Chapter 2

Serene’s POV

I stopped in my daze when I heard the door open carelessly. Rising from my seat, I wiped away the tears that had been flowing down my cheeks.

I smiled the moment I saw him. He returned to me; he was still mine. However, my smile vanished as quickly as it appeared when I realized he was very drunk.

I approached him and offered my support. “Let me help you,” I said, holding onto his arm to guide him to his room.

Surprisingly, he didn’t protest. He grabbed my waist, and I found myself facing his handsome face. Although I could read strange emotions in his green eyes, I couldn’t decipher what lay beneath them. The way he looked at me mirrored the love and longing he had shown before. I missed that. I missed him.

I was surprised by his actions, overwhelmed with joy. However, the joy I felt in this drunken moment was short-lived, and I was not myself.

“Serene,” he huskily whispered my name before burying his face in my neck.

My heart raced at his gesture. Why was he doing this? Was he trying to make me hope that this relationship could be saved? That he still loved me despite his infidelity?

Tears welled up in my eyes. He pulled away from our embrace and studied my face, not missing the tears.

“Why are you doing this, Theo?” I asked, desperate for an answer he didn’t provide.

Instead, he gazed into my eyes, filled with what? Regret? I couldn’t be sure.

I didn’t want to hope anymore because I knew I was the only one still fighting and loving in this relationship. He embraced me again, and I wanted to stay like this forever, if possible.

I looked up at him, biting my lip to suppress my sobs.

“I’m sorry,” he mumbled weakly, and I strained to hear his words.

“Why are you being so stubborn, Theo?” I asked.

“It’s already hard, Serene,” he smiled and whispered in my ear. My eyes widened, and before I could protest, he grabbed my waist and pressed a kiss on my lips.

I was taken aback, unable to process the softness of his lips on mine. Perhaps I should seize this opportunity to be with him now and figure the rest out later.

I slowly responded to his kisses, savoring the familiarity. I missed this. I longed to stay like this forever. The softness and tenderness of his kisses were intoxicating.

He lifted me in a bridal style, and before I knew it, we were on a soft bed. I watched as he began to undress. My cheeks reddened as I realized I was fooled by his playfulness, and I averted my gaze.

He chuckled, “Shy, hmm?” before kissing my lips. This time, I returned the intensity with love and respect.

I felt a hard object slowly rubbing against my entrance, and I couldn’t help but bite my lip. The pain was undeniable when it finally entered, as many months had passed since we had last been together.

“Sorry,” he whispered, and I felt like I was floating on a cloud from sheer happiness. He kissed my forehead, instantly alleviating the pain.

“Ohhhhh… T-Theo,” I couldn’t help but moan loudly as he moved quickly. We reached our climax together, and he planted his seeds in my womb.

I lay on his chest while he slept soundly. I couldn’t stop gazing at his handsome face. I began to believe that there might still be hope to save this relationship.

I smiled and whispered, “I love you,” though I knew he wouldn’t hear it, already lost to slumber, maybe because of exhaustion and drunkenness.

I kissed his forehead and rested my head against his strong chest. This felt like home. I pushed aside the painful memories as if they had just happened yesterday. I became consumed by the delightful sensations we had shared that night. It felt like we had made love with genuine affection. I held onto the hope that everything would be okay tomorrow, that he wouldn’t leave me. I clung to the belief that there was still a chance that he still loved me because of how he made me feel. I hoped with all my heart.

I let out a soft sigh and embraced the man beside me, happily drifting off to sleep.


I opened my eyes and reached for my husband, who was no longer there by my side.

“You’re awake,” he said coldly, looking at me from the veranda where he was sitting, smoking. His polo shirt was slightly unbuttoned, revealing his muscular body.

“Done checking me?” he smirked, making me blush. It was embarrassing, but I reminded myself that I was his wife, and I couldn’t help but smile, remembering what had happened the previous night.

“G-good morning,” I whispered softly.

He simply stared at me, his face much colder than the previous night. I couldn’t help but wonder about the change in his attitude. His gaze was no longer filled with love and appreciation.

“Get out of my room,” he said abruptly.

I was stunned by his words. What did he mean? Didn’t he cherish the happy memories we had created together last night? I swallowed my confusion and lowered my head, too weak to meet his cold gaze.

“But—” I started to speak, but he cut me off.

“Maybe you think I still have some love left because of what I made you feel last night?” he said, laughing.

I sat up on the bed and looked up at him=. Was there truly nothing left in him? Was he intentionally giving me hope that our relationship could be saved? Why did it hurt so much to love Theo? Why did he always seem to want to hurt me? I forced a bitter smile.

“I have a mistress; I know you already know it, and she’s pregnant,” he confessed.

I stared at him in shock, tears immediately welling up in my eyes. My brain struggled to process his revelation.

“N-no…” I stammered, tears streaming down my face. It couldn’t be true. He had to be joking, right? He couldn’t possibly have someone else. But there it was, coming from his own mouth, the painful truth that there was someone else, and to make matters worse, she was pregnant.

I laughed bitterly at myself. Why did I allow myself to hope? Serene, you’re such a fool.

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