Chapter 4. The Vampire’s Prisoner

Lola felt a chill run down her spine as she looked into Edgar’s eyes. Despite his calm demeanor, she couldn’t shake off the fear that he could easily overpower her if he wanted to. She was about to speak, but Edgar was quick to grab her neck.

“Don’t worry, little one. I won’t hurt you,” he said, his grip firm but gentle. “But you need to understand something. You may not like the fact that I’m a vampire, but that doesn’t change who I am. I am still your master, and you will obey me.”

Lola tried to get his hand off her neck, but Edgar’s grip only tightened. She looked up at him, her eyes pleading. “Please, let me go. I didn’t run from being a Hunter’s slave only to end up being a vampire’s slave.”

Edgar sighed. “You misunderstand me, Lola. I don’t want to make you my slave. I want to make you one of my own.”

Lola looked at him incredulously. “One of your people? How could a human belong to a vampire’s mansion?”

Edgar smiled at her. “It’s simple, really. We both have something the other needs. You have the human touch that I crave, and I have the power and protection that you need.”

Lola shook her head. “I don’t want protection. I just want to go and live my own life!”

Edgar’s smile faded. “That’s not an option, baby girl. You are a runaway slave! The Hellsings will catch you once you step outside my territory. God only knows how they will punish you!”

“That’s my own business!” she screamed.

“Also,” he added, “You have a debt to pay to me, and until that debt is paid, you belong to me. Whether you like it or not.”

Lola felt a surge of anger. “I don’t owe you anything! You kidnapped me!”

Edgar’s eyes narrowed. “You owe me your life, Lola. I could have left you to die in that river, but I didn’t. I saved you, and now you belong to me.”

Lola felt tears well up in her eyes. She had never felt so helpless before. She knew she couldn’t fight Edgar, not without risking her own life. She had been hoping that Edgar would see reason and let her go, but it was clear that he wasn’t going to give up so easily. She knew she had to keep resisting, even if it meant putting herself in danger.

“I won’t be yours, Edgar,” she said firmly. “I am done belonging to people that do not care about me. I am done. I want to break free!”

Edgar’s expression turned dark. “You don’t have a choice in the matter, Lola. You belong to me now, and you will do as I say.”

But to his surprise, a sharp kick to the stomach caught him off guard. Lola had already broken free from the ropes and tried to run away, but Edgar was too quick. He grabbed her by the shoulders and pulled her close.

“You’re making a big mistake, little one,” he said, his voice low and menacing. “You don’t want to see what happens to those who cross me.”

Lola struggled against his grip, but it was no use. She was trapped. She closed her eyes, bracing herself for the worst.

But nothing happened. When she opened her eyes, Edgar was standing several feet away from her, a strange expression on his face.

“What’s wrong?” Lola asked cautiously.

Edgar shook his head. “I am thinking about the best way to catch you without hurting you.”

“Are you nuts?!” She pushed him and reached for the window, but she could hear Edgar’s footsteps behind her, and she didn’t dare look back.

Just when she thought she might have a chance of making it out, she felt a strong hand grab her by the arm, pulling her back.

“Let me go!” she screamed, struggling against Edgar’s grip.

But he held on tight. “I can’t let you leave, Lola. It’s too dangerous out there. You’ll be killed.”

“I’ll take my chances!” Lola spat back. “I’d rather die on my own terms than stay here with you.”

Edgar’s expression was pained. “Little one, I know you’re afraid, but you can’t leave. I’ll protect you. I swear it.”

Lola shook her head, tears streaming down her face. “I can’t trust you, Edgar. Not after what you are.”

Edgar looked at her, his eyes searching hers. “I know you probably spent your whole life hearing that vampires are monsters. But you have to open your eyes, Lola; you have to think with your own mind. Do I look like a monster to you?”

Lola felt a flicker of hope. Could it be true? Could she really trust him?

But she pushed the thought aside. She couldn’t afford to be naive. Her own family, her own sister, father, and lover betrayed her, let alone a vampire monster. She had to protect herself, no matter what.

“I’m leaving, sir,” she said firmly. “You can’t stop me.”

Edgar’s grip loosened, and Lola pulled away from him. She ran down the alley, not daring to look back.

But just as she thought she was free, he pulled her violently. She felt a sharp pain in her neck, and everything went black.

When she woke up, she was lying on a cold stone floor, her back throbbing with pain. She looked around, disoriented. She was in a small, dimly lit room with no windows or doors.

And then she saw him: Edgar, sitting in a corner, looking at her.

Lola’s heart sank. She knew she was trapped. And this time, she didn’t think she would be able to escape.

“You will stay here for a day and think about your stupidity,” he said. “When you’re done, make a decision. If you want to leave, I will allow you, and if you want to stay, I will welcome you. The chains on your hands and feet are magical. You can’t break them. The circle of blood around you is made by my blood and yours, so I will always know what you’re doing. I won’t ask you not to do anything stupid because you can’t. Now I know that you are not a weak little girl.”

“So basically, you will imprison me till I obey?!” she screamed in disgust.

“No, I will imprison you till I know your actions are out of your own thinking, not based on prejudices.”

And he left her like that in the dark room.

At first, Lola was desperate to escape the dark room where she was being held captive. She tugged and pulled at the chains that bound her hands and feet, but they were unyielding. She banged her fists against the stone walls, hoping to find a weak spot, but they were solid and unbreakable.

In frustration, she screamed until her throat was raw, but no one came. The only response was the sound of her own voice echoing back at her from the walls. The darkness seemed to suffocate her, and the silence was deafening.

Lola began to pace back and forth, trying to think of a way out. She searched her mind for any knowledge she had of magic or spells, but she knew very little. She felt trapped and helpless, with no hope of escape.

Finally, Lola gave up and lay on the ground, tired and teary. Only then did the door open slightly. Lola stood up immediately, thinking he was Edgar, but she opened her mouth in surprise, seeing a little girl hiding behind the door shyly.

“Hi, there,” Lola welcomed her. “What is a child doing in such a place?”

“Well…” The little girl slowly got into the room. “I live here with my uncle and my brother.”

“How could a human child live in a mansion of vampires?!” Lola was startled at the idea. The child couldn’t have been more than ten years old, with big, innocent eyes and curly blonde hair. Lola wondered how she could possibly help her get out of this place before the lord hurt her.

“I am a vampire,” Lola opened her mouth in disbelief as the child carried on. “My name is Charlotte Cross! But you can call me Lottie!”

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