Chapter 3

“What is your name?”“Hazel”My voice was shaky; the self-learned lectures on bravery and strength were washed away by the cold menace in this guy’s voice. There was this shudder of fear that ran through me when he spoke. He had this unchallenged authority, like one who was used to commanding while the others obeyed. It made one want to surrender to his every whim and order, and something in me told me that was exactly the case.“Who are your parents?”I couldn’t tell them who my parents really are; that was the fastest way for me to die. They’d behead me in a second, or worse, burn me at the stake like I was some vile witch who’d committed an unforgivable offense. Even Mama Lia had warned me to never reveal my true identity to anyone and to never trust anyone with my secret.“I don’t know them.”Well, that was partly true. I’d been young when they were killed, but I could still remember them a little. It wasn’t much of a lie, which was what I wanted. These people were smart, and if I went overboard with the lie, they’d know.“What do you mean by that?” The man with the big, angry voice askedI shivered slightly and licked my dry lips. I really needed water. I was so thirsty that I couldn’t take it anymore. If they’d kill me for asking for water, well, it can’t be helped, can it?“May I have some water, please?”“How dare you? The audacity”One of the men from the forest snapped. I raised my head properly to know which of them had spoken; it was the brown-haired one who had been raving about having me killed in the forest. Someone pushed my head from behind, and I bowed back down.“She’s got some nerves requesting a drink.” Another one put in.“Quiet, everyone. Someone get her a drink.“Alpha…”"So he was the Alpha?" The man with big muscles and an authoritative voice that rattled my bones and ran my blood cold was the Alpha, and what’s more, he had honored my request. I wanted to do a small victory dance, but instead I smiled covertly. Water was brought and roughly placed in my hands; I gulped it down in a matter of seconds. The cold liquid was like balm for my very dry throat. I still wanted more, but I couldn’t push my luck; this quantity would have to hold me. I dropped the empty cup on the floor.“Thank you.”I greeted him with my head bowed.“Answer my question.”I cleared my throat. I had to be very careful and also try to remember anything I said here in case I was asked in the future, that is, if I was lucky to be alive till then.“They died”“How?”“I don’t really know the details, but I was told that when I was very young, they had gone camping and never came back.”“How did you come to be in the forest alone?”“The only relative I had, my mother’s sister, took me in and decided she wanted to be away from people. We lived in seclusion for many years.”It both relieved and scared me the way the lie smoothly rolled out of my tongue, like it was a real event that had truly taken place. I even added some sniffles that made my voice so emotional, and it wasn’t that difficult to do because I was thinking of Mama Lia.“Where’s this aunt of yours?” His voice was still icy and made me shiver.“She’s dead”I continued in my dramatic tone, making it shakier than before. Mama Lia’s face came to icy tone, making it shakier than before. Mama Lia's face came to mind, and a tear dropped. I was no longer acting or pretending; the tears were real. I really missed her. If she were alive, she’d have protected me as she had always done since I lost my parents. My parents, whom I am beginning to hate anyway, wonder why they would do something so foolish and wicked like attack packs and kill innocent werewolves. See what their crazy decision had put me into.“Cause of death?”“She was killed by a werewolf,” I voiced out.“Served the human right,” someone commented with disdain.“You deserve the same punishment too.” Another said.I didn’t say anything; my head was still bowed, and though my legs were hurting so bad, I didn’t dare complain. My heart was beating fast. Now, what happens? What will their verdict be? I waited with bated breath to hear what the Alpha decided. No matter what the others say, I wasn’t really concerned. The Alpha had the final say. I wanted to look at his face; maybe I could fathom what he was thinking, gauge his expression, and possibly understand his pattern of thoughts through them. But doing that was signing my death warrant. I don’t know the rules guiding the werewolf world, but I remembered Mama Lia telling me that commoners aren’t allowed to look at the Alpha unless he gives permission."Looking at an Alpha when he hasn’t given permission is like embarking on a suicide mission; one who flouts this rule should be prepared to face dear consequences," she had told me.So despite my curiosity to read his thoughts concerning my fate, I kept my head bowed. I might be sentenced to death, but it shouldn’t be because of my stupidity.“Raise your face.”This caused a little uproar. I could hear voices objecting. I slowly raised my face but still didn’t look at him directly. I was careful not to offend him. He told me to raise my head and not look at him.“How old are you?”“Eighteen”“Beta Olgan, take her to one of the female cells. Let her remain there until I know what to do with her.” He commanded with his deep voice."But, my Alpha, no human has ever been put in the cell before. You usually order them to be executed or you work them to death.” The female voice I recognized as being the one who had admitted to hitting me and wanting to do it again spoke.Even from the faces of everyone in the room, I could tell they weren’t happy with my verdict. Some glared at me like I was the cause, like I had poisoned the mind of their Alpha. As she spoke, many spoke in agreement.These people really wanted me dead. I risked a glance at the Alpha’s face and was surprised to see he was a very handsome man despite his roguish appearance and stony expression.“Enough, everyone; I have made my decision, and it shall be so.”Murmurs of disagreement could be heard, but no one dared speak out loud until the brown-haired werewolf that was eager for my blood protested.“This is unfair, Alpha. We’ve always sought vengeance; why should it be different now? Have you forgotten how much we lost? Our loved ones?”"Ragel, you will mind your tone with me. As much as I understand your anger, it’s not enough to disrespect your Alpha, and in public too.”“Then do what’s right.”I saw his friends trying to nudge him to be quiet, but he was already too incensed to care. His skin shrank, and his canines protruded out. His chest was almost beating out. I couldn't stand looking at him. His face reddened, and he let out a loud groan. I shrank backward, frightened.“Ragel!”My heart leaped at the booming voice of the Alpha.“Arthur!” The guy called right back. Everywhere became as still as a graveyard. My skin prickled in fear over what would be the Alpha’s next line of action.

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