Chapter 2. Bill

My head shook from side to side as I walked from corner to corner in the small room. Things were turning downhill for me. I had never imagined this would be my state at the age of 23.

Zero dollars, negative even. My bank account was a huge slap in the face.

Even worse, the small house that I shared with my best friend was at risk. It was where we lived and ran our small business.

“How did this even happen?” I sobbed to Alyssa, who was lying on the sofa.

“I have no idea,” she said, picking up her notebook and continuing.

“My father’s family friend informed me that someone offered him a price he couldn’t refuse.”

“But you guys are like family.”

“He practically sold you.”

A sigh escaped Alyssa’s lips.

“I don’t think he thought the new owner would increase the rent drastically.”

“How are we going to raise such an amount of money to pay monthly?”

“I have no idea either,” Alyssa cried.

“Business is not moving either.”

I slowly dropped to the floor, leaning my back on the wall. I had big dreams. I thought I was getting closer to them, but I seemed to be drifting far away.

My phone vibrated, snapping me out of my thoughts. It was a text from my mother.

“Come down to the house now; we have some problems.”

The text message pierced my heart. My body trembled as my mind imagined what kind of news my ears were going to be exposed to soon. I jumped to my feet and grabbed my bag. I let out a deep sigh and dashed down to the house. It was down the street.

As my legs stepped onto the porch, everywhere was unusually quiet. My belly began to ache, telling me that something was truly wrong. Ominous thoughts squirmed at the back of my mind. I pushed the door open, and my eyes fell on my mother, who was sitting on the floor with her back leaning against the wall. She looked lost.

She continued to stare into the air with no expression on her face. Tears were rolling down her cheeks. I had never seen her this way since my father had left her for a younger woman.

I rushed over to her and wiped her tears with my fingers.

“Mom, what’s wrong?”

She said nothing. Her head turned slowly in my direction; then her lips began to part.

“I am a loser,” she said with no expression on her face.

My face fell, trying to understand what was going on. My eyes landed on a piece of paper in her hand, and I took a glance at it.

The landlord has increased the rent.

“An additional two thousand?!” I yelled. My body flung to the floor; then my fingers ran through my brown, curly hair. I could not place what was happening. It started with the house, and now it’s the house where my mother had managed to stay.

“A week was what we were given.”

I squeezed the paper and threw it to the side. Tears began to build up in my eyes, but I blinked them back. I had to be strong.

I leaned in closer to my mother and placed my arms around her.

“It’s going to be okay. I will find a solution.”

“Two thousand…”

“Don’t worry. I’ll find a way.” I got up and grabbed the paper again. I straightened it up and looked at the address.

I tossed the paper in my bag and began to storm outside. I halted a taxi and got in.

Some minutes later, I alighted in front of a magnificently tall building. It looked like a company. It’s no surprise that the rent was raised so dramatically. I tried to comport myself and save my anger for the landlord, but I couldn’t.

I stormed in toward the receptionist and smacked my hand on the table, catching her attention.

“I would like to see the owner of this establishment.”

Her eyes ran through my body with a blank expression on her face.

“Do you have an appointment?”

“No, I don’t.”

“You need an appointment to see the owner.”

“Then book one for me.”

Her eyebrows rose as she stood up from her seat.

“That’s not how it works, ma’am.” 

I let out a sigh and leaned in closer to her.

“Look, I have to see him. It’s very urgent. Just call him or something.”


“If you don’t, people will die, and do you want to live with the thought of you being the cause of a premature death?”

A man walked over to us with some files in his hands.

“What is happening?” 

I dashed my head in his direction and smacked my hand on the table again.

“I need to see the owner; it is very urgent.” 

His eyes stared deeply into mine like he was trying to read my heart.

“Come with me.”

I followed him from behind, and he led me to a room.

“Wait here.”

A few minutes later, he appeared again.

“You can go in.”

“Thank you so much!” I yelled as I stormed into the office.

My eyes went straight to the work table. The office chair was turned around, and the sound of a pen clicking filled the room.

“Excuse me,” I began. “I believe you are the landlord of my house. I am here to file a complaint.”

I paused, waiting for a response, but got none.

“How could you increase the rent that much? Even worse, give us just a week to pay? Are you even human? According to the law, we should be given at least two months’ notice.”

I paused again; still nothing. My face fell, and rage filled me from within. I smacked my hand on the table and let out a loud groan.

“I demand answers!” I hissed.

The clicking sound of the pen stopped. The chair began to turn around slowly until a familiar face was visible. My face fell more at the sight of his face.

“You?!” I yelled.

A smirk was plastered on his lips, and then he dropped the pen hard on the table.

“See who decided to pay me a visit.”

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