Chapter 2. A Newfound Interest

The next day, Alexander felt a strange new excitement in his heart when he went to his University. He was looking forward to meeting Serenity after college. Lucas greeted him at their first class, sitting down next to him.

“My dad’s impressed with you, dude,” said Lucas, and Alexander grinned, feeling thrilled that someone at least liked him.

“You’ve got to come home today. Dad wants you to check his old Ford Austin. It was his favourite car,” said Lucas.

“Sure,” said Alexander, his heart singing with joy at the prospect of meeting Serenity again.

The first few classes were back to back, and they got little time to interact. By the time they got their first break, both were famished. “Let’s go grab a bite, Alex,” said Lucas.

Alexander shook his head, knowing that he couldn’t afford the expensive food at the cafeteria. “I’m heading to the library. You go ahead.”

Lucas didn’t pay any heed to his excuses. “I won’t eat without you so, let’s go,” he said, pulling a reluctant Alexander along with him to the cafeteria.

“Look dude, I can’t afford this food and I’ve already eaten a full breakfast,” said Alexander, not really wanting to eat at anyone else’s expense. If he didn’t have money, he wouldn’t eat.

“It’s on me, please. I won’t let you go hungry. Sometimes you should let your friends care for you,” said Lucas, stubbornly.

“I’m used to skipping meals, really. It’s no big deal for me. I have to get an economics book from the library now,” said Alexander.

Lucas didn’t hear a word. “You can get your book after we eat,” he said. He ordered two personal-sized pizzas and chicken nuggets.

They sat at a table, eating the food. “Where do you stay, Alex?” he asked him and Alexander looked away. He didn’t want anyone to know where he lived. He didn’t want billionaires visiting his humble, shabby home. The neighbourhood was poor and he would be under scrutiny and be harassed by the local goons if Lucas visited him driving his expensive car.

“In the suburbs of West Vegas. It’s a dangerous neighbourhood, don’t even think of visiting. The local criminals will rob you or murder you,” said Alexander, warning him.

Lucas looked at him in disbelief. “How do you live there, then?”

“I don’t have a choice. My uncle’s shack is the only thing I have currently,” he told him, munching his pizza. Lucas felt bad for him. He was a brilliant boy, and he didn’t deserve this life. He would have shone like a diamond if he had better opportunities. They finished their food and went to the library to get the book Alexander wanted. Then the rest of the classes commenced, continuing back to back.

At last, college was over for the day and both boys breathed a sigh of relief. “Today was really hectic.” Alexander didn’t complain and followed Lucas’s Ford Mustang on his motorcycle. He was very excited, having been waiting all day to see Serenity again.

They reached the mansion just as Liam went out for his soccer practice. He waved at both of them. They parked and sauntered off towards the backside to go into the main building.

As they walked inside laughing at some joke that Lucas cracked, Lucas’s mom saw them. “Oh, there you are, Alexander. Have lunch with us first. Then you can check Eric’s old Ford Austin. He wouldn’t be coming in. He’s stuck in a meeting, but he has asked you to check his car today. It’s his personal favourite,” said Lucas’s mom.

“Yes, aunt Eugene. I can start right away and then rush for my garage duty,” he said. He felt embarrassed for appearing every day during lunchtime. He didn’t want to take advantage and be an unwelcome guest.

“Hush, son. You will eat first and then do other things. Wash up now and come back to the table. Lucas, show him the washroom,” she said, walking towards the kitchen. “Kathy, start serving them lunch.”

“You can go to the one at the back. Go straight and turn left,” Lucas said, and Alexander nodded and walked off. He found the washroom and washed his hands, and splashed cold water on his face, feeling fresh. He walked out of the washroom, towards the dining room, when something soft, warm and smelling of roses collided with his chest.

“Ow,” said Serenity as she collided with a rock hard body. She was going to the dining room before her mom started yelling for her. Looking up, she blushed seeing who it was. Alexander. She had been dreaming of him since yesterday. He was the most gorgeous guy she’d ever seen. “I’m sorry, I didn’t see where I was going,” she said breathlessly, very aware of Alexander’s clasp on her arms to steady her. The light touch of his rough hands on her bare arms sent a shot of electric tingle down her body.

He chuckled at her. “I’m not sorry at all,” he said, and she blushed more.

Serenity steadied herself and looked up to see him watching her closely, a smile playing on his lips. “I helped Kathy make today’s lunch. Hope you like it,” she said shyly. The truth was that the moment she returned from school and heard that Alexander was arriving for lunch, she helped Kathy cook the food, eager to please him.

Alexander looked at her incredulously. “Then I must taste it. Did you cook for me?” He asked her, teasing her. His heart was thumping with excitement. He couldn’t imagine that he could be so lucky to have this beautiful girl with big innocent eyes cook for him. The thought aroused him, and he felt the urge to kiss her. She looked so inviting and gorgeous up close that he couldn’t look away.

“No, I mean. Can we eat?” she said, walking off with pink cheeks. Alexander chuckled and followed her to the dining room.

They sat down opposite each other like before and every time their eyes met; she blushed. Alexander loved the food all the more because Serenity made it for him. They scarfed the chicken caesar veggie wraps, angel hair pasta with smoked trout and pecan pie.

“This is outstanding. You’re an excellent cook,” said Alexander, and she smiled shyly.

“Thank you,” she said.

Lucas laughed, “Don’t praise her so much, dude. Now she’ll cook all the time and make us eat her experiments,” said Lucas, rolling his eyes and their mom chuckled.

“I’ll eat her experiments too,” said Alexander, and Serenity smiled happily. She was already falling for Alexander’s charms, and she didn’t seem to have any control over her heart when she was around him.

After lunch, Lucas’s mom and Lucas took him towards the garage. The car was beautiful and well maintained. “You can check the problem, Alexander. I have to go. Lucas, there’s a box which you need to deliver to aunt Amanda now. She has a charity ball tonight, and she needs it immediately,” she said. Aunt Amanda was the wife of his uncle Ethan, who was his dad’s older brother. They jointly owned the Staywell group of hotels, handled by their son Tyler, three years older, while their daughter Carmella was four years younger than him.

Lucas groaned, “Can’t you send someone else, mom?”

“No one’s available now and she needs it immediately.”

“Alex, let’s go to my cousin’s house,” he said, fishing out his keys.

“Let Alexander look into this car. Your dad would be disappointed if he went away without checking. Why don’t you hurry Luke?”

“Okay, I’ll go, see you tomorrow, Alex,” he said and Alexander nodded at him. Lucas followed his mom inside to get the box to be delivered.

Alexander concentrated on the job at hand."Will you be here tomorrow?" asked Serenity from behind him.

Alexander turned around and looked at her, taking her from head to foot. She looked so gorgeous. He remembered her soft, creamy skin when he had touched her arms. He longed to hold her again. “Do you want me to?” he asked her, taking in her blush.

“Yes,” she said, shyly.

“Then I’ll surely come over,” he promised, looking at her, hypnotised by her.

“What’s your favourite food?” She asked him.

“Everything that you cook for me is my favourite,“ he said, loving the colour on her creamy cheeks.

Serenity now was head over heels in love with him. Alexander wanted to know so much about her. “How do you get time to cook? Don’t you have school?” He asked as he opened the bonnet to check the car.

“I cook after returning from school,” she said, standing beside him and peering in to see what he was doing. Alexander smiled at her cuteness. No one had ever done so much for him and her sweetness overwhelmed him.

Alexander found that the battery wasn’t charging well and needed a replacement. He was getting late for his garage duty. He handed the keys over to Serenity, his hand brushing with hers.

“I have to go now, but I’ll look forward to seeing you tomorrow.”

“Bye,” she said, and he grinned at her, walking back towards his motorcycle. She watched him with a shy smile. He mounted his motorcycle and wore his helmet.

“Bye,” he said with a cheerful grin and sped away, intensely aware of her gaze following him out.

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