Chapter 2

A lady approached me, and I couldn’t help but feel my heart skip a beat. She was absolutely stunning, with her light skin, thin frame, and lips that seemed to draw me in. As she introduced herself, I tried to remain composed and focused on the task at hand, but my mind couldn’t help but wander to thoughts of her.

“Hi, I’m Elera,” she said with a smile.

“Hi, I’m…I’m,” I stumbled over my words, feeling my cheeks flush with embarrassment. “I’m sorry, I’m just a little nervous.”

“It’s okay, I understand,” she replied reassuringly. “I’ll be your instructor for the day. Let me show you around the building and get you settled in.”

As we walked through the building, I tried to keep my focus on the tour, but my mind kept drifting back to Elera. I couldn’t help but imagine what it would be like to be with her, to hold her, to kiss her…but I knew I had to keep those thoughts buried inside me. She was my instructor, after all, and I didn’t want to make things awkward or uncomfortable.

As the tour came to an end, Elera handed me a set of instructions and guidelines. “Just follow these instructions carefully, and you’ll do just fine,” she said, giving me a reassuring smile.

“Thanks,” I said, trying to keep my voice steady. “I really appreciate your help.”

With that, she turned and walked away, leaving me to my thoughts and my crush. I knew I had to focus on the task at hand, but I couldn’t help but feel a sense of longing and desire for Elera. Maybe someday I would find the courage to tell her how I felt, but for now, I would just have to keep those feelings buried inside me.

As Elera led me through the corridors, I couldn’t help but sneak glances at her, trying to take in every detail of her beauty. She noticed my awkward silence and chuckled, “You seem nervous. Is this your first time here?”

I cleared my throat and responded, “Yes, it is. I’m just excited to finally be here.”

Elera smiled and placed a reassuring hand on my shoulder, “Don’t worry, you’ll do just fine. We’re here to help you.”

I nodded, feeling a bit more at ease, “Thank you. I appreciate it.”

As we walked, Elera pointed out various areas of the building and explained their purposes. She was very knowledgeable and passionate about her job, which made me admire her even more.

“So, what made you want to become an instructor?” I asked, trying to make conversation.

Elera paused for a moment, “Well, I’ve always been interested in law enforcement, and after working as a police officer for a few years, I wanted to help train the next generation of officers. It’s important to me that we have competent and well-trained individuals out there protecting our communities.”

I nodded, impressed by her dedication to her work. “That’s really admirable,” I said.

We continued walking, and Elera showed me the different equipment and technology they use in training. She explained each one in detail, and I listened intently, trying to absorb as much information as possible.

As we approached the end of the tour, Elera turned to me and asked, “So, how are you feeling about the screening?”

“I’m a bit nervous, to be honest,” I admitted. “But I’ve been preparing for this moment for a long time, and I’m ready to give it my all.”

Elera gave me a reassuring smile, “That’s the spirit. Just remember to stay focused and take your time. And if you need any help or have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask.”

I thanked her for the advice, and we parted ways as I headed to the screening room. As I walked away, I couldn’t help but think about Elera and how impressed I was with her. She was not only beautiful but also intelligent, knowledgeable, and passionate about her work. I knew that I wanted to see her again, and I made a mental note to ask her out once I passed the screening.


As I waited in the small room, my mind raced with anticipation. I had applied to become a police officer several months ago, and this moment felt like the culmination of all my hard work and dedication. When the officer walked in carrying a gun, police uniform, and a badge, my heart skipped a beat. Could this really be it?

“Congratulations,” the officer said with a grin, handing me the items. “You passed the screening. Welcome to the police force.”

I was so relieved and overjoyed that I could hardly contain myself. My name was inscribed on the uniform, and it gave me a sense of pride and accomplishment to see it there. I quickly changed into the uniform, feeling a sense of purpose and excitement. This was what I had been working toward for so long.

Without wasting any time, I made my way to Elera’s office. I was eager to share my good news with her. When I burst into her office, she looked up from her desk and smiled.

“Hey, what’s up?” she asked, noticing my uniform.

“I did it!” I exclaimed, holding out my badge. “I’m officially a police officer now!”

“Congratulations! I’m so proud of you!” Elera said.

The sound of the police radio announcing a nearby bank robbery had my heart racing. This was it. My first real test as a police officer. I looked to Elera, a senior police officer and my friend, for guidance. She gave me a reassuring smile and asked if I was ready for my first chase.

“I was born ready,” I replied, trying to sound confident.

We both rushed out and got into the same police car. As Elera drove toward the scene of the robbery, I could hear gunshots in the distance. Fear crept up inside me, but I knew I had to be brave. After all, Elera was with me, and I didn’t want to let her down. I also knew that if I wanted any chance of impressing her, I had to be fearless.

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