Chapter 2. Pay Twice the Pain

Wolves had to be mated before 25, or they would be entered into an arranged marriage. A female needed to be marked, and a male needed to mark a female, or they would slowly lose their humanity. It was said to be our way because werewolves were creatures of family and pack. Lone wolves were something against nature, and in time, it would turn them into vicious animals.

“I’m sorry, babe. That damn moon goddess is making all you unmated wolves such whores.” I chuckled at her.

“You just wait, little princess.”

“I have Finn, so I won’t know your pain,” I smirked and rolled my eyes.

“Yeah! We will see about that.” Sia gave me a pointed look and then headed over to the first attractive male she could find.

She never believed Finn was my fated mate. She claimed he didn’t know how to protect me or understand what I needed. Finn was what my parents wanted, but he was what I wanted, too. Sia nagged at me that I was the epitome of daddy’s issues. She didn’t understand the need to please my Alpha, who was also my father.

I giggled, watching her flirt away the attractive human right from another girl’s arm. Sia wasn’t just gorgeous. She was seductive. When she turned on her sexy eyes, no one could say no to her. I watched and learned, but I was mostly too shy to flirt that way. Plus, I always had Finn, so I didn’t need to.

I sent her a text that I was going to explore and would catch up later. I stood in the elevator studying the map of the club posted on the wall. As the doors were closing, a large man rushed in. Two large hands grabbed my shoulders to steady his body. My god-like creature slid right in, rendering me speechless.

“Shit! I’m sorry. I’m in a...” Before he could finish apologizing, he looked up, eyes widening as he met mine. I gasped, nearly moaning at the contact, and it made him slide the most devilish smile across his lips.

“Hi, beautiful. I’m Jasper. What is your name?” He slid his arm around my waist with one hand and twirled my red locks with his other.

It was the gorgeous tall man with a black t-shirt and dark jeans I had seen earlier when I entered the bar.

“Uh... Sia,” I couldn’t think and just blurted out my best friend’s name.

The elevator dinged as the doors opened, bringing me back to reality. I quickly pulled out of his arms to run down a long, dark hallway. I cursed to myself, realizing I had just entered the trap floor. A club designed like a maze to trap its guests inside. As I rounded another corner, I almost slammed into a brick wall that was actually a boy.

“What the... Owen?” I was shocked to see Owen here -- my best friend and Sia’s crush.

“Hey, gorgeous. Can I get your name?” Owen asked, pulling me closer to his body. He was too intoxicated to recognize me with red curly hair and not-so-proper clothes on. My scent was masked with perfume and a hint of magic so no one would know I was someone with power.

“I’m—I’m no one. No one important.” I lied. “Wait, I know you. The Blood Moon’s future Beta, right?” I didn’t want to blow my cover, but smelling the alcohol on his breath, I couldn’t help messing with him a little. I slid my hands up his chest to rest on his shoulders and then lightly pressed my body to his.

I leaned in to whisper in his ear when I heard a familiar laugh. I shot away from Owen and looked around the next corner to see Finn leaning up against a wall, caging a woman between his arms.

What the actual fuck?!

Jealousy and hurt were filling me rapidly, something I never felt before. I couldn’t make out what he was saying, but the little slut was laughing way too hard while touching my boyfriend. Worst of all, he was letting her.

He whispered into her ear for what felt like minutes, then kissed her cheek. Time just froze as I watched them.

She walked out of the small corner carved out with a handful of people dancing. Finn slapped hands with his friend Kalix and then took off in the same direction. I didn’t know how, but I knew he was going to meet up with her.

My head was spinning. Was he going to fuck her? Does he come here all the time? Does he cheat on me all the time? How could he do this?

A hand wrapped around my waist, pulling me from my thoughts. I looked up at Owen with total disgust. He knew and never told me. I was never close with Kalix, so I understand that he didn’t tell me about what Finn was doing behind my back, but I thought Owen was my best friend. How could they do this to me?

My fist shot out, throat punching him, and then I spun on my heels, fleeing back to the elevator as Owen fell straight to the floor, gripping his neck. My eyes were brimming with tears, but I wouldn’t let them see me cry.

“Hey, beautiful! Wait!” the husky voice from a man behind me called out to me. I was too furious to acknowledge him, though. I kept running to the doors, with my anger now turning revengeful.

‘How dare he use us this way! How dare he think so little of us! We are the fucking princess of wolves, one day the Queen! And he cheats on us?! He will pay twice the pain he caused.’ My more devious half, Althea, declared in my head. Althea was my wolf energy. I was her, but she seemed like she had a different soul. We were like two souls in one body, and we could communicate in each other’s mind.

“Hey! Hey, I’m Jasper! You said earlier your Sia, right—Fuck! Your eyes,” Jasper whispered as he walked closer, cupping my cheek in his large hand. I knew my eyes were swirling a sea of blue and purple with dark silver through them. Something I knew he had never seen before.

I was so lost in my fury that I didn’t realize I was in the elevator, let alone standing next to my perfect god-like creature. I blinked a few times to return my eyes to normal.

‘I’ll go for now, but he would be a perfect distraction to forget all about that piece of trash, Finn.’ Althea said, retreating into my subconscious, but not before throwing a few naughty visions of the ways Jasper could help me forget.

Jasper chuckled at my coyness, which irritated me even more. I was not being the proper innocent princess anymore, well, at least not tonight. I grabbed the back of his neck, pulling him close, then crashed my lips to his surprise.

He quickly pulled me flush to his body as his large hands roamed over me. He bit my bottom lip, demanding access, and I let out a small moan, granting his tongue entry. Not that I could deny him anything at this moment. I was hurting so badly a few moments ago, and now I was lost in pure pleasure.

He grabbed at me roughly, matching the same pace to his tongue. They were hungry and desperate kisses, leaving my lips bruised yet begging to never stop.

He slammed my body against the elevator doors, grabbing my thighs tight as his core rubbed against mine. I responded to his silent question by wrapping my legs around him. My hands rested on his shoulders for support as I moved my hips up and down, causing the most feral growls from his throat.

I moaned in response, pushing him to go further. My hands pulled at his hair, and his finger slid over my panties, feeling my growing wetness. He growled again from my arousal as his lips bruised down my neck. His hand pulled the top of my dress to the side, exposing my breast for his mouth to taste my nipple. Pleasure rippled through my body, and I didn’t want this to ever end.

I knew he had every intention of ripping my clothes off and fucking me against those doors. Slamming into me relentlessly until we both came with unadulterated pleasure. That was until the bell rang, and the doors slid open, forcing him back to reality.

“Shit!” He whispered under his breath as he pulled away from me.

Looking up at him, pure fear took over my body, realizing how close I was to giving in to him. My eyes filled with tears, making him shift uncomfortably. He could sense I was a wolf, so he knew I understood how our sex drive could be more animalistic than human.

I felt ashamed right now, confused and hurt. So many conflicting emotions tore through my body that I didn’t know what to do. I realized I needed to get away from this man, this very sexy man with lustful eyes and sinful hands, before I did something I would regret.

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