Chapter 3. My Stepbrother

“I want you two to stop this fight, this is enough!”

“Claire, why you didn’t tell me before if this traitor will be your stepbrother?” Jake pointed his finger at Ethan.

“Hey stopped, I will never let you be with Claire!”

Suddenly, I heard the ringing, that’s the sign my mom’s wedding is about to start.

“We’d better get in right away, to attend our parents’ wedding ceremony.”

Finally, Ethan and Jake obeyed me, and they followed me to follow my mom’s wedding day.

I see my mom and Mason have said their vows, and they are officially married, and that automatically makes me become Ethan’s stepsister.

I looked at Ethan and Jake who kept looking at me looking nervous because they thought about all that was going to happen next.

From the look in Ethan’s eyes, I can see that there are many negative things but a charming and intoxicating mysterious aura from him and his gaze and smirk looks very strange.

Until it seems there is something he is hiding from me.

And I see Jake’s gaze opposite to Ethan, he kept gazing at me lovingly, so warm with full of love and affection that I never felt before, I am falling deeper every day for him.

“Claire? Would you do the romantic dance with me?” Jake getting closer to me.

“Yes, I would love to, Jake.”

I do the romantic dance with Jake and kept staring into him.

I see from the corner Ethan already sitting and looking so frustrated and jealous to see me do the romantic dance with Jake.

Jake got closer to me, and he whispered in my ears.

“Claire, please always be careful with Ethan.”

“I do Jake, and please control your emotions, I want to avoid ruining my mom’s happiest day.”

“I do, and please tell me anything that happened. You’re my Claire.”

I feel my heart beat faster and Jake hug me so tight.

I kept spending my time with Jake until my mom’s wedding celebration has been over. But I still see Ethan alone there and kept watching me.

“That’s enough, it’s time to go home, Jake.” Ethan comes to us.

“Yes, but your opponent is me! If you dare to hurt Claire, I will have no mercy for you and make you regret anything you do!” Jake looks so mad.

Jake has been going home, and suddenly, I ran into my room. I’m afraid that Ethan will come to me.

I try to fall asleep, but I just can’t stop thinking about Jake I fall in love with him, and I’m afraid of Ethan, I’m scared he might be making everything get worse than before, especially since I’m living together with him.

Tomorrow’s morning I heard someone had knocked on my door and immediately found out about everything that had happened.

I opened the door and saw my mom who was standing in front of my bedroom door, and she looks so happy.

“I and Mason are going for our honeymoon to Italy, I hope you get along with your stepbrother Ethan.”

“What? Doesn’t everything seem too fast?”

“No, sweetie, I hope you can take care of yourself and finish your study in high school because you will graduate soon.”

“Yes, mom, I did.”

“Good girl, see you later, I will be back in a month.”

That means I will be trapped with Ethan for a month, I must escape from him. But I don’t know where I should go, I don’t have any good friends to accompany me.

I saw my mom go with her new husband. But I feel unwilling, and I want to go with her, but I can’t.

I looked back at the schedule I had to do. I have to study soon to take the important exam tomorrow.

However, I’d rather go with Jake because I feel so uncomfortable with Ethan.

However, I noticed that it was raining heavily outside, the weather getting darker and felt cold, it made me undo my intention to go to Jake’s house.

The state of the Greenwood family’s mansion is also quiet, I see this as a critical moment to study and rest to prepare for tomorrow.

In the living room, I see Ethan, who has been studying, and he looks so focused and very determined.

“Claire, can you please help me?”

“Sure, I will help you.”

I looked at all the subjects that Ethan didn’t seem to understand and continued to teach him about things, and he seemed blown away.

“You’re so wonderful, Claire, thank you for helping and teaching me so far.”

“That’s okay Ethan, I will always help you, that’s all the best for you too.”

Ethan closes and locks the door, and then he continues to read his books.

“Claire? Where do you want to go?”

“I want to see my friend before, she needs my help.”

“It’s better for you to stay here with me because you can see the weather outside looks extreme and will be dangerous for you.”

I go upstairs, but Ethan keeps following me.

I went into my bedroom and Ethan continue to stare at me.

“What do you want?”

Ethan comes closer to me, and he smells the fragrance of my hair.

“Claire, you smell so good.”

“Stay away from me!”

“No, I want to, Claire. You’re mine.”

“No, are you crazy, Ethan?”

“Yes, you are driving me crazy.”

Ethan holds me so tight and he kisses me. He starts to kiss me on my neck, this feels so damn good for me.

But every time I gaze eyes at Ethan, I feel so good, and he always makes my heart melt, he looks so handsome and charming.

“I want to spend my whole life together with you, and I would like to marry you, Claire.”

“But how will it be possible? Because we’re step-siblings.”

“I don’t care about the limit between us, Claire, my feelings for you are so deep and real.” He kisses my hands.

Ethan tried to kiss me and I could feel his soft pink lips inside my mouth, which taste so exquisite.

His tight, warm embrace feels so great, and he keeps flirting with me seductively.

Ethan now reaches my deeper skin, and he takes off his shirt.

I can see his muscular fit body, really looks so great to me and keeps seducing me, makes me so fascinated and wants to go deeper with him. 

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