Chapter 3

How come she bit my tongue? That isn't the issue; why did I kiss her in the first place?

She stood up and said, "You're just like the rumors say."

"Huh?" My eyebrow went up.

"Thank you for being a sympathetic ear," she said, walking towards the door. But then paused and turned

to face me, her icy blue eyes blazing with anger. "Don't even think something like this would happen again."

She walked out and locked the door behind her.

I stood up. "Who does that crazy bitch think she is?"

Like the other rooms, this one featured a mirror I had put in. My own reflection briefly came into view. My lips were curled into a grin.

"What's the excitement about?" I spoke to my reflection. "She'd just cut me off... Me? Mee?"

I knew I should be furious, but this was the first time in my life that a lady had me this excited.


Crystal’s POV (Before and After the Failed Operation)


Tough, independent, and self-standing.

Those are three adjectives I've always liked hearing about myself.

I had never had to rely on anyone save my family and possibly Harold.

After seeing my father's awful death in a vehicle accident from which the doctors were helpless to save him, I decided to pursue a medical career.

I decided to pursue this career path because of my desire to make a difference in people's lives and to keep smiles on their loved ones' faces. That was, and still is the ultimate goal.

I wasn't admitted to any single hospital for very long. Every year, I would hop from hospital to hospital, learning the ropes and saving lives.

I've been on the go for three years, but after much deliberation, I've decided to settle in Vermont. But I must admit, I didn't come here to further my medical education... It may be time to settle down, so I came here.

"Mom. I said I'm doing okay. I exhaled into the phone. "How is everybody?"

"It's a hive of activity," she lamented, "but then, that's New York for you. Has your aunt arrived yet?"

"Yeah, she's at my apartment," I yawned.

"Are you still in the hospital? I thought solo practitioners were exempt from overnight shifts?" she asked worriedly.

"I don't have to, but I want to. This is the largest hospital in Richmond, Mom. I could gain entry here only because of Harold's recommendation."

"Oh. How is he doing?"

I answered, "He's fine; I just haven't seen him today or yesterday; perhaps he's on leave."

"God bless his generous soul. Are you sure you two aren't dating?" she probed.

"We're not," I groaned. A girl can only hope, though.

"Sweetie, I wouldn't mind if you brought him home as a prospective husband."


"I get that you have a promising career ahead of you... However, Crystal, you're..."

"I'm thirty years old," I said, completing her statement.

"Why not take advantage of your good looks?" she prodded. "Granted, you have been blessed with looks that would make one wonder if you've drunk from the wellspring of eternal youth. Or… are you gay?"

"I'm not, Mom," I responded. "I've tried."

"I truly don't know, honey," she murmured. "Should I introduce you to some people? Or perhaps your aunt can lend a hand?"

"But she's not married either," I pointed out. Sorry, aunt.

"It's weird," she said, "because she has an excellent judgment of men. This world is a really strange one. But apart from that, I'd like to warn you that you might not have as much time as you believe."

Sighing, "I understand, Mom," I said.

"I love you."

"I love you, too."

I waited for her to finish talking before stretching and yawning from exhaustion.

Tough, independent, and self-standing.

Would those words still describe me if love and marriage were what I was after?

I moved to Richmond, where I knew only Harold, and found a job in the same hospital he did. I liked him but couldn't pinpoint why I wasn't experiencing intense love or passion toward him.

I could make eye contact with him and carry on a discussion. My heart didn't give a little flutter when I was with him. But he listened well and was easy to talk to and comprehend.

I became close to him because of all the times he looked out for me when we were in medical school.

But it still felt like something needed to be improved.

That morning, though, was a complete surprise.

When Catherine approached me, I had just finished making my rounds and was ready for rest.

"There's an emergency on its way here," she said. "Harold isn't back, but can you fill in?"

"Sure thing, ma'am," I answered as I stood up.

She smiled. "Call me Catherine, please; we're both the same age."

I laughed nervously and said, "Oh, sorry about that, Catherine. What's the emergency?"

"He was in a car accident, and the emergency room diagnosed him with a punctured heart," she said.

I hesitated. Cases that brought up painful memories of my father's passing were ones I tried to avoid.

"You can sit this one out if there's something wrong," she said, her eyebrow slightly raised. "You've proved your mettle as a solo surgeon long enough."

"No, no, I can handle it," I said, and took a few deep breaths before continuing, "I just need a minute."

"All right then, I'll tell the head doctor." She went away.

I was tired of running. This may be the moment I overcame my fear and moved on with my life.

On top of that, I wanted Harold's effort to recommend this place to be worthwhile.


I was helpless to save him.

I watched helplessly as he slipped away from me.

When the chief medical officer gave up first, I was close to doing the same. After all, Adam Hunt was the chief medical officer. Everyone knew he was a brilliant surgeon and brilliant leader; he was a prodigy.

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