…I won’t bite,” he joked before starting the car.

“I am not your Isabelle!” she said angrily and he just smirked. “This is not the right way! I told you I am going to the other corner!”

He glanced at her with a certain glint in his eyes. “I haven’t had breakfast yet. There’s a coffee shop near the resort. Let’s eat there,” he suggested in a calm voice.

“I don’t want to go with you!”

He just continued driving and ignored her answer. “We’ll just eat my Isabelle. No need for you to panic. I am not a bad person. I won’t do you any harm.”

“Mr. Contrero…”

“Luke. It’s just Luke for you my Isabelle…”

She looked at him angrily. “Stop the car! I want to go out now!”

He almost cursed. He was beginning to lose his patience. He wasn’t used to women saying no to him. He gripped the wheel then turned right to park the car. It had just stopped when Isabelle moved as if she was about to get out of the vehicle. He took hold of her arm.

“Let me go!” she demanded in an irritated voice while she was eyeing his hand on her arm.

He was frowning heavily which made Isabelle feel a bit afraid. “What is your problem Isabelle? I just want to talk to you but you have been avoiding me like I have an infectious disease!” he said in a very cold voice.

“I don’t know why you are doing this. If you are bored please don’t make me a diversion. I have to go, Mr. Contrero. My class will start in less than an hour. Please let me go,” she pleaded in a low voice and his eyes lost their steeliness.

“It must be pretty obvious why I am doing this my Isabelle. You want me to spell it out or you want me to show you why?” he asked while his eyes were never leaving her face.

He gritted his teeth before a curse word came out his mouth. His manhood hardened. Maybe his body was reacting like this because he hadn’t had sex for a few days. She probably just used an inexpensive body mist unlike his usual women, he found her scent more arousing. And the feel of her skin against his palm was surprisingly very smooth. She was more beautiful this close.

“I am not interested. I am getting off now,” Isabelle stopped her voice from trembling.

She felt uncomfortable being this close to him. She was praying that he couldn’t hear her heart thumping. Their faces were inches apart. She wanted to put a distance between them but he wouldn’t let her. “Please Mr. Contrero…hmp!”

She couldn’t finish what she was saying because Luke kissed her. He held her nape and pulled her closer to him as his mouth assaulted hers. His action took her by surprise so she wasn’t able to react immediately. Like a thirsty man, Luke drank his fill. He moaned. Isabelle had the sweetest mouth. She had one of her hands on his chest and was pushing it. She even started hitting his arm with her other fist.

“Mmpph!” she protested.

He wasn’t planning to stop but someone was tapping on the window. With a groan, he released her lips to check who it was. Two very young boys who looked like beggars were outside. Isabelle grabbed the chance to get away from him. She pushed him away from her.

“Babe…” he loosened his hold.

He was taken by surprise when she slapped him and quickly got out of the car and ran.

“Shit!” he cursed as he hastily got off too to go after her.

“Isabelle!” he called her but the two children asking for money blocked his way. He cursed again because Isabelle was already gone.

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