Chapter 2. Crazy Infatuation

Emily blinked a few times and bowed her head to consider, surprised that she was still holding onto his left hand! What happened? Why didn't she feel it at all? 

"Yes, yes, sorry!" Emily quickly let go, her face too hot, embarrassed! How could Emily be so shy? 

It seems that Wolfgang didn't mind. After he paid, he took the meat from the supermarket and paid the delivery person to take it away. 

Then he turned around and smiled at her, and Emily felt shocked electricity, hearing him say: "Let's go eat. What do you want to eat?" 

"I'll eat anything!" Emily kept talking to herself, a little shy and nervous, but facing the ideal man in her heart, she really couldn't be shy! 

"Okay... Can we eat hot pot? When I came here, I saw a hot pot restaurant." 

Emily nodded: "Okay, okay!" 

So Wolfgang led Emily, who was still lost in thought, forward. On this street, many people were walking, but relatively chaotic. When the two of them passed through an alley, a large white dog with shiny fur suddenly rushed out, its whole body white as snow and beautiful. Just by looking at it, could tell that it was meticulously raised. It looked at Emily's back for a moment, its eyes tense, and quickly ran towards her. Just as it approached her from behind, the dog suddenly stopped. 

As the man beside Emily suddenly turned his head to look at it, he made a soft noise. In an instant, his eye color turned red like blood, making the dog stunned, obediently turning his head and leaving. Emily felt strange behind her and turned to take a peek, but she couldn't see anything. She scratched her head and asked Wolfgang: "Is it going to rain? Did you feel a gust of wind behind us just now?" 

Wolfgang laughed at her, and by then, his eye color had returned to normal: "You're mistaken. Let's go, and the hot pot restaurant is up ahead." 

"Okay!" Emily didn't doubt anything and immediately followed Wolfgang into the hot pot restaurant. 

The two sat down by the low window in the restaurant. Wolfgang handed the menu to Emily: "Order whatever you want." 

Emily was very hungry after waiting for him at the supermarket for so long. However, she remembered the elegant action of the lady, so she only glanced at a few things and then handed the menu back to Wolfgang: "Anything is fine for me. You choose." 

"Okay." Wolfgang nodded, then said: "By the way, Miss Emily, I have something important to tell you before we eat." 

Emily recalled the terrible experiences of her previous matchmaking, and her heart became anxious. What does he want to say? Does he want to say: 'Actually, I don't have feelings for you, but it's polite to invite you to dinner.' or 'I don't have feelings for you, so let's split the bill'? 

She didn't want either option! 

Wolfgang seemed a little embarrassed, and after a moment of silence, he said: "I eat a lot of meat, so I hope I won't intimidate you later." 

Emily breathed a sigh of relief: "No... no problem at all. Eating a lot is good. I won't be scared. I also eat a lot! I can finish several packs of snacks every day!" 

Wolfgang laughed, and warmth spread from his eyes, eyebrows, and eye tail. He nodded: "That's good. I'll start ordering food." 

This smile quickly made Emily's heart flutter, and she nodded absent-mindedly: "Okay, you can order whatever you want." 

So she watched Wolfgang alone eat 20 servings of beef, ten servings of smoked ham hock, and ten servings of fish balls. 

After handing the menu to the waiter, Wolfgang turned around and saw Emily's shocked expression, causing him to grin: "See, I told you I would scare you." 

. . . Not only was she startled, but the other servers were also incredibly frightened! He didn't see when one of the staff almost tripped and fell as they walked away! 

Inside, Emily was screaming, but she tried to maintain a calm demeanor on her face: "No... No, I'm just a little worried. With so many dishes, can you finish them all?" 

"I can, trust me." Wolfgang replied reassuringly. 

Finally, those words seemed to become a kind of spell, calming Emily's shock and worry. At this moment, many images flashed before her eyes: she and Wolfgang together, her worrying that someone else might steal him away. Or him gently rubbing her head and saying 'Trust me'; or them getting married, her being scared of marriage, him putting a ring on her finger and saying 'Trust me'; or them having a child-- 

She snapped out of it! How did she even think of having a child? Emily immediately returned to reality and stopped her daydreaming. 

Emily's face turned red with embarrassment, and she quickly used her glass of water to cover her face. 

"What's wrong?" Wolfgang asked, concerned but polite. 

"Nothing... Nothing at all." Emily cooled her face with the glass, then sat up straight again. She bit her lip and carefully asked: "Oh... First of all... The first question is, when did you start dating?" 

"Tonight." Wolfgang replied. 

In other words, she was his first date...! Emily's heart was pounding, so she asked again: "Then... Why did you want to come here for our date?" 

"My family forced me to." 

Emily felt like she was falling into a bottomless pit. Why would he answer so bluntly like that? A little tactfulness wouldn't hurt! By saying that, wasn't he proving that she didn't have any attraction to him? He was only here to deal with the situation today, right? 

If she had changed earlier, Emily would have been afraid to speak out the words that this man in front of her was a complete jerk, but... But when she looked at his face, Emily couldn't muster the determination! 

Wolfgang silently observed the girl's attitude in front of him. Although she tried to suppress her feelings, his extraordinary perception allowed him to keep every subtle change in her expression. When his vision surpassed that of an ordinary person, in Emily's eyes, he looked like an adorable little squirrel bouncing back and forth. 

He couldn't help but smirk and add: "But I also want to find someone to marry. Someone who has wasted decades always feels a bit lonely." 

Indeed, Emily's spirits were lifted once again, and she widened her eyes: "So... You didn't love anyone before? You're so handsome. Didn't any girls pursue you?" 

"There were a few. But, as far as I was concerned, I wasn't suitable, so I still haven't found anyone." 

Emily felt these words were a bit strange, but before she could think deeply, she heard Wolfgang continue: "Thank you for calling me handsome." 

Emily's small face blushed brighter than a pot of chili: "You... You are very handsome, and I'm just stating the truth." 

Wolfgang smirked, his handsome face blurred with a hint of peculiarity: "You are also lovely." 

Emily covered her face: "No, don't say that. I'll be embarrassed." 

She looked down at her glass and saw her shadow, suddenly realizing she had dark circles under her eyes. She wanted to scream. Why didn't she listen to her mother and put on makeup before leaving the house today? 

Emily wanted to hide her face behind the glass again. 

"Don't hide." Seeing through Emily's embarrassment, Wolfgang said in a low voice: "In my eyes, you're magnificent. You don't have to feel embarrassed or afraid to admit it." 

Emily felt warm inside and nodded: "Yeah... Thank you." 

"The food is here." Wolfgang laughed: "Let's eat." 

According to him, two waiters lifted the tray and placed the food they called on the table. Still, because Wolfgang called too much, the tray couldn't fit everything, so finally, the exceptional waiter came with a small cart and left the remaining meat there for them to take after eating. 

"Alright, it's fine." After Wolfgang politely spoke to the waiter, he turned to Emily and said: "It's boiling. Let's eat."

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