Chapter 4


“She must die after the marriage! I need to get full control! I wish I could kill her, now to end this facade!”

A malicious groan follows.

“Be patient. The marriage is in a few weeks! After the marriage, we wait for the full moon. Then from there, we proceed with our plans. Still, everything is working as planned!”

Malicious laughter follows.

Eve’s POV

Maryline enters my room and opens all the window blinds as usual.

The early morning sunrays hit my face, and this makes me shudder out of sleep. Scantily rubbing my eyes which open up to Maryline, who is impatiently strutting at my bedside with her mended stare fixed on me.

I attempt sitting up in bed in vain. Instead, I incite the fierce pain from my knee, which renders me weak and a little drop of tears escaping my left eye.

“What? I’m not in the mood!” I yell at Maryline in pain, transforming all my pain into harsh words.

“Don’t raise your voice at me!” She warns. This makes me feel stupid, yet I don’t show it. I rather remain quiet.

“It’s morning already! We have your wedding to prepare for. Now get down from that bed and come take your bath!”

She urges as if she forgot about my injury, or perhaps she doesn’t care about it.

“Sorry, I’m not getting married to that man! Besides, the mate festival is soon approaching! I will rather prepare for it, and I think you better follow me!”

I carelessly retort my glance away from her.

“Don’t be ridiculous, Eve! You know what’s at stake! I don’t think you have a choice to make here! It’s an instruction you are obliged to follow!”

She explains.

“Yes, as usual, I’m a jester they play with according to their will. I have never had any freedom of speech in my life!”

Overrule by my unruly wrath, I groan as I unexpectedly shift into my wolf, and the fierce pain from my knee suddenly disappear.

Without giving it any second thought, I immediately ran out of my room through the window

Which is found on the second floor of the fortress, which is several meters above the ground.

Maryline widens her eyes, crying in terror as she sees me falling from this height. She runs out of my room and hurry to the door downstairs which leads out...


I groan as I heavily, painfully dip onto the ground. On the ground, I shift back to my human form and I plunge into a coma laying naked with my legs arch around my stomach like a fetus. A tear roll down my cheeks.

As soon as I collapse, Adams enters the gate as if he heard my suffering. He runs to where I’m laying as he perceives me. He finds me bare and unconsciously laying on the ground. This renders him weak and bitter at the same time. The colour of his eyes changes and his fangs cave out.

“Oh my god! Eve!”

Maryline cries as she finally reaches out to me, but Adams is already there. She quivers as she sees Adams. Then she whirls, crying as she sees me lying dead on the ground. She was in the worst state of negative thinking as tears streamed down her eyes. She ventures to aid me.

“How irresponsible are you!”

Adams furiously yells at Maryline, stopping her from assisting me as she has always done all her life.

He carries me to my room. Maryline follows him till we reach my room.

He lays me in bed.

“No disturbance!”

He slams shut the door behind him in Marylin’s face.

“Wow!” Marilyne exclaims in wrath as the door bangs at her nose tip, nearly shoving her off like a piece of trash. This renders her so mad that she bitterly tightens her face with her throbbing lips, and she leaves with her clenched fists.

Adams stays at my bedside till I regain my consciousness. That is after about an hour of sleep or more.

I open my eyes with a blurred vision to his strong handsome face which intimidated me. I sense the sheet directly on my naked skin. This gets me worried. I slightly lift the sheet and peep inside to find myself lying completely naked in bed. 

“Shit!” I cry deep down. Adams has seen me naked once more. This thought is very embarrassing, and it irritates me.

My head aches.

“What happened? Rather who pissed you?”

He asks when he glimpses and finds me awake and damn furious.

“All this is because of you! I don’t want to marry you! I don’t want to be your mate! I don’t want to be a Luna either.” I shriek.

“What do you want?” he shifts his chair nearer my bedside.

“Wow! For the first time in my entire life, someone asks me what I want. Wow, I can’t believe this!” I get ironic.

“Yes, go on tell me!” He adds with his emotionless glances on. Then he removes the suit jacket he has on and places it at the back of the chair on which he is seated. He unties his tie and unbuttons the first two buttons of his shirt; this shows hints of his naked chest.

For some second I get lust on his physique nearly dripping with my mind getting blank. He got very cute chiseled abs...

“I’m waiting!”

He notifies as he gets done and sits still across the bed, with his legs and arms interweaved. Oh my God, his muscles contracts and carve out on his shirt as he folds his arms

His voice snatches me back to reality.

“What I want you to say... I want a normal life like every young wolf of my age. I want to attend the mate festival to find my mate as it’s normally done. But Maryline won’t let me. She says I can’t go because I have to prepare for my so call marriage! A wedding I shun!” I cry.

“Maryline is right. Our wedding is soon, and you have to focus on it because I want the biggest wedding of all time. One which will mark our history!”

He calmly retorts.

“Why don’t you all get it? I don’t want to marry you! Anytime I look at you, I’m terrified, and you are a constant reminder of endless misery!”

His apathy pisses me off, and I, unawares, run out of bed and shift into my wolf. I have no control over it. I never knew emotions could easily alter my state.

Before I can attempt a movement, he soon clenches me into his arms with his eyes green and fangs out.


I groan louder and louder, but he is stronger than me.

“You need to relax!”

He whispers.

“Try to control the wolf in you. Don’t let it control you!.” he adds softly, caressing my furs...

“Calm down!”

He keeps caressing my wolf.

I suddenly shift back into my human form and fall naked in his arms.

I’m naked in his arm. I rapidly grab the bed sheet, and I cover my body with it. I throbbing pose near him, facing the ground.

“You will go to the mate festival! On one condition!”

He confides as my innocent glance melts his heart.

“What condition?”

I retort with my trembling, embarrassed voice.

“That you don’t search for any mate there!” He adds

“Like seriously? What’s the need of going there?” I fume in wrath.

“To live your age and have fun with people of your age. I understand it’s your first festival and surely the last and I don’t want to deprive you of it!” He explains.

“Hahaha...” I fume in bitterness.

“Hey, I’m not here to deprive you of your joy or freedom. I’m here for an alliance. I’m simply going to be your husband, and we shall rule together!”

He conveys, yet I still feel reluctant.

“Oh, why should I accept your condition in the first place? I’m free to do whatever I want. I don’t belong to you!”

I cry then I end up yelling.

He smirks, very sure of himself, passing his finger around my face.

“That is where you get everything, wrong little girl. You have no choice in this situation. You belong to me!”

He develops.

I flinch at his touch.

“I don’t belong to anybody!”

I hoot, yet I still feel intimidated by him.

“I think you need to discuss it with your uncle. It’s clear that there are lots of things he hasn’t discussed with you!”

He mumbles, and he moves back to his seat.

This renders me speechless and very thoughtful. What could this be? What is he talking about?

He picks up his jacket.

“We are starting training tomorrow. Make sure you prepare. I will teach you how to control your wolf and how to defend yourself.” He puts on his jacket while I plunge back into bed.

He adds while moving closer.

“As I said, you won’t be a spectator in my reign. We will rule together. Now rest well and make sure you eat well too!”

He stretches forth and kisses my forehead before I can notice it. I flinch, but in vain, he already succeeded in kissing me.

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