Chapter 3. Meeting Cassian


"We've found a girl for you to marry!"

And that's when everything changed.

"Mom, what do you mean you want me to get married? I don't even know who she is or what she looks like," I protested. I came here to discuss my relationship with Ayesha, and now they want me to marry someone else.

"She is my business partner's daughter. I just received a picture of her an hour ago. Turns out, she's the same girl who saved me from falling down the stairs at the temple today. I hear she's pretty and well-cultured," Dad explained.

"Mom, you need to explain to him—"

But my mom cut me off before I could finish. "You're at the age where you should settle down and start your own family. Besides, she's a sweet and innocent girl. I've met her, and she even helped us without knowing who we were. Please, at least meet her for our sake," my mom pleaded, trying to guilt me into agreeing.

This isn't right. Things have gotten out of hand. Looking into my parents' eyes, I can see how determined they are for me to meet this girl.

I love my parents dearly, and I don't want to upset them.

Gritting my teeth, I responded, "Fine, I'll meet her tomorrow. But if I don't like her, you won't force me!" I declared, looking directly at them.

A big smile appeared on both of their faces. "Okay, tomorrow afternoon, they have invited us to meet their daughter. We'll go at 1 p.m. sharp," Dad confirmed.

I nodded and was about to head to my room in this house when my mom interrupted. "Also, stay the night here. What was the thing you wanted to talk about?" she inquired.

Now, how am I supposed to tell her about Ayesha? I know they won't approve of me marrying her because she's too modern for them, and they are infatuated with this other girl.

"Nothing, Mom. I got help from Noah," I lied. It hurts to lie, but I can't tell her. She nodded, and I headed straight to my room. I went to the balcony and made sure the doors were closed before calling Ayesha.

I called Ayesha, and she answered after 5-7 rings, which was surprising because she usually takes longer.

"Hey, baby! I was waiting for your call!" she exclaimed from the other end.

I smiled upon hearing her sweet and cute voice. "Hey, babe, I have news for you.

"I was waiting for it! I'm so excited. Tell me, what did your parents say about us?" she asked eagerly.

"Ayesha, my parents called me to come here, and I was planning to come anyway. When I arrived, they told me that. I couldn't bring myself to finish the sentence.

"What, baby? Tell me!" she urged.

"They said they found a girl for me to marry... I revealed. It was difficult to tell her, but she deserved to know.

"WHAT?!? Baby, you told me you would talk to them about us, but now—"

I interrupted her, saying, "Ayesha, I didn't know either. I found out when I got here. And before you ask, I couldn't say no because they were genuinely happy. I haven't seen them this happy before. They are infatuated with her. But don't worry, tomorrow I'm going to meet her with my family, and I'll find some flaw in her that I can use to convince my parents to say no.

"You better say no because you know how much we love each other, and I want to be with you!" she exclaimed, her voice starting to change.

I think she's crying...

"Ayesha, don't worry. I will say no to her. I have to go now. My mom wants me to stay here, and they're calling me downstairs for dinner," I explained.

"Okay, bye, baby. I have to go too. See you soon, and make sure to say no to that girl, whoever she is! Love you!" she said quickly.

"Bye!" I said, ending the call.

After hanging up, I went downstairs before my mom could get mad at me for being late. When I entered the dining room, everyone was waiting for me, and I took my seat. We all started eating when my mom spoke up, "Cassian, don't go to work tomorrow. Work from home because whenever you go to the office, you end up being late!"

I was about to object, but one stern look from her made me nod my head. Dad started laughing, amused by how my mom silenced me. I glared at him.

"Stop laughing, Gabriel! You shouldn't laugh at your son when the same trick works on you," Mom said.

Dad stopped laughing and focused on his food, and now it was my turn to laugh. Then Mom glared at me and I stopped, and then everyone started laughing.

I love my family so much. I have a perfect life, and now I'll see how this girl comes and ruins it.

After finishing dinner, I said goodnight to my parents and went upstairs. I got ready for bed, took off my shirt, and was about to grab my laptop to do some work when I heard a knock on the door.

"Come in," I said, and Mom walked in. She smiled at me, and I smiled back. She sat on the bed and patted the seat next to her, signaling for me to sit down. I followed her instructions and sat beside her. I knew why she was here, to talk about that girl!

"Cassian, you know I love you so much and I want to see you settle down. I'm getting old now, and I want grandchildren to spoil," she said. "I know you hesitate to marry someone you don't even know and haven't met, but trust me, she's an amazing girl. Just talking to her for 5 minutes, I could tell she'd be the perfect life partner for you."

What's so special about her?

"Do you want to see her picture?" Mom asked.

I want to, but at the same time, I don't want to. I can't cheat on Ayesha like this, so I responded, "No, Mom. I'll see her straight up tomorrow."

"Okay, son. I know once you see her, you'll be drooling all over the place," she said with a wink. "At least get to know her name!"

I nodded because it wouldn't affect me. "Her name is... Seraphina!" Mom said dreamily.

Seraphina... What a beautiful name. Wait, what am I thinking?

I was lost in my thoughts when Mom spoke again, "Oh, ho! Cassian Adi Sinclair is already dreaming about her," she said, smirking.

I shook my head and said, "Okay, Mom. Goodnight now, and don't trouble me!"

She started laughing, bid me goodnight, and left the room.

I lay on the bed. I didn't want to work anymore, and I thought about what would happen tomorrow. The name Seraphina kept repeating in my head, so with those thoughts, I drifted off to sleep.

Seraphina, get ready to meet Cassian Adi Sinclair. I'll make sure I become your worst nightmare.


I’m awake on time and I got out of bed because I don’t want to hear Mom shriek early in the morning.

It was time, I put it on the dining table, and people were slowly coming downstairs and taking a seat at the dining table. So I served them and got out, but then Dad said “Don’t go yet”.

I was befuddled and concerned that, once again, I must have done something wrong. My brain was inundated with thoughts like ‘Did they notice me at the park? ‘Did they see me at the temple?’ ‘Do they know I do that frequently?! I looked up at him and turned around.

"Yes..." I said meekly.

He glanced at his wife and she indicated yes. It’s something I was really confused about until what they said next cleared my confusion.

‘My business partner has a son and we have agreed to have you married to him!’ said Father.

I looked at him dumbfounded. I was almost going to ask them why when Mother cut me, “You have no right to say anything because if you marry their son, then two good things will happen, one our company will gain an advantage and two, we will be rid of you.”

I glanced at her, tears welling up in my eyes as I thought about how they just wanted to be rid of me. But I quickly nodded and looked down. "They're coming today at 1 p.m. to see you, so make sure you're on your best behavior. And when they ask if you're ready for this marriage, you'll say yes!" my mother yelled. I nodded again and was about to leave when my father interrupted, "They're important people, so don't do anything stupid that lowers our reputation. Now, get out!" I nodded quickly and rushed to the kitchen.

My tears started flowing, and I wiped them away hastily to avoid appearing weak. I don't even know why I'm crying. I should be happy to leave them and find someone who might respect and love me. But now I can't trust anyone because if my parents treat me this way, how would a stranger treat me?

With this thought, I wiped my tears and focused on finishing my work before 1 p.m.

I need to gather myself.

It was 12 p.m.. and I had finished everything when my mother approached me. "Take this. This is what you have to wear today to look presentable. Now go change. You have one hour," she said, handing me a bag.

I nodded, took the bag from her hands, and headed to my room. This is the first time she has given me something, but I know it's for her own benefit. I opened the bag and found a beautiful off-white cream-colored frock with palazzo pants, paired with a net dupatta adorned with maroon embroidery. Most importantly, it was simple and not too extravagant.

I quickly changed into the outfit and put on matching earrings. I was relieved to see no bruises today. I applied lotion and lip gloss, which I don't usually use but felt necessary to appear 'presentable. I let my long black straight hair hang loose. As I was about to go downstairs, I remembered something. I opened the hidden box under my clothes and retrieved a pair of beautiful anklets. These anklets were my first gift from my only friend. I felt like wearing them, so I put them on quickly.

Glancing at the clock, I saw it was 12:38. I usually don't take long to get ready. I headed downstairs and saw my mother waiting. She approached me, scrutinizing my appearance from head to toe. I hoped she wouldn't say anything negative.

"Good enough. Now listen, when they arrive, stay in the kitchen. When I call you, bring a tray with tea and sweets," she instructed.

I nodded, surprised that she didn't criticize my appearance. It wasn't perfect, but I would take it.

As I was about to head towards the kitchen, she grabbed my wrist and squeezed it, cautioning, "Don't you dare reveal anything about your life to them. Just say yes when they ask if you're ready for this marriage. I nodded, hoping she would release my wrist without leaving a bruise. After I nodded, she let go, and I hurried to the kitchen.

I examined my wrist, hoping to find no bruise, and thankfully, luck was on my side today. I wiped away the single tear that escaped my eye and busied myself with some remaining tasks to pass the time.

When the clock struck 12:56, I heard my father greeting someone. Fear gripped me as I thought, 'What if he rejects me, and my parents blame me?'

What does he look like? What is his name?!

I don't know why, but I found myself smiling at the thought of getting married. It felt like today's decision might be the catalyst for changing my life. After a few minutes, I heard my mother say, 'Seraphina.

I know it's all an act, but I'll take it. So, I quickly grabbed the tray filled with tea cups, took a deep breath, and made my way to the living room.

You can do it, Seraphina! This will be my first step towards changing my life!

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