Chapter 2

Five years later.

The cool breeze. It’s nice to live in the province when you don’t encounter any problems. The one who is far away from everything, from pain, hatred, and sorrow, and especially from trouble.

When I felt the strong wind, I closed my eyes as if I could feel Dominic’s hug.

“For the rest of my life, I will love you.”

I opened my eyes as if I heard his voice, and the tears that had held in my five years of hiding flowed once again.

Why am I still in pain? Why am I still hoping Dominic will find me and tell me what happened? And Why do I still care about him? I’ve been gone for five years since I left. And I haven’t heard from my family in five years, but I know they’ve been looking for me.

They have plenty of connections, and it’s easy for them to find me, but because I’m a Knight, I’ve already gone through everything they could go through just to find me.

I blocked their connections thanks to my close friend, Claire Perkins. She’s my only best friend, and I put my trust in her. She is the only one who is aware of my whereabouts, and Claire is a hacker. So, they could not locate me or one of my cousins. They couldn’t also track my bank account because I changed my name on my credit cards.

I am as clever as they are, and I will not become a Knight for nothing. I didn’t waste my years of training, either. Not only that, but I also wanted to walk away, not because of the pain, but because I wished to live a quiet life with my children, which is why I kept fighting.


I smiled at the small arm that was hugging my waist. I ruined their hair.

Yes, my children are twins. There is one girl and one boy. I was about to lose them when I passed out the day I left our house, and I could call Claire before I passed out.

I just woke up at the Perkins’ rest house, where she said everything in my womb was fine.

Furthermore, I’m having some difficulty conceiving because Claire only stayed here once. I didn’t even hire a maid for fear that the truth about what happened to me would be reported to my family.

It’s hard for me to sleep at night and during the day, and it’s hard for me to cook what I want, but despite my difficulties, I could do it for the child I was carrying. As my womb grew, it became more difficult for me to be alone; I considered calling my family because I couldn’t take it any longer, but I resisted because I would rather not bother them.

Claire could travel until the day of my due date, which was fortunate. I struggled at first, but with Claire’s help, I gave birth, which almost killed me.

For my children’s survival, I endure everything. I endured hardships because I was the one who wanted it. I want this, so I’ll stand by it.

I will protect my children for as long as I live. I will keep them out of trouble as much as possible and will not allow others to harm them.

I started a small business while we were in the province because I would rather not rely solely on Claire. She is a great help to me, and I prefer to stand on my feet. Because from now, I’m no longer thinking about myself, but about the two most important people in my life. My kids.

“You always cry, Mommy!” exclaimed my princess. Dominica Carrie Knight Stone is her name.

I continued to use Dominic’s last name with them because he was still their father,

“Yeah, mommy, always!” said my son.

He resembles his father. Dominican Agustin Knight Stone is his name.

They are only five years old, but they have the look of grown-ups. When I felt their hug, all I could do was smile.

“Those are tears of joy, my children because you came into my life.” I hugged them.

Thank you for coming so that I could continue with my life. Because if you hadn’t, I might have given up on my hardships and struggles.

And I also know that there will come a time when I will forget the past and focus solely on the future.


“What’s your plan?” asked Claire. I inhaled deeply.

I honestly don’t have a plan yet. Not only that, but I have no plans to go back because I’m not sure what I’ll look like after running away for five years.

They probably stopped looking for me because they knew I wouldn’t show up for them. But I know my cousins won’t stop looking for me until they find me.

“Did you know someone was watching me? Gosh!” said Claire, as I was taken aback. “I don’t know how I’m going to get past them because they’re blocking everything. Your cousins will not stop until you show up.” Claire sighed and sat beside me, holding my hand.

“Your mommy almost knelt down to me just to get me to tell where you were, but I said nothing because I knew you weren’t ready yet,” she said.

I turned away from her, trying not to show my emotion. It’s also tough for me not to call mom when I need advice. But I also ignored her, even though I knew she was the one who was worried about me.

I’m sorry, Mom. I’m not quite ready yet.

“Your sister has been feeling like the queen since you left. TSK, she assumed she’s the one who was following in the chairman’s footsteps.”

I couldn’t say anything when I turned to face her.

“She pretended to support you, but she actually stole your husband! It wouldn’t be fine for me if you just let it go!” She yelled, and I was surprised that she was even angrier than me. “I’ll drag her to the ground as soon as we get back to Manila! Dominic intends to marry the witch because she is still begging for them!”

My eyes widened as she said something. Are they planning to get married? Will they marry each other because of the sin they committed? I laughed but still cried because I couldn’t believe they were going to marry despite what they had done.

Dominic didn’t look for me because they were getting married. “F-ck.”

Claire was taken aback by what I said, but she laughed while I averted my gaze and clenched my fists.

“Yes, my best friend. They’ll get married because your husband got your sister pregnant, right? And the Knights will celebrate,” said Claire.

I was taken aback and just smirked. Sophia seems to get everything she wants.

I know who she is. I know, Sophia Vivian Knight. She knows how to manipulate people, and everything she desires must be followed through.

My fists are tight. Sophia, you did well. You must be relieved that I am no longer in your path.


I blinked and looked at my children waving at me, smiling but sad for them.

What if one day they wonder why they can’t be with their father? What am I going to do? I can’t keep my secrets any longer.

I don’t want my children to be hurt; it doesn’t matter if I am hurt; just don’t let them be hurt because it hurts me to see my children in pain or struggling.

“Scarlet, what are your plans? Decide now whether you’ll go back or stay here,” she said, and stood up. “You still have a responsibility to fulfill. You cannot hide forever. Consider what I said to you carefully.” She smiled at me and patted my shoulder.

She turned to face me again before she left in front of me. “I will be there for you regardless of your decision.”

I just smiled and nodded at Claire before watching her come over to play with my kids.

I simply closed my eyes and felt the breeze.

Am I ready to come back? Am I ready to confront them? Would it be possible for me to forget everything? Or am I ready to face everything?

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