Chapter 3. The Rejection

Gabriella's POV

"Please understand Gabriella, Alpha Bernard, Luna Gladys, she is in bad shape, so she accidentally threw the food," I heard Eury apologize for me to the Alpha and Luna. 

I couldn’t take my eyes off Prince Javier. I can’t believe he was the one I was with last night, the guy who declared me his Mate! 

"If she isn't feeling well, why is she still working here? She should be sleeping to recover from her illness," Alpha Bernard was the one who inquired. 

"She insists on serving you today, Alpha Bernard, and what we know, there aren't enough maids available today, " Eury explained. 

Alpha Bernard cocked his head to the side, "No, I don't think so. She is in desperate need of rest!" Alpha Bernard made a statement. 

I know that Alpha Bernard turned to look me in the eyes, but I still fixed my eyes on Prince Javier. "It's Gabriella, isn't it?" My attention was drawn to Alpha Bernard. As I looked at Alpha Bernard, I bowed her head slightly. 

"Alpha Bernard, please accept my apologies for the current predicament. I'm going to go get some more food and clean up the mess I made," I apologized for what I had done. 

"There's no need to apologize, Gabriella. Return to your room as soon as possible to rest. Don't mind the trash, and I will order someone else to take care of it," Alpha Bernard answered. 

I shifted my gaze to Eury. In response, I was signaled to follow Alpha Bernard's instructions. 

"Thank you for taking the time to consider my situation, Alpha Bernard," I said in appreciation. 

"Assist her and ensure she is taken to her room in good shape. We don't know what will happen to her while she's walking," Alpha Bernard instructed Eury, who dutifully carried out the command. 

Eury and I returned to our respective rooms at the same time. The man who kidnapped me last night was the son of Alpha Bernard and Luna Gladys, as he had already claimed me last night! 

I can't believe it! How did that happen to me? On the other hand, I saw that Prince Javier was wearing a grimace on his face as I looked at him earlier.

 Prince Javier seemed to dislike me, and I felt he did. Last night, his blue eyes were filled with longing, in contrast to what I saw when his eyes appeared to be those of a tiger intent on killing me. 

"Gab, what happened to you was strange. Why did you throw the food out earlier? We only serve the Alpha Bernard family once in a blue moon, and you destroyed it for us," Eury reprimanded me after she enquired. 

"Please accept my apologies, Eury. Possibly because I was exhausted after avoiding the wild beast last night, I dropped the food earlier," I had played a trick on her. 

Eury murmured with a pursed lip, "Gab, I believe that is the case. It was unbelievable because you are one of the most tenacious maids and one of the most careful about everything that happens inside the palace." Eury agreed with my point of view. 

"So, today, just relax and unwind. Alpha Bernard is good and kind because it other alphas. I am sure that they will undoubtedly make you suffer even more due to your error!" I just smiled at what she said. When we walked into our room, I hurriedly changed my clothes and sat on the bed. 

Eury said goodbye as I lay on the bed because Eury had to return to the dining room to serve Alpha Bernard's family for lunch. 

I sighed as I lay on my bed, contemplating my situation. I was staring up at the ceiling of our room at the time, thinking about what I had learned earlier.

 'If I am Prince Javier's Luna, does it imply that my life will improve if what he said last night about me is true? I will no longer be an Omega when he announces to all of the Bloodlust Pack members that I am his Luna?' I began to formulate questions in my mind. "I'm not sure what to ask," I said. 

'If I'm chosen to be Prince Javier's Luna, I can now return the Blue River Pack!' I cracked a grin because of what I thought. 

I hope that Prince Javier will claim me so that I will fulfill my promise to my parents! 

"If that will happen, I will track down the former members of the Blue River who have dispersed throughout the Kingdom, and I will resurrect our Pack that my father previously led!" I said determinedly.  

Unbeknownst to everyone, I was eight years old when I managed to land the Bloodlust Pack with the help of a member of our Pack. At the time, I was a member of my father's Blue River Pack, which he had founded. Many members of our pack perished due to the sudden invasion of Rogue werewolves more than twenty years ago when the pack was destroyed entirely. 

The Blue River Pack was still in its beginning, so our territory was limited, with fewer than two hundred active members. 

Due to a lack of warriors and the large number of Rogue werewolves who invaded, my parents, who were trying to protect our Pack, died. Because it occurred at an unexpected time, the other Packs did not respond to give assistance or express concern. 

In response to the devastation wreaked by the Rogue werewolves, a slew of werewolf packs have formed in order to deal with the Rogue werewolves. The other packs had fulfilled their missions, and the entire Lyrous Kingdom was now at peace! 

It was difficult for me to open my eyes since I was in pain and exhausted from what had transpired the night before and from my hunt for an escape route in the woods earlier. Unbeknownst to me, I had fallen asleep with a smile on my lips and was already asleep. 

The sound of Eury's voice shaking my shoulder shocked me to consciousness. When I opened my eyes, I was greeted by the sight of my friend's face. 

"Can you tell me how you're feeling right now, Gab?" Eury asked me immediately when I opened my eyes. 

"I am feeling a lot better now," I answered her question.

 "I know that you hadn't eaten lunch yet, and I knew you hadn't eaten breakfast either," Eury continued, "so I brought you your meal here," she informed me.

 "The food has been set out on the table for you. You will eat while I take a bath, allowing me to get some rest. I'm so exhausted today," Eury instructed me, that I just answered with a simple nod.

 "I'm sorry. I couldn't assist you today," I apologized to Eury.

 "Gab, please don't bring it up. You can relax in it because we all know you are the most responsible of all our maids here at the palace; therefore, you deserve to rest," Eury said with a smile. 

"Eury, thank you so much for your help. Don't worry, and I'll repay the favor once the opportunity presents itself," It was my turn to express thanks to my friend. 

"You know what I'm looking for, Gab; I'm looking for a handsome and high-ranking werewolf!" Eury shared a joke with me, which resulted in our giggling. 

The last thing Eury said to me before going to the restroom to the bath was, "All right, eat, and I'll just take a shower." I rose to my feet and walked towards the table in our room where Eury had set my dinner when she walked through the restroom. 

Three knocks on the door of our room interrupted my eating, which I was enjoying pleasantly at the time. 

I fixed my focus on the door to our room. I was bewildered as to who had knocked because there was no one knocking on the door in our room at the time. I pushed myself to my feet and walked to the front door to unlock it. 

When I opened the door, my eyes widened when I saw a man standing outside our room, waiting for me. I swallowed my saliva as I cast a glimpse over him. 

It was Prince Javier! I bowed my head to give respect, "Can you tell me what I can do for you, Prince Javier?" I asked him. 

Prince Javier looked around the room with his eyes before he looked at me. "Come with me," Prince Javier whispered to me, speaking in a deep and calm tone. 

Prince Javier walked away from me. I didn't hesitate to follow him out of their quarters after finishing his work. We walked around to the side of the palace, where Luna Gladys' magnificent butterfly garden could be found. 

"Prince Javier, why have you summoned me here?" I inquired, puzzled, why he brought me here. Prince Javier confronted and accosted me. Because of his solemn demeanor, I bit her lower lip really hard. 

"Let's settle this once and for all," Prince Javier told me.

"Could you perhaps elaborate on what you mean, Prince Javier?" I asked.

"I, Javier Jacques, the future Alpha of the Bloodlust Pack, reject you as my Luna!"

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