Chapter 6

Dominic’s Pov:

I walked stealthily towards the path he took and could see a crowd looming over something on the ground. I approached them with my hands behind my back, and all the calmness I could muster. I was not ignorant of the fact that any form of attack on the pack could be a result of the not-very-cautious decisions I took. But I had to handle everything well, lest I become a victim in my lead.

“What is going on here?” I asked, and the whisperings stopped as they all turned to look at me, making a way for me to walk into their midst.

“Ssh, the alpha is here,” I heard someone say. That was when I saw what was causing the chaos. A member of the pack lay almost lifeless in the pool of her blood. I bent slowly and touched the cold body, the coldness running down my spine.

“It is a message of war,” Derek said, in his usual deep and quiet voice. I nodded silently as he passed me some pieces of cowries. This indeed, calls for war.

“Does anyone know anything about this?” I asked, looking around. No answer. “So how did you get to find out?” I turned to Derek inquisitively.

“We were just out on a patrol and we found her here,” he replied. I stood up, thinking hard. Could this be a result of my indignant decisions? But this was not how I had planned it, neither was it part of our agreement. Everyone was waiting for me to say something, and I had to.

I am, after all, their leader. A feeling of guilt washed down me when I thought of that. Yes, these people looked up to me as their protector, what if I am about to betray their trust and loyalty?

“Take her to Mo,” I cleared my throat. “Let him try to recuperate her and as soon as she gets better, I will talk to her. She might remember something about these attackers.” I commanded and Derek set to carry it out.

“Jason?” I called with a raised brow, looking at him above my shoulders where he stood beside Brenda in the small crowd. This was no time to bawl about that. He lifted his face to meet my gaze.

“Yes, Dominic?”

“Gather the council to me in an hour,” I instructed, still conscious of our previous heated conversation.

“I will,” he replied and I walked away, but not without meeting Brenda’s eyes for a split second.

Brenda’s Pov:

I shuddered as the almost lifeless body was lifted from the ground. She looked familiar. I have seen her a couple of times in the pack. I am very sure she did not give up easily without a fight. She seemed a very brave one. Well, everyone was. We were taught to be.

I felt my limitations heating up, imagining I was the one who encountered these intruders. What chance do I have? I cannot even shift. The mere thought of that got me even more scared. The little group that had gathered began to disperse.

Dominic handled the situation well, but why do I have the feeling this has got something to do with him and his compromising decisions to join Ally with some rogue packs? I hope not. I hope not. I shivered and wrapped my arms around me to feel warm.

“Are you okay?” I heard Jason ask, touching my shoulder lightly.

“Yeah. Just a bit cold,” I replied, looking at his face. Again, I was struck by his magnificent and masculine features. His kindness is embedded in his entire being. He sure would make a great leader. This made me wonder if he would rebel against Dominic and have his pack.

“I will be right back,” he said into my thoughts. “I’ll just fix some things quickly.”

I nodded as he squeezed my shoulder gently before walking away. I watched him go, admiringly. I turned to see the most unpleasant set of eyes staring at me.

I stiffened and the smile I had not realized was forming, dissolved like salt in boiling water. Mady and her crew were watching me like an animal watches its prey. I gulped hard, averting my eyes from their direction and wondering if I should walk away or just wait till they did. I shifted uncomfortably, and to my horror, they began to walk towards me. Oh no! This is not going to be good…

Mady’s Pov

My chest always churned up with jealousy whenever I saw that imp getting all the attention from our alpha and beta like she was so much more important than every one of us in the pack. She is not of much relevance in the pack. What could come out of a supposed werewolf that cannot shift? Jason is a hot piece of cake, but I had the least interest in him. Dominic is who I dream of having in my arms.

By far and as a matter of rational reasoning, I am one of the strongest and most fierce female werewolf fit only for the alpha. And Lisa, one of my friends, is madly in love with Jason. Just sadly, he never looks her way.

At least, my relevance in the pack makes my presence known to Dominic. But poor Lisa…and that is why they always cling to me. They get all their respect from other members of the pack because they walked with me.

But what is all of that when some annoying-looking thing is getting everything I should have instead, I fumed.

“Oh just look at that,” Lisa cried out in a low tone behind me, while Jason talked tenderly to Brenda and I felt so sorry for her.

“So what?” I scowled at her instead. “Will you just stand there like a coward and cry like a baby, watching her?”

“I want to strangle her with my bare hands,” she scowled back with the same energy.

“Good.” I smiled. Jason had left, and she was standing there all by herself. Perfect timing.

“Let’s have a word with her girls, shall we?” I smirked, and we started walking towards her. I could see her unease, and it filled me with so much pleasure.

“Hello, little butterfly,” I greeted with mock warmness.

“I am not a little butterfly,” she said. I could see she was struggling to be brave, but her voice shook. She still looked small and timid and no match for us.

“What are you then?” I asked, enjoying the show.

“I am a werewolf, just like you guys.” She responded and we burst into a fist of laughter.

“A werewolf? Darling, don’t be a joker. We all know who werewolves are. They are not the petite human I am seeing in front of me.”

“What do you want from me?”

“Show me, Brenda,” I moved towards her slowly while she moved backward. “Show me that you are a werewolf.”

“Leave me alone,” she whimpered.

“Oh, are you scared now?” I laughed. “Mia, show her who a werewolf is, will you?” I said to one of my girls without taking my eyes off Brenda. I did not see, but I could hear Mia’s transformation. In no time, she was a fury wolf, gnashing her teeth and making subtle moves toward wide-eyed Brenda who kept retreating.

“What’s wrong now, Brenda? Aren’t you a werewolf too? Just like every one of us? Huh?”

“What is the meaning of this, Mady?” Jason’s unmistakable voice asked. I looked up and saw him a few paces away from us. Shit!

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