Chapter 4

Eliana’s POV

I went to my room, checked my socials, and guess what I saw the moment I opened it? It was Oliver and Sarah’s photo together. I quickly turned off my phone and screamed into the pillow in frustration. I should be happy because Oliver’s my best friend, but I am hurting. I can’t help feeling jealous and anxious because of that, and that night, I slept with a heavy heart.

The next morning, I woke up from Aly’s knock on my door, telling me she’d be off to the cafe now. I lazily got up from my bed and started my day as well. I was heartbroken, a great day to paint my emotions. I grabbed my canvas and some paint. I let my hand stroke some shades for my aching heart. Each stroke was an expression of the pain, the jealousy, and the longing that I had been grappling with. The colors melded together, forming a mosaic of emotion.

I didn’t notice I took a long time painting. I admired my painting filled with vibrant colors and chaos. The reflection of what I was feeling right now. I hadn’t contacted Oliver after that night, and he still hadn’t messaged me yet asking if I was okay or if I went home safely, and that was because his attention was all on Sarah. I felt like Wendel was the only friend left for me, even though he had Callie by his side. He never made me feel like a third wheel or as if he stopped caring for me.

I called Wendel’s messenger, but he didn’t answer. He might be at work. I wanted to ask him if he knew that Oliver was seeing someone now, but based on our last conversation, I doubted that Wendel knew about it. I called Aly to tell her I’d grab some lunch for us. I changed my clothes and drove on my way to the cafe. The cafe was a 15-minute drive from our home, and good thing the weather was sunny with a little breeze.

The drive provided me with a chance to clear my head a bit, breathe, and think about what I was feeling.

As I walked into the cafe, the familiar scent of coffee and pastries welcomed me. Aly waved from behind the counter, a warm smile on her face. It was comforting to see her, a sister who had always been there for me. I also consider her as my best friend.

My phone buzzed, breaking the silence. It was a message from Wendel: “Hey, sorry I missed your call earlier. What’s up?”

I hesitated for a moment before typing a response: “Hey, just wanted to catch up. Are you free later? I’ll call when I get home.”

“Who’s that?” Aly asked when she sat beside me with a coffee.

I grabbed her coffee and took a sip. She looked at me in disbelief, and I just laughed at her.

“I’m pretty sure Sarah has some attitude that Oliver doesn’t like,” I said, smiling.

“What are you planning?” Aly asks with her furrowed brow.

“Nothing. Maybe thinking of some ways to show Oliver that Sarah isn’t really for her. That what he needs is right in front of him,” I said.

“Don’t do something ridiculous, Eli, okay?” she said.

“Don’t worry. I won’t,” I smiled.

I happily went to our usual hangout spot, and fate really wanted me to do this plan in my head because Oliver was there, without Sarah.

“Oliver!” I greeted him happily.

“Hey, Eli!” he said, “What are you doing here? It’s too early.”

“I just want to grab some coffee alone, but good thing you’re here. I won’t be alone,” I said. Wait? Do I look like I’m flirting with him? Geez, Love really does change people. I chuckled to myself.

“Yeah, sure,” he led me to where he was sitting, and I sat in front of him.

“Where’s Sarah?” I asked him. I hope she’s not really here today.

Oliver shrugged, sipping his coffee. “She had some errands to run today, so it’s just me for now.”

I nodded, trying to act casual while secretly feeling relieved. This unexpected opportunity gave me a chance to spend some quality time with Oliver without any distractions.

“Well, I hope she’s doing okay. So, how’s everything been going with you?”

Oliver leaned back, looking thoughtful. “Honestly, things have been good. Sarah and I get along well, and I enjoy spending time with her.”

“That’s great to hear,” I said, though a pang of jealousy still lurked within me.

He smiled appreciatively. “And what about you? How have you been?”

“I’ve been doing better. But I can’t help but feel protective of you, you know?”

Oliver raised an eyebrow, looking intrigued. “Protective? What do you mean?”

I took a deep breath, then decided to dive in. “Well, Sarah seems nice and all, but I’ve noticed a few things that make me wonder if she’s the right fit for you. Like that time, she seemed disinterested when you were talking about your interests.”

He frowned slightly, seemingly deep in thought. “I mean, we all have our flaws, right? Nobody’s perfect. Is that what you noticed when we had lunch together?”

“Of course, nobody’s perfect,” I agreed. “But you deserve someone who genuinely appreciates you, someone who shares your passions and supports you.”

Oliver chuckled softly. “You really are looking out for me, aren’t you?”

I grinned, relieved that he didn’t seem angry about my comments. “I can’t help it. You’re my best friend, after all.”

He leaned forward, his expression more serious. “Eli, I appreciate your concern, I really do. But I also believe in giving people a chance. Sarah has her own qualities that I find special.”

I nodded, acknowledging his perspective. “You’re right. I shouldn’t judge without really knowing her. I just want you to be happy.”

He reached across the table and placed his hand on mine. “I know you do, and I’m grateful for that. But let’s both give this a chance, alright?”

I smiled, warmth spreading through me from his touch. “Deal. I’ll try my best.” But in my head, I said no.

We spent the next hour chatting, laughing, and reminiscing about old times. It felt good to be in his company again, just like in old times. As we parted ways, I was more determined to make him realize that Sarah wasn’t meant for her. That it was me all along.

Aly’s words echoed in my mind: “Don’t do something ridiculous.”

And in that moment, I realized that trying to manipulate a situation was indeed ridiculous. True friendship means supporting each other’s choices, but this wasn’t just friendship anymore; I was in love.

I loved my best friend, and I deserved him more than anyone else.

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