Chapter 3

Mary was a twenty-two years old appealing lady with lovely blushing cheeks and a grin that could melt the core of even the most grounded of men. She had green eyes and light hair, something that made her truly recognizable wherever she went to.

Individuals frequently thought it odd that she was working as a bartender instead of doing something more shallow, like being a model or an entertainer. Mary never tried to account for herself to anybody. She just knew that her skills were perfectly matched with her profession as a bartender. Most of the individuals who frequented the bar recognized her as a reliable friend. It was well-known to everybody in the town that if you wanted a particular drink served at your home party, then the best way was always to ask for her help.

The reason why Mary chose this career was because she liked meeting new people. She loved getting to know different kinds of people from all walks of life and learning about their likes, dislikes, and preferences. It gave her a sense of satisfaction knowing that by serving them good drinks, they would get ready to spend more money inside the bar, which would eventually generate extra profit for the club. Every once in a while, Mary would also play host to those individuals who wished to hold small private parties within the premises of the club. The ones hosting these parties paid handsomely in return, but Mary was not interested in this kind of arrangement as she liked to have fun with her friends without any financial concerns.

One particular day, a man came into the bar to take a seat on one of the bar stools. He was wearing a pair of jeans and a shirt, and his appearance suggested that he was neither wealthy nor a powerful person. He didn’t look like someone who would cause problems either for himself or others around him. However, things turned out quite differently when Mary approached him for his order.

“Hi! How are you today? Can I help you with anything?” asked Mary cheerfully as soon as she greeted the man sitting next to her at the countertop.

“I’m fine,” replied the stranger in a very husky tone while looking down at the bar floor.

Mary wasn’t the type of girl who would back off after receiving such a reply, so she decided to go ahead with her job and see whether he’d change his mind or not. “What will you be having?” she asked, taking a notepad from where it was kept underneath the bar counter and jotting down the name of a particular brand of whiskey he preferred. The guy just sat there silently watching her make her notes, and while doing that, she continued talking to him. “So, what brings you here today?”

“Not really sure. It must be fate,” he said while looking up at her.

Once again, Mary was surprised by his reply. Most men who visited the bar usually started off by asking for information regarding the various kinds of beer, spirits, and liquors available in stock. However, this man was different in terms of what he said and how he acted.

“Well, what can I get for you?” Mary asked him politely while going through the list of drinks she had written on her paper.

“Just give me another brand of whiskey like I ordered last time.”

That’s when Mary realized that something unusual had happened. She hadn’t seen the guy before, but he knew exactly what drink he wanted to order despite the fact that he’d never been to her bar before. Furthermore, he wasn’t hesitating to answer questions posed by her even though she was a complete stranger to him. That was also strange. So Mary took the initiative to call over a male colleague of hers who was working as a bartender that day. As soon as both of them came to the same conclusion, they agreed to keep quiet about this particular incident lest some unruly customer causes trouble for them later. After all, no one likes having other customers upset with them.

However, Mary couldn’t stop thinking about that mysterious man who ordered drinks and stayed silent while she completed her job. She found herself wondering who he was, how he got into the bar, and what could have brought him there.

Two weeks passed by, but Mary didn’t see the stranger come to the bar during that period of time. On the contrary, the only people she saw entering the pub were groups of young adults. These youngsters normally spent their entire night gossiping amongst themselves, chatting on mobile phones, and ordering alcohol. One day, Mary was walking past the front door when she spotted him standing in front of the bar.

He was wearing a dark jacket and jeans. The same thing that he wore two weeks ago. It appeared that he was waiting for someone inside the bar. However, Mary had no idea who might be coming in. She needed to find out soon so that she could serve the man his favorite drink.

Mary stood outside the main entrance for a few minutes. Nothing happened. After a while, she finally went inside and quickly rushed toward the countertop. Once there, she asked the male bartender whom she’d seen earlier that day. He was the one who was supposed to arrive at the club tonight along with his friend. However, he informed her that nobody had shown up yet. But Mary was still determined to serve the mystery man his favorite drink.

“Hey! I need to know something. Who’s that guy?” Mary asked while pointing toward a seat near the window.

“Who?” he responded while fixing her with a sharp gaze. “Never heard of him,” answered the bartender.

“Oh well,” replied Mary.

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