Chapter 2

Amelia’s POV

It is crazy how your life can change in just a flick of a finger. I had never expected a day like this to come into my life, and I didn’t know if I was prepared to face it. I watched the dead bodies of my parents lying on the floor of the palace, which made my body tremble.

I had never thought a powerful Alpha like my father could be reduced to something like this. He seemed untouchable when he was alive. So many enemies had attempted to kill him, but none of them succeeded in doing so, except now.

“You should take heart,” my foster sister Faye rubbed my shoulder, even though she was as broken as I was. “Don’t cry, please.”

I couldn’t stop the tears that were falling out of my eyes even if I tried to. I was the reason my parents were gathered in that place, to begin with. They were throwing me a party because I was leaving the pack once and for all.

The curse I was born with, which had now spread across my entire pack, was getting worse. I had broken so many families because of the curse, and I felt guilty about it. My parents were about to send me away so they would be able to manage it.

I had lived with self-hate for so long and knew it was going to be even worse from now on. It was all my fault, yet again. I wiped away my tears, and I turned back to leave the sitting room where the dead bodies of my parents were laid when a footstep from behind stopped me.

I turned around to see who it was and was shocked when I saw the person marching into the room looking unbothered as though a calamity had just not befallen us some hours ago.

It was Uncle Harry who had hated my father for a reason unknown to me ever since I was born. He was my father’s immediate brother who acted like he was better than everyone, but my father never seemed to get fed up with his behavior because, according to him, the family came first.

“I am sorry about your loss, Amelia,” he whispered.

I scoffed. “I am sorry about your loss too, Uncle Harry,” I uttered in distaste.

He nodded before he came deeper into the living room. He looked down pitifully at their dead bodies, which sparked a dangerous amount of ire in me. He didn’t look like he was experiencing grief at all, more like pity and a hint of relief.

“You do know you are not going to be Alpha, right?” I told him, in case he thought that I was going to step down for him to rule the pack my father had left for me to rule.

“No,” he shook his head implicitly. “Not at all. In fact, I have someone for you to meet. He is going to be the new Alpha because in our tradition, whenever someone kills the Alpha, he deserves to be the Alpha too, even if he is a rogue.”

I stared at him incredulously, not believing a word he had just uttered until I saw the man that had just orphaned me walk into the palace. My jaw dropped as my words got stuck in my throat.

My heart started to hammer more than usual. I didn’t know why my uncle hated my father this much, but this was not okay. He couldn’t bring a rogue into our pack and even try to make him Alpha just a few hours after my father had died. It was unbelievable.

“You don’t know what you are doing, Uncle,” I said in a warning tone, but he didn’t seem to hear me. He turned his back to face the rogue, then placed both of his hands on his shoulders.

“For every Alpha, there should be a strong Luna that would help him rule the affairs of the pack. You, Mason, are going to marry Amelia to help restore this pack’s happiness and nullify the curse brought upon us,” he said.

I scoffed audibly upon hearing what he had just said. He was presumptuous at its worst, and I didn’t want to hear another word he spoke. There was nothing that was going to make me marry a man like him. A murderer who had just killed the only family I had.

I turned around to leave for my room when Uncle Harry called me back. “I am not done, Amelia,” he voiced out sternly.

“What the hell do you want me to say? You have clearly lost your mind, and I won’t be part of this madness. You better take this man out of this pack, or him being the Alpha would be the last thing you would want to think about,” I warned him, raising my voice a little.

Uncle Harry smiled. Not the type that depicted happiness, but the one you would give a child that had just lost his parents and had no idea what was going on. I hated that he was looking at me that way.

“I am giving you instructions,” his face hardened instantly. “I might not be here to witness it, but this is the right thing if you want to protect your pack from doom.” He placed both of his hands inside his pockets and sighed.

I hissed at his face and turned around to go to my room when I heard sudden footsteps behind me. I turned around sharply to witness what was going on, which made my body jolt in horror.

Uncle Harry impaled himself on a blade. He just committed suicide. My entire body froze as I stared at his corpse, his eyes rolled to the back of his head, and his chest oozed more blood than I had ever seen in my life.

“Uncle Harry!” I gasped, and Faye screamed on cue.

“Oh my God!” She exclaimed, taking a step back. “He is dead. He just killed himself,” she started to panic.

Everything was suddenly in a haze as I looked around the hall. I lost all of my family members in less than a day, which was a result of that rogue coming into our pack. I darted my gaze to him with my eyes bloodshot and found him glancing at me, his eyes lingering on my face momentarily.

My blood started to boil. I hated him with every fiber of my being. His face was calm as he looked between Uncle Harry’s dead body and my parents.

“Why did he kill himself?” I asked shakily, which was the opposite of the amount of anger and pain I was feeling in my body.

“I am just as clueless as you are.” He shrugged, which made me scoff unbelievably.

“You come into the pack, and the first thing you do is kill off the royal family? Who is next? Me? Faye?” I thundered, my veins slamming with anger in my body.

“I didn’t kill him. We both saw him impale himself on that blade,” he said, sounding as unbothered as someone could, which made me even angrier.

I wanted to cry and smash something in anger and sorrow, but I didn’t have the energy to. The anger and pain in me had already drained me completely, and it hadn’t even been a day yet.

“Fuck you,” I spat before I turned around and headed toward my room.

As I got to my room, I quickly turned the knob to close it. My chest hurt. Everything did. My head too. Why did Uncle Harry kill himself? Maybe I had something to do with it. He was never suicidal, at least from the very little I noticed from him.

Did I trigger him to kill himself, or was it that rouge? I needed to find out, but not now. I was too consumed in grief and weakness. This is all too messed up. I cannot leave the pack now because I don’t trust anyone here to take care of the affairs until the curse I brought upon them has cleared.

I should be the one that died instead of Uncle Harry. I dropped my keys on my table before I headed towards my window. I looked outside and took a fresh breath in. So much pain was pent up inside me, but I didn’t want to cry anymore.

Looking down at the stables that were near my window, I caught a glimpse of the unicorn that my father got for me, which was one of the few remaining in this world. He was the best father ever. He knew me so well, and now, he was no more.

I bit my lip to stop myself from tearing up, but it was too late. Tears started to pour out of my eyes as my body shook. I wouldn’t allow him to go scot-free. I was going to destroy that rogue for what he did to my parents and my uncle.

Wiping away my tears, I took another fresh breath of air. Crying was not going to make what happened magically disappear. I wanted revenge, and I was going to get it. My father, the greatest Alpha this world has seen, will not die in vain. Not on my watch.

I walked to my bed and sat down as I started structuring the perfect plan to get revenge on the person that murdered my parents and my uncle in cold blood.

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