Chapter 4. Just His Best Friend

“I’m so proud of you, Savannah! Top 5!” Lola Josie, Trevor’s grandmother, applauded as she checked the medal hanging around Savannah’s neck.

Currently, Savannah, together with her grandparents, and Trevor, with his Lola Josie, were dining at a fine restaurant to celebrate their graduation. Lolo Sally had planned the celebration, and Lolo Sandino financed it.

“Lola, why didn’t you congratulate me with the same energy as you did for Sav? I have a 90 average, and I’m considered an honor student, even if I’m not in the top 10!” Trevor pouted playfully. Savannah laughed and rolled her eyes at him.

“Why isn’t your girlfriend here with us to celebrate, Trevor?” Lola Sally asked out of the blue. “What’s her name again? Tinola… or Tilola?”

Savannah burst into laughter upon hearing her grandmother’s question. Lolo Sandino and Lola Josie joined in the laughter, knowing that ‘tinola’ referred to a Filipino dish, not a person’s name.

“It’s Winona, Lola,” Savannah managed to say between laughs.

“Oh… Right! Sorry… sorry, I forgot,” Lola Sally apologized, touching Trevor’s hands. Trevor simply nodded, glaring at Savannah, who couldn’t stop laughing.

“But really, why isn’t she here?” Lola Sally asked seriously. Savannah stopped laughing, rolling her eyes at the thought of Winona.

“It’s their last day of classes, Lola Sally. They also have a closing party for their section, so she couldn’t make it,” Trevor explained.

Finally, their food arrived, and as they ate, their conversation flowed randomly, touching on Trevor and Savannah’s future and the recent happenings in Trevor’s parents’ business.

After the meal, Trevor spontaneously grabbed Savannah’s arm and pulled her out of the restaurant, heading to the garden area where two swings were parallel to each other.

“Come on… let’s walk fast so those two kids don’t get to use the swings,” Trevor joked.

Since Trevor and Savannah reached the swings first, the two kids had no choice but to return to their tables. As they walked away, Trevor and Savannah exchanged silent laughter.

“By August, we’ll already be college students. Time flies,” Savannah remarked as their laughter subsided.

“By August, we might be in different universities,” Trevor sighed deeply. “I’m quite nervous about that.”

Savannah’s heartbeat accelerated upon hearing Trevor’s last sentence. What did he mean by being nervous? Was he anxious about being apart from her? Questions swirled in her mind.

“You’re nervous because you won’t have someone to turn to if you’re ‘girl-troubled’?” Savannah attempted to sound nonchalant, raising an eyebrow at him.

Trevor shifted his seating position to face Savannah directly. After a few seconds, he took hold of her hands, sending a spark through her. Her heartbeat raced even faster.

“Of course… that’s one of the reasons why I’m nervous. The main question in my mind right now is how I’ll study at a university without you. You’re the only one who can bring me peace when I feel broken and lost,” Trevor confessed, his eyes locked with Savannah’s.

Despite her racing heart, Savannah tried to act unaffected.

After a few seconds, she gently removed her hands from Trevor’s grasp and said, “Why are you suddenly being sweet, Trev? Do you need something?” She raised an eyebrow. “Did you do something that you know will make me mad at you?”

“I said those words because they’re true… not because I’m being sweet or need anything!” Trevor shook his head, rolling his eyes.

Savannah laughed, and after a moment, she said seriously, “But seriously, you know you can call me anytime, even if we enroll in different universities. I’ll still be your one-call-away best friend. But… you have to accept that I’ll be there whenever you need me. Your dream university is too far from mine, and don’t forget the traffic!”

As she laughed, Trevor stared at her face, examining every feature. When Savannah noticed his gaze, her brows furrowed, and she asked, “What’s your problem with my face?”

“Nothing,” Trevor shook his head, his eyes still fixed on Savannah’s face. “I just realized I have a beautiful best friend,” he paused briefly and continued, “If only you weren’t my best friend, I think I would have courted you already.”

Silence fell upon them. The only sound was the creaking of the rusty swing they sat on.

For Savannah, it wasn’t just the sound of the rusty metal; it was also the deafening beat of her fast and loud heartbeat. She felt herself getting hot as if all the blood had rushed to her cheeks.

“Anyway…” Trevor broke the silence. “It’s true that you shouldn’t let just anyone court you. Make them see that your standards are high because you’re extraordinary and deserve someone better.”

Trevor continued, “Also… they need to face me first. Your potential suitors must pass my evaluation first.” He even raised his brows as if he was so proud of being Savannah’s best friend.

It was clear Trevor was saying all this as her best friend, but her heart couldn’t stop racing. She realized she was being ‘best friend-zoned’ once again. For a brief moment, she had thought Trevor was seeing her differently, not just as a friend but as a potential partner, but clearly, she was mistaken.

“Who are you to judge? Are you my father?” Savannah pretended to be disgusted by Trevor’s words. “Lolo Sandino told me that once I approve someone as a suitor, he’ll approve too because he trusts me! Why should you have your own evaluation of my suitors?”

“Lolo Sandino knows that courting in our generation is different, and he might not be the best judge, so he wants to trust your judgment. But as for me, I know our generation well, so I’ll be the one to judge your potential suitors and boyfriends.”

Savannah sighed, rolling her eyes. “Whatever… you’re such a nuisance in my life,” she jokingly said, laughing again.

“And you love me for it,” Trevor raised both eyebrows and winked.

“Oh yes, I love you so much,” Savannah sighed deeply, responding silently in her mind.

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