Chapter 5. Ignore Him

Jennifer’s POV

No matter how loudly, bitterly, and beseechingly I pleaded with her to return, even if I knew she wouldn’t, I must respect the fact that she was no longer here. So I guess it’s harder than I imagined. I constantly remind myself, each time I start crying, how my life would be if my mom were still here.

Sometimes I blame myself for her death. What would happen if I tried to save my mother? I always asked myself this question. But I couldn’t find the answer.

The sounds of honking brought me back to reality. I turned around and saw a few cars behind me. I apologized and started driving.

When I reached my house, I parked my bike in the garage.

My stepmother emerged from the kitchen and approached me, offering to help carry the load of groceries I was holding. She asked if I could help her with supper, and after I nodded, we began cooking.

After dinner, I went upstairs and started reading my favorite book on my bed. I might not look like someone who loves to read books, but I’m a bookworm. I love reading books about experiencing love because I know I will never experience it. I have a weird personality.

I shook my head and focused on the book in my hands. After a while, I felt my eyelids grow heavy, and I fell asleep.


“Jennifer, stop daydreaming and focus!” the coach exclaimed. I sighed, wondering if she could see that I was trying my best.

“Try to shoot one, Jen!” the coach exclaimed again. I took a deep breath, grabbed my bow, and positioned the target as my coach instructed.

“That’s it for today, Jen. You did your very best,” Mrs. Mendez exclaimed, holding her thumbs up. I saw her leave the sports center so I could continue practicing archery. My class starts at eight-thirty, so I still have forty-five minutes left.

Since I was seven years old, I have been into archery. My lifelong goal has been to compete in archery at the Olympics. I realized I would need a lot of effort and faith, and I’ll submit my Nationals application in a few months. Closer to the Olympics, that is my open gate. I want to please my stepmother, so I’m both terrified and excited. And if I win, I’ll get the cash to support my mother and let her watch over my brother because I won’t be there when I leave for college.

I will try my best to get a scholarship, but that is easier said than done. I want to apply to Gotham Archery because they have a big facility for archery. I still want to pursue my dreams while studying business.

Every time I go for archery, it reminds me of my mom. She was the one who brought me to my first lesson when I was seven. She’s the only one who told me not to give up, no matter how hard the situation is. She was the one who cheered for me in the first match that I won. And now that she’s gone, I feel like I lost the other half of myself that I will never get back. She was my hero.

I didn’t notice that tears were falling down my face. I wiped them away and looked at my watch.

8:13 am.

I walked out of the facility and briefly sat down on the bench. I got dressed, grabbed my bag, and left the facility.

8:25 am.

I hurried to my next class, which was on the other side of the school. I groaned and started running. I didn’t want to get scolded for being late, nor did I want to argue with the teacher.

I was right on time. I still had one minute left.

I opened the door, and all eyes were on me. I rolled my eyes and looked at my teacher.

“You’re late,” she stated monotonously.

“No, I’m not. I still have…” I glanced at my phone. “…thirty seconds left,” I said with a smirk on my face.

“Take a seat,” she ordered. I walked up to my seat at the end of the class, sat down, and noticed Reyna waving at me. I waved back, and she motioned to her phone. I grabbed mine and saw that she had texted me.

Reyna: Where were you? 

Me: Coach Mendez asked me if I could come in the morning from now on since she said it was better for my body.

Reyna: Okay, by the way, I think Bob was staring at you, and he looked pissed.

Me: I don’t care.

I put my phone down and started listening to our lesson. Throughout the lesson, I felt someone staring at me, and I already knew exactly who it was, but I didn’t want to turn around. As I said, I’m going to ignore him because he is a good example of trouble.


“Class, don’t forget to read the story of Romeo and Juliet,” Mrs. Lux shouted as everyone gathered their belongings and left the classroom. I don’t have much time to read the Romeo and Juliet story again.

“Gosh, I already know what happened in the end. Why do I have to read it?” Reyna groaned. I left the class and walked up to my locker.

“Come on, Romeo and Juliet isn’t that bad. Besides, I never get tired of reading it again and again. You will love it even though you already know what happens in the end,” I said while grabbing my math book and putting away other stuff I wouldn’t need for the next class.

“By the way, I noticed Bob was staring at you with narrowed eyes the whole class,” Reyna explained.

I shrugged my shoulders. “He hates me because I punched him yesterday.”

I turned back after Reyna stopped on the dead tracks. As I stared at her, her mouth dropped open, and her eyes widened. I rolled my eyes and continued on my way.

“You… what?” she shouted while catching up with me. I just nodded my head.

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