Chapter 4


“Parker!” I yelled, as I opened my apartment, only to see pizza boxes and an empty neer bottle. The television was still on. I sighed.

Parker walked in only in shorts, showing his more than toned body. He was halfway through stuffing a pizza piece in his mouth.

“What are you doing here?” I almost yelled, “Your apartment is opposite mine!”

“You have a bigger television,” Parker said, shrugging, speaking with his mouth full. I looked away in disgust.

I groaned. Parker was my best friend. We had known each other for almost two years, he worked in the same bank as me. He lived in the apartment opposite mine, but my apartment was more home to him.

Parker was good-looking, there wasn’t denying that. He worked out every single day, his shabby brown hair fell just the right way on his head, and his blue-black eyes always sparkled with mischief. He was also a self-proclaimed and proud Casanova.

“You need to get out,” I groaned.

“Your boy toy coming over?” Parker smirked.

“Cameron isn’t boy toy!” I protested. “We just have an agreement that suits us both.”

“Sure,” Parker rolled his eyes. “Friends with benefits.”

I narrowed my eyes at him.

“He’s in love with toy Khlo,” Parker stated, in a no-nonsense voice. “He’ll even ditch work at one call for you. He looks at you like some love-sick puppy. He hates when I come over!”

I bit back a growl of frustration. “Don’t be stupid. He knows as well as me that this is only an agreement.”

Parker didn’t say anything. He opened the door and walked out. I glared at his retreating back. I sighed, taking my heels off.

Walking into my room, I stripped off my clothes, leaving a trail of them to the bathroom. I filled the bathtub with water, adding my favorite vanilla oils.

I sighed as I got in the hot bath. Closing my eyes, I hoped that I would be able to relax for some time. But Parker’s words came into my mind.

I couldn’t get it around my head that he had called Cam my boy toy. He wasn’t. Cam and I wanted a no strings attached relationship, and it was working out pretty fine. I groaned, muttering curses under my breath for Parker.

I got out of the tub, wrapping a towel around me. As I moved around my room, looking for something to wear, something caught my eye. A photo. Of me and Ian.

Ian. I took a deep breath, clutching the towel closer to my body, and sitting on the bed. Ian was the reason I couldn’t get into a relationship with anybody. He had ruined me for anyone.

I couldn’t help but compare every guy I went out with to Ian. Everything about him was off. My body tingled as I thought of Ian. He was such a great guy.

I wondered what my life would have been if I stayed back. If I was still with Ian I had no doubt that we would be married by now. I shook my head, bringing myself back into the present as the doorbell rang. I hurriedly slipped on a robe, knowing who was on the other side of the door.

Opening the door with a small smile, I was surprised to see Cam holding a dozen roses in his hand. I frowned.

“These are for you,” Cam said, and before I could say anything, he placed the roses in my hand. I gave him a shaky smile, walking into the kitchen. I put the roses on the counter, walking back into the living room, just in time to see Cam take off his jacket and tie.

I walked up to him as sultrily as I could, pulling his head down, kissing him hard. Cam’s hands gripped my waist, pulling me impossibly closer to him as he kissed me senselessly.

“Bed,” I managed to choke out, and Cam smiled.

He walked to my bedroom, with me still in his arms, gently laying me down. He took off my robe, a guttural groan passing his lips as he took in my naked body.

He took off his shirt, taking his own sweet time. “Cameron,” I growled, and he smirked as he took his pants and boxers off in one go.

His lips found mine, and I closed my eyes relishing the taste of him. Just as his mouth found my hard nípple, he thrust himself into me.

Blue eyes melted into my soul, and only one name left my lips.


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