Chapter 5

Brenda’s Pov:

The way my life took a sudden turn fascinated me. It did not take long before I crossed paths with our beta, Jason again. And I was very elated because I had always wanted to meet him after that day.

He turned out to be even more than I had imagined. Engaged me in little conversations, till we began to talk at length every day.

“I had not realized you could talk this much,” he had laughed at me one evening. I laughed too, realizing. But he made me feel so free, and I got so close to him that I could tell him things that bothered me. I trusted him so much.

I relayed my worries to Jason about my growing feelings for Dominic. I did because I had noticed the alpha trusted Jason that much as well.

Jason advised me to live in the moment and enjoy it.

“Don’t care about what others will think as everything will fall in place with time,” he had told me, touching my face tenderly. I was not sure what exactly I felt for Jason, but I do know that there was a feeling I could not help.

The way he spoke kindly to me, listened to me, and made me feel a sense of belonging in the pack by making me engage in the daily activities with the other werewolves without any form of discrimination.

I felt my heart warming up to him every day. I became bothered by the fact that my heart was torn between these two.

But Just like Jason had said, I decided to live in and enjoy every moment with them, and I was.

One day, Dominick told me about a collaboration he had with a set of rogue werewolves to gain ground among other packs.

I was not quite sure what that meant, but I knew it was not the right thing to do. He had not involved at least, the council members before taking such a decision. That was a fraudulent thing to do. It meant what he was doing was wrong since he was hiding it.

I was worried and did not want him to go ahead with the plan. But he kept assuring me it would be fine. I began to see him in a different light. I had not expected he would make such decisions as the mighty leader everyone reverenced. At the same time, I came to a soothing resolution that he, even though, being our alpha, was not perfect after all.

And I wanted to love him more in his imperfection. Yet, his behaviors started to get out of hand. As the days went by he began to show a strong feeling of jealousy about me being with Jason and complained bitterly about it. He would always want to show possessiveness whenever I was with Jason and I was getting sick and tired of everything.

“Do not think I do not see the way he looks at you. Brenda, you must put a hold on that relationship now,” he fumed.

“Jason is my friend. You cannot tell me who or who not to talk to in this pack. I do not belong to anyone,” I said, my rage building up inside me.

“Why are you not listening to me?” his voice was low now. “Can’t you see that I love you? It’s driving me crazy when I see you with him.”

“But you know nothing is going on between us right? Jason is just my friend.” I tried to persuade him. Yet even as I said that I felt a pang of guilt on my chest. Yes, I had found a friend in Jason, a solace. But the ‘just’ in that statement did not do justice to his position in my life.

I walked away from Dominic, my heart heavy with conflicting emotions. As much as I loved him, I couldn’t ignore the way he was making me feel. I needed to figure out what I wanted and who I wanted to be with.

When I returned to my pack’s territory, I sought out Jason. I needed to talk to him about everything that had been going on.

“Hey, Brenda. Is everything okay?” he asked, sensing my unease.

I shook my head, feeling tears prick at the corners of my eyes. “No, it’s not. Dominic’s been acting strange lately, and I don’t know what to do.”

Jason put a comforting arm around my shoulder. “Tell me what’s been going on.”

I explained everything to him, from Dominic’s jealousy to my growing feelings for him instead. He listened attentively, his expression thoughtful.

“I can’t tell you what to do, Brenda. But I can tell you that you deserve to be with someone who respects you and trusts you,” he said gently.

I leaned into his embrace, feeling safe and understood.

“Thank you, Jason. I don’t know what I’d do without you.”

We stayed like that for a few moments, until I realized how close we were standing. I could feel his body heat and the steady beat of his heart. I looked up at him, and our eyes met. At that moment, I realized something that both thrilled and scared me.

I was falling for Jason.

But how could that be possible? Wasn’t Dominic supposed to be my fated mate? I pushed the thought aside and focused on the present, on the way Jason was looking at me with concern and tenderness.

“I…I think I need some time alone to sort things out,” I said, stepping away from him.

“Of course, Brenda. Take all the time you need,” he said, his voice filled with understanding.

I gave him a small smile and turned to leave, feeling conflicted and confused. My heart was torn between two men, and I did not know who to choose between them.

Dominic's POV:

In my role as the alpha, my foremost duty entailed safeguarding the welfare and security of every pack member.

However, as of late, my focus has been entirely fixated on Brenda. I couldn't control the depth of my sentiments for her—the symphony of her laughter resonating in my ears and the luminosity that danced within her eyes when she spoke.

Yet, my emotions became entangled in complexity due to the threat of her relationship with Jason.

He had increasingly been devoting his time to Brenda. Each time I witnessed them together, a pang of jealousy surged through me. I acknowledged the irrationality of my possessiveness.

Yes, Brenda does not belong to me, and I possessed no entitlement over her. Nevertheless, the mere thought of her involvement with another man caused an unsettling discomfort within me.

On an evening when we congregated around the blazing fire, I noticed the way Jason gazed at Brenda, a look that teemed with admiration, adoration, and perhaps, something deeper. A surge of anger ignited within me, propelling me to rise to my feet.

"Jason," I addressed him, my voice tinged with an icy edge, commanding his attention. "I require a word with you."

He appeared taken aback but obliged, following me a few paces away.

“What is it Dominic?” he asked, his voice laced with inquisitiveness.

"I have observed your growing companionship with Brenda," I began, striving to maintain composure in my tone. "I believe it would be best if you distanced yourself from her henceforth."

His incredulous gaze met mine.

"What? Why? Is this due to your affection for her?" he asked.

I could feel the heat flushing my face. "That is none of your concern. However, as the alpha of this pack, I must contemplate the well-being of all members. I cannot allow complications to arise from this situation."

Jason shook his head in disbelief.

"You cannot simply dictate who Brenda can or cannot associate with because you feel envious. That is unfair to both of us, and it certainly isn't fair to Brenda."

"I am not acting out of envy," I retorted, my voice snapping. "I am doing this for the greater good of the pack."

A heavy silence enveloped us for a fleeting moment before Jason interjected once more.

"Dominic, you cannot force individuals to suppress their fondness for someone. Moreover, even if such a feat were attainable, it would remain unjust. If Brenda holds affection for me that is her choice...”

Anger began to boil within me. What does he mean by Brenda holding affection for him?

"In that case, perhaps you should consider leaving the pack, Jason. If you fail to respect the authority vested in the alpha, then perhaps you have no place here." I retorted without thinking.

He regarded me with a mixture of disbelief and hurt.

"Is that truly what you desire, Dominic? To expel me merely due to the perceived threat to your ego?"

I was lost for words. My own words reverberated within me, pressing heavily upon my conscience. Yet, before I could respond, before I could make things better, Brenda materialized by my side.

"What is happening?" she inquired, looking from me to him.

My resolution wavered, weakened by the concern that radiated from her eyes. "It is nothing, Brenda. Merely matters about the pack.”

"No, it is not nothing,” she was unconvinced. “I sense a tension between the two of you. What happened?"

As I beheld her, even for a moment, all traces of anger and jealousy dissipated. Her wide eyes seemed to be staring into my soul.

"It is nothing for you to distress yourself over, Brenda," I responded, my voice softening. "Merely some issues we needed to address.”

She scrutinized both of us. Though not satisfied with my answer, she refrained from pursuing the issue further. Instead, she turned her attention to Jason.

"Do you have something to say, Jason?" she inquired and I hoped he would let the matter die within us.

"Yes," he responded, his voice resolute, looking at me defiantly. "I wish to put in, that I will not want anyone to dictate whom I can or cannot appreciate. Moreover, I will not tolerate being expelled from this pack against my will. If Dominic chooses to impose arbitrary regulations upon me, then I shall establish my pack and pursue my path."

His words pierced through me like a sword. The thought of Jason leaving the pack, potentially taking Brenda with him, proved unbearable.

"Jason, I implore you," I pleaded. "Do not go. We can find a resolution.”

He is one of my most loyal members. Losing him will mean losing the trust of the pack, and I could not allow that to happen.

"You have demonstrated a lack of trust for me after all these years of my service to you and the pack. You could even think of asking me to leave the pack. I must say, I am disappointed."

With that, he turned and walked away. Brenda looked at me shortly, before following in his wake.

Left alone amidst the flickering firelight, I sat in silence, pondering about my inability to control my feelings. Just then, Derek walked up to me with hastened footsteps. I stood up even before he reached me.

“We just found one of our members at the outskirts of the pack, half dead. It seems a very serious one. We require your immediate presence,” his tone was urgent and demanding. I felt unrest immediately.

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