Chapter 144. Dead Ringer
I followed with my eyes the person who grabbed the book I was about to buy—a man wearing a black bandana that covered his mouth and nose, and a white t-shirt. I tried to follow him, but it seemed like he intentionally removed his bandana and went to the crowded part of the bookstore, so I lost track of him.
There were also quite a few men in white t-shirts holding copies of ‘Where The Butterflies Go.’ I couldn’t accuse anyone since I wasn’t sure, so I let it go and started looking for Aiden inside The Book Talks.
The Book Talks’ interior had a distinctly old and vintage charm. The floors were made of dark, polished wood that creaked softly underfoot. The shelves, towering and filled to the brim with books of all sizes, were also wooden and intricately carved with floral and geometric patterns, showing signs of age but maintained with care. The scent of old paper and leather bindings permeated the air, evoking a sense of nostalgia.
Dim, warm lighti
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