Chapter 2. One-Night Stand

Sitting with his friend and waiting for Elodie’s signal to walk up to them and get Tiana to the hotel room, Elodie was well waiting for the others to leave before they could commit that shameless act of hers that she had going on in her head. When she noticed that they had begun to start leaving, she was happy and kept on making signs to Lewis the whole time.

Feeling anxious about what she was about to do, she kept on giggling like something was wrong with her head, but the others could, but understand what was happening. Tiana, having taken two glasses of drinks, was already off, and every other thing that was going on at the bar was none of her concern.

She was already drunk and Elodie saw it as a perfect opportunity to do the transaction. Rising to his feet after his friend had told him to go have fun, Lewis could feel his shaft all stiff inside his trousers giving him extreme anxiety to have things take place down there, and he could not wait for long.

Leaving his section, he passed by Elodie, and Tiana with a vicious smile and handed over his hotel address to her, Elodie let out a smile on her lips and nodded her head, She made him understand that They understood what she had to do, and Lewis went away to wait for her in his hotel room.

Looking at her friend, she said,

“You are going to fetch me some good money this night, girl, and I know that you are already sexually active, so you have no problem sending you off, besides I will say that we were both drunk,” She muttered with a plan already well established inside her head.

Clark was already impatient and wanted her to go drop her friend off at his boss’s room so that they could have their fun and that was precisely what Elodie had in mind to do. Which was all good, and She told him to wait for her. The hotel was joined to the snack bar, and which was one of the biggest in town. Elodie took Tiana and supported her on her shoulder, she left with her tongue direction of Lewis’s room.

It was not so difficult as Tiana was not that chubby, and she had little weight. They entered the elevator to the floor which they were leading the way to, and when they had arrived, she began to search for his room number as she wanted everything to happen so fast. Tiana is making so much noise under the influence of the alcohol that dye had taken as well dr*g, she had put inside her drink, Elodie could not help but laugh so hard. Her friend was a naive one, and she was talking about everything and nothing in particular which made no sense.

Catching sight of Lewis’s room number, she rang the bell twice simultaneously and waited for him to respond. Hoping that she had not made an error, the door could be given attention to, opening from inside, and when Lewis brought his head out, he saw Elodie and Tiana standing before her door.

“You finally made it here,” he spoke out, looking all ready for her, and Elodie had a slight feeling of jealousy, felt like she had made a mistake in contracting her friend to Lewis instead of going for him herself. Her mouth was wide open just at the sight of his bare body and triceps, and going downwards, and his shaft was glimpsed printed like a plank of wood inside the grey shorts he was wearing

“Damn, he is so hot. My friend will have a good time enjoying everything I see here,” Elodie mumbled, and while she was fantasizing over him, Lewis, was already thinking of the different things that he would do to Tiana once they got inside the room. Asking Elodie whether she planned on standing there all night, and she had come back to her sanity and shaking her head in denial, she gave Tiana to Lewis, saying,

“Please take care of her, She is too fragile, and be good to her as well.” Lewis, not responding to her, tossed her balance on her and pulled Tiana into his room. Being confused with the little senses that she had left, Tiana kept on asking where she was, but Lewis, not responding, pushed her onto the bed with his tongue leaving his mouth as he began to lick her from the bottom to the top.

“You look such a smooth and soft girl, I feel that I will have so much fun with you tonight,” he voiced out taking off her clothes and her shoes and bag from her body. Her skin was as creamy as a bowl of ice cream, while her long brown hair gave her an extra radiance.

Tiana had no strength to fight Lewis, coupled with the fact that she could not even understand what was going on with her. He had already taken his bath and she was the only person he was waiting for. Pulling down his pants, and positing her on the bed, Lewis started to kiss her body and take her to get wet so that he could get inside.

He had no idea what was happening, and knowing that he just had to get inside her and have a good time, he took off her pants and bra before kissing her nipple and then moving up to her neck. Tiana had begun to enjoy the sensations, so she held him by the neck, signaling that she was ready for him. With that thought, he kept his penis in his hand and, with its help, pushed it inside her at once, causing her to jerk on the bed due to the pain she felt.

The pressure that came with it made Tiana feel incredibly hurt. Lewis, not comprehending what had just taken place, halted for a few seconds. But Tiana later held him again, her lips reaching for his as she became more aroused. The night went on smoothly, and they both had a great time together.

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