Chapter 3

“I’ve been thinking about this, and I believe the easiest and quickest way for us to get out of this situation would be for me to carry you in my other form. We’re quite far from any help, and I can move much faster that way,” he suggested, stealing a glance at her.

“Okay, that sounds reasonable. Is that alright? I vaguely recall hearing something about riding a Shifter being highly taboo,” she commented, managing a smile this time. She seemed to have some knowledge of the topic, which would make things easier.

“You’re correct, it’s considered taboo. But honestly, no one will see us. Besides, I think the taboo is mainly there to emphasize the distinction between humans and us, to make us appear less like mere animals,” he explained, reminiscing about a time when he had shifted in an alley to avoid a fight, witnessing the terror on people’s faces as they frantically fled from him. The perception of Shifters as dangerous and uncontrollable was deeply ingrained in society.

“I actually think your other form would be more comfortable for me. Especially considering what I just went through... with those men,” she admitted, offering him a weak smile. Despite societal norms, their priority was finding a safer place.

“Have you ever carried a person before? Should I try to fashion some sort of halter or hold on to something?” she pondered, considering how she would secure herself during the ride. Holding onto his ears was out of the question, but there didn’t seem to be any other viable options for a firm grip.

“Alright, I understand. Is that acceptable to you? I vaguely recall something about it being highly taboo to ride a Shifter,” he responded, a genuine smile crossing his face, revealing glinting teeth. Her level of education on the matter made the situation easier.

“You’re correct. It is considered taboo. But honestly, no one will see us. Besides, I believe the taboo exists to help maintain a distinction between humans and us, to portray us as less animal-like,” he explained, recalling a time when he had shifted in an alley to avoid a confrontation, witnessing the terror on people’s faces as they hastily fled from him. The perception of Shifters as dangerous and uncontrollable was deeply ingrained in society.

“I think being in your other form would actually be more comfortable for me. Especially given what I just went through... with those men,” she replied, offering him a weak smile. Although it went against societal norms, their priority now was finding a safer place.

“Have you ever carried someone before? Should I attempt to fashion a halter or something to hold on to?” she wondered aloud, contemplating how she would secure herself during the ride. Gripping his ears was out of the question, and there seemed to be no other suitable options.

“I’ve never carried anyone before. Well, I’ve carried things in my mouth, but... forget about that,” he quickly averted his gaze, not wanting her to envision him biting an animal or transporting prey.

“Let’s use some of these shirts, and you’ll have to tie them around us yourself,” he suggested, holding his hands up in a gesture of apology. It was clear that he couldn’t tie anything with his paws. With that, he stood up and gradually made his way into the darkness of the surrounding woods, preparing to shed his clothes and transform back into his wolf form.

“Uh, okay. Do you want me to shift first?” she asked, nervousness evident in her voice. He could sense the fear emanating from her and tried to reassure her by explaining his process.

“Of course you should. You’re already naked, so we won’t be seen. Though, if you don’t mind, I’d prefer to keep my shirt on,” he stated, trying to hide his embarrassment.

“Oh, alright. I’ll be right back,” she said, moving towards the trees, attempting to conceal herself behind the foliage. The idea of being nude in front of another human felt strange, especially since she was still recovering from the trauma inflicted upon her.

After several minutes of walking, the two were finally hidden away from prying eyes. It seemed to take longer than usual for him to transform, perhaps due to the stress that he was under. As the transformation neared completion, he focused his energy, forcing his body into its animalistic state. There was a brief moment of dizziness followed by the familiar sensation of fur sprouting all over his body, stretching out his limbs. Finally, he dropped down on all fours and padded towards the girl, who seemed to be struggling with the unfamiliar feeling.

“I’m here,” he reassured her, standing next to her and extending a hand to help steady her.

She accepted the assistance without hesitation, and he pulled her up to stand on unsteady legs. She was small enough that she fit perfectly within the palm of his paw, making it easy to support her weight. His tail swished back and forth, tickling the top of her head. She looked up at him nervously, only to notice him staring down at her, grinning slightly as though he were pleased with himself.

“Thank you. You look really silly right now,” she stated with a hint of amusement in her tone. He let out a bark and nuzzled his muzzle against hers, closing his eyes in contentment.

“You’re welcome.”

He had the distinct impression that she liked it, the way she closed her eyes and leaned into his touch. This was the first time that he had ever held someone in his arms. The sensation was surprisingly pleasant, almost like being enveloped by warm blankets. When he opened his eyes again, he could see that she was gazing at him adoringly, a dreamy expression plastered across her face. For a brief moment, he felt uncomfortable with how much attention she was giving him but decided against taking it personally. She was simply reacting to the novelty of his new form and wasn’t sure how to behave around him.

He started walking forward, keeping pace with the small girl in his arms.

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