Chapter 3

Tommy’s POV

It was true that I had never dated a girl as beautiful as Sandy in my life, and even though she was really too skinny without any curves, I still considered her beautiful. I still considered her as my own.

I was thinking of Sandy when I heard a knock on the door. When I opened the door and saw Judy looking at me, I was surprised at first because I wasn’t really expecting her.

But still, the feeling to fuck Judy was strong in me even though she was firm on rejecting the advances I made.

“Will you allow me to come in? Or will you continue staring at me?” Judy asked.

I invited Judy in. She was dressed very sexy, and I couldn’t help but grab her waist and ask her what she wanted. Judy didn’t push me away as I feared. Instead, she hugged me aggressively, saying that she heard I was her sister’s mate.

“That is total bullshit!” I denied. “You know that you are the one I have my eyes on, Judy. Don’t spoil the mood.”

“I won’t spoil the mood,” Judy informed me with a smile on her face. “But for us to be on the same page, you have to choose between me and Sandy.”

“You know my answer, my sweet Judy!” I laughed loudly. “I will definitely choose you!”

“Swear to me that I am your one and only choice!”

“I swear to you, Judy,” I said. “You are my one and only choice.”

Judy let me caress her body while saying that I only liked her and not Sandy because Sandy did not have a better body than her.

I wanted to pull Judy to the bedroom so that I could fuck her, but my small attempt to do so made Judy’s phone fall down on the floor.

“Relax,” Judy said, smiling. “I will be back before you know it. Just wait for me.”

As soon as Judy left, I paced around the room, my mind consumed by thoughts of Judy. Her image seemed to be etched into every corner of the space, reminding me of her beauty and grace. I found myself drawn to the window, gazing out at the bustling city below, wondering what was so important that had made her leave me.

The sound of a car horn jolted me back to reality, and I turned to face the empty armchair in the corner, wishing Judy was still here with me. I wondered what she was doing at that moment and if she was thinking of me as I was of her. My heart ached for her presence, and I longed to hold her in my arms once again.

Then, I stopped thinking about Judy as my mind drifted back to my mate, Sandy. I started thinking about Sandy’s skinny body and shape.

Suddenly, I felt a sharp pain, so painful that I couldn’t stand up. I didn’t understand where the pain had come from until my wolf was wailing in my head in pain. I realized that the pain had come because Sandy had rejected me.

I was so furious as I wondered why Sandy had suddenly rejected me because, deep down, I felt she had no single right to reject me.

As the pain grew stronger, I felt a sudden desire to go to Sandy right away to discuss the matter, but my decision was altered when my father requested my presence, saying that someone from the Blood Moon Pack was visiting and asked him to go along to receive them, so I had no choice but to obey my father.

On meeting the guy my father wanted me to meet, I heard the guy and members of the Blood Moon Pack say that they were here to find their pack’s bravest warrior.

They said that they had heard of the man. They said that the man was a cursed man, that all who were close to him died, and I wondered who was so unlucky to be the mate of the man that members of the Blood Moon Pack were so proud to speak poorly of.

I tried not to focus on the words of the members of the Blood Moon Pack because I felt it had nothing to do with me, and the only thing that I needed to be concerned about was my date with Judy in the evening, which could lead to me having sex with her.

By night, I was back in my room, waiting for Judy’s arrival. Just as I had expected, Judy came to me at night wearing a very beautiful gown. I started to undress her when she stopped me and told me that I had to help her with one thing before she would agree to sleep with me.

I was confused at this point as I wondered what Judy wanted me to do for her.

“Do you want money?” I asked, feeling unsure.

“No!” Judy rejected my offer.

“What is it then?”

Judy stood up from the bed and looked into my eyes. “Close your eyes and seal your lips, Tommy,” she instructed. “After you do that, I will tell you.”

I closed my eyes.

Suddenly, I felt a sharp pain in my neck, and before I could react, I fell to the ground, unconscious. When I woke up, I was tied to a chair, and Judy was standing in front of me, holding a knife in her hand.

“What the hell is going on, Judy?” I asked, trying to free myself from the ropes.

“You shouldn’t have chosen me over Sandy,” Judy replied with a cold expression on her face. “Now, you will pay for it with your life.”

I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. Judy was going to kill me because I chose her over Sandy?! It made no sense to me. I begged and pleaded with her, and just when I thought shit was getting serious, she laughed and said it was a joke.

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