Chapter 26. Reconcile
“Exactly what I said.” What does she not get? “They’re horrible people, Ainsley.”
Something in her shifts then, the look in her eyes changing from that soft and loving one she’d been giving me as we touched and caressed each other’s bodies to something close to barely contained fury.
“They’re not all like that.”
Are we really going to play semantics? “Alright, fine. Not any of the pack members your age since they would’ve been too young at the time when my family was killed. Everyone else, or those who work with your father, are traitors to their own kind.”
Her jaw drops. “You have no idea what you’re talking about.”
That almost makes me laugh. If anyone is uniquely qualified to know just how unspeakably monstrous Cyrus Lovett is, it would be me—the one who witnessed his full hatred for those he believed stood in his way.
“I do, actually,” is all I say back.
I’m not about to turn this into a deba
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