Chapter 2. De-Over-Hydration

My head hurts like hell, and it's difficult for me to lift my eyelids.

I need water. My throat feels dryer than the Sahara Desert.

"Mmmphh", my mouth is tapped. I forced my eyes to be open to be greeted by the sight of Darcian and another guy.

"Mmmphhmm.", I tried to raise the noise coming from my throat. The other guy gave me an intense look with his jaw clenched.

"Damn girl, can you just shut up!", he spoke.

I violently shook my head.


Translation:- I need water you damn guy!

I looked at Darcian, and he looked at me and sighed before stripping the tap off my mouth.

"I NEED WATER!", paying no heed to that angry little vampire as I abruptly requested Darcian.

"We don't have any!", said the unknown little vampire.

"Wait a moment.", I heard from Darcian.

The little vampire glared at Darcian as he left to bring water for me.

Then he turned his head and gave me the same look as the one before.

I too return him the same gaze.

I am a werewolf, you bastard. Your power doesn't even scare me. You little vampire! Oh... instead of little I should address him as young. But who cares...

In the meantime, Darcian came back with a bottle of water.

He gave the bottle to me but...

"My hands are tied.", I said.

"You want me to feed you?", he said smirking and I noticed green over the little vampire's face.

Like imagine, him grabbing my chin and feeding me water through the bottle would look awkward.

"No, just open the lid and keep the bottle on the ground."

Darcian blinked his eyes as confusion ran over his face. Maybe he was expecting me to beg to open my tied hands.

Oh! please, I don't beg.

But anyway, he did as I said.

I bent down and took the sealing surface of the bottle into my mouth and with the force of my teeth, I lifted my head so that I would be receiving the water from the bottle.

I swear, I am resembling a camel. The camel in the hot Sahara desert.

Relief... But a few moments later the water accidentally travelled into the wrong pipe.

Before I knew it, I involuntarily spit the water and guess what?

The worse, I ended up spraying it all over that little vampire.



The coughing won't stop. I went on coughing before Darcian patted my back.

Finally, it stopped and I took a mouthful of breath before apologizing, "I'm sorry little vampire."

With an utterly shocked look the little vampire graze me and then shifted to Darcian.

Darcian didn't respond just shrugged his shoulder and smiled.

"What do you mean by 'little'?", he asked as he gritted his teeth with anger. "What do you think of yourself, you are a victim of our crime!"

He turned towards Darcian and said, "Why are hell are you babysitting her when these girls are going to die the very... mph"

Before the little vampire could say anything further, Darcian must have zipped his mouth. He took the little vampire outside the room and I was left all alone.


I looked around and was at ease when I saw the nine unharmed girls. And further investigated the room. Unlike the detention room which was bright, it seemed more like a store room with darkness enveloping its surrounding.

Strangely, the dangerous energy I sensed at school doesn't seem to be lingering here. This place is quite peaceful. Or... it's just that Luci is allayed.

'Luci?', I tried calling her out, but was not responded.

'My Daughter?', still no response.

'Costlier than my kidney Luci?',

'WHAT?', finally, she replied.

'You alive?'


'For a moment I thought I lost you.', I tried to act emotional.

'There's no way you could lose me. If you do, you won't be alive the very moment!", she replied.

'Point noted!

'In passing, do you have any idea why these vampires are abducting these girls?', I asked.

'If you have common sense, the answer is obvious, for blood.', she replied.

'I do have common sense, Luci. But why them, but not any other girls? And why girls but no boys.'

'My answer is simple, ask that darn vampire. You will get all of your answers.'

'Hey...' Before I could ask any further, Darcian came inside the room and sat in the chair he was seated before.

He gave me a meaningful look before questioning, "Are you sure, you are a human?"

Fuck! Did I just fucked up?

Yes?", I questioned.

Darcian dangerously eyed me but didn't reply or question any further.

"Why did you abduct us?", I asked the most obvious question as a convict would ask his kidnapper. I sat on the ground and supported myself.

I should have asked him as soon as I opened my eyes. But I was damn dehydrated, to begin with, anything other than water.

And now as I am hydrated again, I should act damsel in distress to not get suspicious. Even if I feel the energy peaceful, this place is Vampire's Den. I sense them. But suitable for me, they can't do the same. This bracelet saved my life.

"You want to know?", he questioned.

"Yes?", maybe I have a hearing problem. I didn't pay heed to his words as I was busy with myself.

"You want to know why I abducted you, girls?", he clarified.

"Yes.", I nodded in affirmation.

"Wait for the next full moon. You will all know the reason for sure."

Next full-moon? Isn't that in the upcoming nine days?

"Will you kill us?", how stupid is that question of me?

Darcian sucked up an intense amount of oxygen before replying, "That will be based on how you people will work. If you are lucky, you won't get killed, but if you are not, you know the rest."

"Leave these nine girls.", I said. "I am lucky enough to replace them." They don't deserve to be killed for you all vampires to suck their blood!

As if finding amusement, he laughed at my words. Not the funny but a mocking laugh.

"Don't worry, you are first on the list.", he said. "If you are lucky enough to live, these girls will happily reach home."

"You mean?", confusion blanketed my mind.

"Can you please keep your mouth shut? You're supposed to be waking the next day, I don't know why the hell you were up earlier than those girls."

I was kind of astonished by his mood swings, one moment he was caring, another moment he was flirting, and this moment he was rude.

"By the way, did you just drink blood from a woman or girl in her menstrual cycle?", bold enough of me to ask him.

"What?", he said, dramatically extending the 'a'.

"I mean, look at you, you are having frequent mood swings."

"...", speechless, he was!

He took a deep breath before replying, "If you weren't on the list, I swear to god, you would have been my first meal."

Now, I was silent. Silence is the best reply to a fool.

Actually, I didn't mean Darcian, I meant myself. Look at me, all fearless, without having fighting skills; talking to an ancient Vampire with immense power and with hands and legs being bound with rope.

But, did I ever tell you, that werewolves are creatures with more arrogance than power! And being a daughter of Alpha and Luna, that was a plus point.

But don't you all dare to think I lack power. Even without training, I am powerful. And I heard many heroic stories about my ancestor defeating hundreds of vampires in a war, they are enough to boost my confidence that I can fight with Darcian solely. So, no worries. But I am in a vulnerable position, as this girls are captivated. One of my wrong moves would result in killing them.

The first and foremost thing is to securely send them away from this place. However, I need to know my surroundings before executing any plan. And before that, I need to gain the trust of our guard. But I got only nine days. Alongside, that day happened to be a full mood day. The day, when I have no control over shifting.

'Luci, if you get out of hand, you will end up killing both of us.', I warned.

'We are not a separate entity. My actions are considered yours.', she replied.

That's true actually.

'Hah!' I let out a sigh.

I am bored as hell. I need my phone to feed to reels!

I looked up at Darcian. This boring darn vampire has his eyes closed and his head leaned back. I can see his prominent jawline glorifying its glory in the little shade of light, provided in the room.

"Can I have my phone?", I asked Darcian out of nowhere.

"I don't have yours.", he replied, without opening his eyes.

I moved my tied hand towards my right pocket and blabbered.

"Don't lie. I kept it in my pocket and now it's not...."

Shot, the phone is in my pocket.

Are they fools?

Should I call my parents?

Yes!! Why not?

But how can I call them when I can't even take my phone out? Damnit, how I wish I had a flexible body.

"What's the time?"

"10:30 pm."


That means I haven't peed for 4 hours straight. And thinking of that, nature is calling me.

"I need to pee, Darcian."

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