Chapter 2. A Warm Welcome

Two days later, at 7:00 AM, Tyla’s alarm blared, “Beep, beep!”

She groggily turned it off, realizing it was still set for school. With Madison moving to the other side of town two weeks before her graduation, she faced a tough decision: find a new place for a cheaper price or cover the apartment rent.

After graduating recently, she was still job hunting, or so she thought.

As she sat at her study table, she opened her emails and gasped in disbelief. It was an email from her dream firm, Rapid Legal Solutions!

“OMG, someone pinch me!” She exclaimed. They offered her a junior associate position with a $65,000 salary.

It wasn’t just about the money; it meant she was one step closer to achieving her goals and seeking justice for her parents. Without hesitation, she replied to the email, marking another accomplishment off her checklist.

Feeling ecstatic, she blasted her favorite song while getting ready in the bathroom, not caring about her neighbors’ opinions.

After freshening up and donning a comfy outfit, she headed to the nearest diner to get her favorite croissant for breakfast.

On her way back, she checked her mailbox, only to find it jammed. “Wait, is this my mailbox? It’s never been like this before,” she mumbled to herself.

She stepped back to check, and it was truly hers.

Curiosity piqued, she grabbed the first few emails from the box, noticing they were addressed to her. Gathering the pile, she headed for the elevator, eager to uncover the surprises within.

Finally, settling down at the table with her butter croissant, she prepared to dive into the mountain of mail that awaited her.

Among the emails she received, there were some from different families who attended the graduation ceremony, her favorite online clothing store, offering exclusive discounts and new arrivals.

She also received a newsletter from her favorite travel blog, sharing travel tips and destination recommendations. She received a mail from a charity organization, inviting her to an upcoming event.

Hours later, she was done reading all her emails, and she could finally move on to doing things she planned for the rest of the day. “Oops,” she mumbled.

She remembered that she had nothing else to do the entire day but be lazy. She did not begin work at Rapid Legal Solution till the following week.

The entire weekend, she was lying around doing nothing. The weekend went by really slowly.

Finally, it was Monday. The day she got to start grinding in the real world. She got to the office early, and all she kept reminding herself of was, “I don’t want to mess this up.”

She approached the receptionist. “Good morning, miss. I’m…” Before she could complete her sentence, the lady cut her off.

“Yes, I know who you are and I believe you’re looking for the Human Resources Department. You’ve not started to work here, and you’re already popular. Trust me, you will get used to it. We are happy to have you on board. Congratulations, by the way!”

Tyla smiled and replied, “Thank you. I appreciate the heads up!”

“You can have a seat there.” She pointed in the direction of the waiting room. “Somebody will come to take you up shortly.”

She walked towards the waiting room and sat down. Five minutes later, a man walked and introduced himself and then told her to follow him.

They then walked down the hall and into the elevator. An awkward silence filled the space, and then they both started conversing.

The man struck up a conversation about Rapid Legal Solutions.

Tyla asked about the company’s culture and what she could expect on her first day.

The man shared some insights about the collaborative work environment, the team dynamics, and the exciting cases they handle. It helped her feel more prepared and excited about starting her journey at Rapid Legal Solutions. It was a great way to break the ice before starting her first day at the office!

They stepped out of the elevator with a crowd of people applauding Tyla and welcoming her; she was excited to finally have a community so welcoming. The guy from the elevator walked her to her workstation, making her feel even more accepted and supported.

She couldn’t help but feel grateful for the warm and friendly community she had just joined.

She sat at her desk, and then the guy right next to her workstation looked over and introduced himself, “Hey Tyla, I’m Ebby. I guess I can say I’m your right hand here since I’m seated to your right,” he joked, and they both giggled.

“I see you have jokes. It’s nice meeting you, Ebby. Maybe we could grab something to eat during lunch. It’s my treat,” She suggested while flashing him a warm smile.

“Hell no, it’s your first day here! I will be doing you the honor!” He smirked.

“Okay, okay, I will take the L only—cause today is my first day, and I don’t want an enemy on the first day, or do I?” She teased.

“I look forward to having lunch with the celebrity in the room. You’re more like Beyoncé here, and I don’t mind being your sidekick.”

“You got jokes, huh? But I’m glad that you mentioned it. I love Beyoncé. That’s a goddess, so I’m going to take that as a compliment.” She wiggled her eyebrows.

“I guess we both have something in common, after all, because I adore Beyoncé!”

Both of them went on to talk about the Renaissance tour while Ebby worked. It was the first day, and Tyla had nothing much to do but get acquainted with the new work environment.

Both of them continued chatting about their shared love for Beyoncé and the Renaissance tour while Ebby worked.

It was an excellent way for Tyla to get acquainted with the new work environment on her first day. She was grateful to have such a friendly and fun coworker like Ebby by her side.

During lunch, Tyla and Ebby decided to try out a local restaurant. They shared stories, laughed, and bonded over their favorite Beyoncé songs. It was a delightful break from work and a chance for them to get to know each other better.

The food was delicious, and the conversation flowed effortlessly, making it a memorable lunch for both of them.

It was a lovely day, but it was not promised that every day was going to be the same. Something lingered in the near future of Tyla, and it was going to be the biggest storm of her life.

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