Chapter 4

Cassandra’s POV

I couldn’t shake the feeling that something was off. Gabriel had been acting even more strange around me lately, and it was making me uneasy. I tried to brush it off, telling myself that it was just my imagination, but the nagging feeling wouldn’t go away.

It all came to a peak during a pack gathering when Daniel and I were chatting by the fire. I felt Gabriel’s eyes on us, and when I turned to look at him, his expression was dark and intense.

A few minutes later, Gabriel came over and sat down next to me, his arm around my shoulder possessively. I tensed up, feeling trapped.

“Is everything okay?” I asked, trying to sound casual.

“Of course,” Gabriel replied, but there was a hint of irritation in his voice.

I felt like I was walking on eggshells around him, and it was exhausting. But I didn’t want to upset him any further, so I stayed silent.

The rest of the evening passed in a blur, and I couldn’t wait to escape to the safety of my room. As I crawled into bed, I couldn’t help but think about Gabriel’s behavior. Was he jealous of my friendship with Daniel? Or was there something else going on that I didn’t know about?

I knew I had to confront him, but I didn’t know how. I didn’t want to start a fight or make things worse between us.

The next day, I was on my way to the creek to gather water when Gabriel called me.

“Cassandra, we need to talk,” he said, his voice grave.

“Okay,” I said tentatively, wondering what was on his mind.

He led me to a secluded spot in the woods and turned to face me.

“I don’t like the way you’re acting around Daniel,” he said, his voice low and menacing.

“What are you talking about?” I asked, confused.

“Don’t play dumb, Cassandra,” he snapped. “I see the way you look at him, the way you talk to him. You’re getting too close.”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” I protested, feeling my anger rise.

“Don’t lie to me,” he growled. “I can smell your desire for him. It sickens me.”

I recoiled at his words, feeling hurt and angry. How could he accuse me of something like that?

“I’m not interested in Daniel like that,” I said firmly.

“You expect me to believe that?” he scoffed. “You spend all your time with him, laughing and talking like you’re old friends. It’s not natural.”

“I can be friends with whoever I want,” I retorted, feeling my temper flare.

“Fine,” he said, his voice cold. “But just remember who your partner is.”

I felt more confused than ever. What was going on with him? And why was he acting so possessive and jealous?

I was about to walk away from Gabriel when he grabbed my arm and pulled me back. “You don’t need him, Cassandra. You have me. You’re mine,” he growled, his eyes blazing with possessiveness.

I wrenched my arm free from his grasp, feeling a surge of anger and frustration. “I don’t belong to anyone, Gabriel. And I can talk to whoever I want.”

Gabriel’s expression softened as he took a step closer to me. “I know, I just…I can’t help it. I love you so much, and the thought of losing you to someone else…”

I sighed, feeling torn. Part of me wanted to believe him and give in to his affections, but another part of me was tired of feeling controlled and suffocated.

“I need some space, Gabriel. I need to think things through,” I said firmly, stepping away from him.

He nodded, his eyes downcast. “I understand. I’ll give you the time you need, but please know that I love you, and I only want what’s best for you.”

I walked away from Gabriel, my heart heavy with conflicting emotions. As much as I loved him, I couldn’t ignore the way he was making me feel. I needed to figure out what I wanted and who I wanted to be with.

When I returned to the Abode, I sought out Daniel. I needed to talk to him about everything that had been going on.

“Hey, Cassandra. Is everything okay?” he asked, sensing my unease.

I shook my head, feeling tears prick at the corners of my eyes. “No, it’s not. Gabriel’s been acting strange lately, and I don’t know what to do.”

Daniel put a comforting arm around my shoulder. “Tell me what’s been going on.”

I explained everything to him. He listened attentively, his expression thoughtful.

“I can’t tell you what to do, Cassandra. But I can tell you that you deserve to be with someone who respects you and trusts you,” he said gently.

I leaned into his embrace, feeling safe and understood. “Thank you, Daniel. I don’t know what I’d do without you.”

We stayed like that for a few moments until I realized how close we were standing. I could feel his body heat and the steady beat of his heart. I looked up at him, and our eyes met. At that moment, I realized something that both thrilled and scared me.

I was falling for Daniel.

But how could that be possible? I pushed the thought aside and focused on the present, on the way Daniel was looking at me with concern and tenderness.

“I…I think I need some time alone to sort things out,” I said, stepping away from him.

“Of course, Cassandra. Take all the time you need,” he said, his voice filled with understanding.

I gave him a small smile and turned to leave, feeling conflicted and confused. My heart was torn between two men, and I didn’t know how to choose between them.

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