Chapter 2


I wanted to scream but with my hoarse voice, I almost got choked. Damn it! How come my soul transferred into this weak body? If they want to transfer my soul to someone, just pick those with eight-pack abs and strong! Of course, I wanted to complain but I don't know to whom I could complain.

I stared at the ‘Evelyn’ in front of me. We also had the same name and surname, maybe they also shared the same age but they don't share the same parents at all!

I changed my clothes to a pair of black shirts and high-waist jeans because I was almost blinded by those rag clothes. These clothes were the only one that wasn't worn or getting torn. All of Evelyn's dresses were in rainbow colors and they were even thorns that looked like rags. How could they want me to dress like those?

After I calmed down about the issue of my eight-pack abs, I sat on my stiff bed that looked like it would break if I would jump at it. Anyway, that doesn't matter now, what matters is my eight-pack abs—no, where I am right now and what happened to my original body.

Did I die in my original world? But how could that be? How could I easily die? The last time I checked, I was healthy. HEALTHY.

Something is suspicious about this.

The last time I remembered, I stumbled upon a novel. It was an ad that I accidentally clicked which leads me to read chapter one. When I glanced at the book title, I got hooked.

Well, who wouldn't get hooked if the title is ‘In the name of a psychopath.’

Because of that title, I immediately got hooked and read chapter one. While reading, I seemed to stumble upon the same name as mine. However, I didn't pay attention to it since it happened sometimes and she wasn't an important character anyway.

However, when I continued reading chapter two, there was no ‘Evelyn Marvick’ mentioned in that story, even in chapters two to chapter twenty. That was the reason why I forgot about this cannon fodder since she's cannon fodder that's why I never paid attention to insignificant fodder.

This Evelyn Marvick that I transmigrated into is a cannon fodder who won't appear in chapter two!

Did she die?

It was already vague for me since I didn't pay attention to this cannon fodder who had the same name as mine. Now I regret it and want to read it again.

I was contemplating while hissing from time to time because of pain.

Damn those monsters! How could they treat ‘Evelyn’ like this as if she's a dirty rat? They didn't even provide treatment to her! Don't they have eyes? She's already fifty-fifty.

However since I already took over this body, does that mean that the original owner of the body that she's using, is already dead from being beaten by that woman?

I suddenly felt pity for the previous owner of this body. She didn't experience happiness and always got tormented in this damn family.

Hah, I need to face the reality that I got transmigrated to this novel called ‘In the name of Psychopaths.’ Yes, it was categorized by the author as romance but when I read it, it was filled with bloody scenes and gore. The character in the story are all annoying, but I continued reading it.

The protagonist of this story is Marva Alvid and the male lead of this is Patrick Raynell. If there's a female lead and a male lead, there is also a psychopath villain and its name is Phoenix Valcarcel.

This world was the kind of werewolf type but it doesn't really focus on those werewolves but rather focused on the war between the clan, bloody scenes are all over in the chapter and it has even gore.

Even the two protagonists aren't even considered to be kind just like the other character in the novel, but rather it was kind of schemers and they are also as horrible as the villain. They are like a villain dressed up as protagonists in their world, there are Alpha, Beta, and Omega. Alpha's the dominant type, the betas are the one who will assist the Alpha and the Omega are the rare kind in this novel—more like the author describe the omegas in her novel as servants who are lower than the betas and the alphas.

Those who would challenge the Alpha in their clan and be killed by the beta, then the beta who killed him would be the new Alpha.

Each clan in this world would only have one Alpha. If the Alpha died in their clan, then there would be another Alpha that would take over. More like if the Alpha died, another Alpha in the clan would be born.

The goddess of the moon, they worship her but there were also who doesn't believe in the goddess of the moon but that didn't make them rogue.

If there's a werewolf, there would also be a rogue.

From chapter one to chapter twenty I read before I drop it because I felt like I'm going to have high blood from reading the story.

This female lead was kicked out by her clan, and she wandered in the forest. It was the clinchè type of story where she stumbled upon the Alpha who was wounded from the fight that he forgot his memories.

When the female lead appeared and helped this male lead, the male lead fell for her immediately after knowing that they were mates. In this world, there's no age limit where you would find your mate and love them for the rest of your life. You can't have two mates or so.

However, it was mentioned in the novel that the owner of my body, Evelyn, was born to another woman. However, I don't know if it was true or not since this novel consists of five hundred chapters which I immediately dropped.

Anyway, the chapter that I read was filled with bullying, gore, bloody scenes, and lovey-dovey between the two protagonists. Yes, this novel is rated for eighteen and above.

However, if I remembered it clearly, the villain must be the last boss considering his strength. He was recognized as the most powerful Alpha in the whole clan but sadly, he was disabled. He couldn't walk and always sit in a wheelchair but that didn't prevent him from being the last boss. This man is also a psycho, a schemer, a villain, anything that could describe a villain.

I suddenly remembered that this villain named Phoenix got engaged after he saw the person who was sold to him by the other clan, and he killed her immediately.

I don't know who was that person who just got sold by that psychopath, but thinking about it, I suddenly felt sympathy for that unlucky woman.

Anyway, that novel was full of nonsense I don't know if the author got a hatred for all the characters that she created. Because of that, I dropped it and lost motivation to read another novel again so I went to e-sports, that's why I didn't know the conflict, the body, and the ending of this story!

If I knew that I would be transmigrated into this world, I would read it even if I don't like the plot of the novel!

If someone would ask what regret did I have when I was transported to this world? It would be regretting a body that doesn't have eight-pack abs and wasn't even that strong.

With this body it seemed that I haven't eaten at all, I doubt if I could beat those scums.

Hah... I should start training again.

After talking with myself, I fell asleep easily. Maybe it was because my body was beaten all over and was too tired to stay awake.

When I woke up, all the wounds that I had healed. Even my broken bones.

My eyes widened as I couldn't help but think if I accidentally stole the golden finger of the protagonist.

I immediately shook my head. It was impossible.

I am just cannon fodder that won't appear in chapter two.

I don't know if I can escape from the fate of cannon fodder or not. Anyway, let's just be careful from now on. All these people in the house are my enemies. No one could be trusted.

I glanced at the door which was being knocked on a few times already. I could hear the loud curse of the person who knocked.


I could tell that this person was just a servant but how could this servant get the guts to curse at me?

Oh yeah, I suddenly forgot about my new identity. I wasn't that high and a mighty person who was respected by many, but rather a pitiful weakling who became their punching bag.

Maybe the reason why they always treated ‘Evelyn’ this way is that she's just a weakling who never fights back. As if she was born into this family to become their punching bag. This goddamn family!

I came out of my room with the clothing that I wore last night. My eyes were still covered with bangs and I still wasn't planning to cut it off unless I got back my eight-pack abs again and my muscles.

Who knows what would happen if they looked at my face? Anyone who happened to see my face would be dazzled and mesmerized. The beauty of this cannon fodder is out of the world.

I suddenly doubt if this so-called father of hers was the one who forced Evelyn's mother to bear his child because he might also be enchanted by Evelyn's mother's beauty.

Tragic so tragic.

Maybe this is better this way. It would be better if they would view me as an ugly freak or else I might find myself being sold by them to someone else.

I let out a heavy sigh as I left my room together with the maid who keeps on cursing me for being dirty and ugly.

Damn. They treated me like a dog in this family.

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