Chapter 3

Maxine's POV

"Please, he should just kill me." 

I wanted to die. At least all the pain will end. 

Every second I spent in the room felt like an eternity. 

Suddenly, the large, old door made a loud squeak, and a strong light flooded the space. I had to cover my eyes from the brightness. When I adjusted to the surroundings, I saw Liam. 

My breath caught in my throat as his towering figure moved closer. 

He was so tall that I had to look up. His presence felt overwhelming, filled with emotions I recognized as hate and sickness. Clutching my dress, I fought the urge to cry.

"I want to make one thing clear to you," he approached me. "You mean nothing to me, Absolutely nothing!" Each word pierced me, echoing in my head, confusing me.

"I have many rules for my pack. Everyone must follow them, including you. If you follow these rules, your stay here will be bearable. Who knows, I might even move you to a better room." he spoke, his voice deep but smooth. It was cold, but I could listen to it all day.

I didn't say anything. I couldn't trust my voice. Instead, I listened, obeying him like a submissive wolf. 

"First, speak only when spoken to. Second, don't leave your chambers without my permission. Third, only come to my office when called, and never enter my chambers. Fourth, don't leave the castle without my permission. Lastly, you're not allowed to die unless I say so... That's a warning."

His intense hatred made me stare in disbelief. Without hesitation, he turned away, heading to the door. "W-Why?" I asked, feeling hurt and broken. "Why, Liam? My father gave me away to you as a mate, as your Luna."

He stopped, turned back, and in an instant, he was upon me, but not in the way I wanted. His strong grip tightened around my neck, slamming me against the harsh wall. 

"L-L-Liam?" I choked, unable to breathe, trying to pry his hands off me.

"Why? Because I simply can," his grip tightened, and I gasped for air, tears rolling down my cheeks. 

"Please, you're hurting me," I managed to say, looking into his eyes glowing with an eerie light.

Reluctantly, he released me, letting me fall to the floor. I clutched my neck, trying to breathe. "You'll spend the night serving your discipline," he said coldly before storming out, leaving me in the dark and cold.

I curled up on the floor, crying. After a while, the door creaked open, and a plate of food was tossed inside. I ate in silence, locked up by my own mate. I slept but was constantly afraid.

Moments later, and the door opened, the person who entered was wearing a maid's uniform. 

"The Alpha wants to see you." 

She handed me a beautiful blue dress and informed me that he had summoned me to his chambers. 

Before leaving, she instructed me to clean myself up first. As I made my way to the bathroom, I couldn't help but feel nervous. 

I thought he left me here to rot away? 

After taking a refreshing shower, I slipped into the dress and was amazed at how perfectly it fit me. 

It was almost as if it had been tailored specifically for my body. As I looked at myself in the mirror, I noticed dark circles under my eyes that were evidence of many sleepless nights spent crying.

With each step, my heart raced faster until we finally arrived at his door. Taking a deep breath, I knocked gently and waited nervously for him to answer.

When he did finally open the door, I was struck by his commanding presence and piercing gaze.

"Come in," his voice boomed, commanding and powerful, as he beckoned me into the room. I entered, unsure of what awaited me, and he wasted no time in explaining why he had summoned me.

"Y-you called for me, sir?" I stammered, my voice betraying my nervousness.

"Take off your clothes," he ordered, his tone leaving no room for dissent.

"What?" I stammered, stunned by his request.

"Did you just ask my decree?" His voice grew sharper, his authority palpable in the air.

The aura surrounding him was suffocating, like a heavy fog that threatened to choke him. I felt my hands tremble as I obeyed his command, reluctantly removing the new dress I had received only moments before.

I didn't wear any underwear, I was completely naked. 

Alpha Liam's gaze remained steady, his expression unfazed despite the turmoil swirling within me. 

Every fiber of my being screamed to flee, to escape the intensity of his presence, but fear rooted me to the spot, immobilizing me in his presence.

"Come here," his voice cut through the air, commanding obedience with unwavering authority. 

My legs quivered beneath me as I hesitantly obeyed his summons, my hands instinctively moving to shield my chest, overwhelmed by shame and vulnerability. The weight of his presence bore down on me, suffocating any semblance of defiance.

He ordered me to turn around, and without hesitation, I complied, the fear gripping my heart intensifying with each passing moment. His commanding presence left no room for hesitation, no space for disobedience.

"Bend down," his voice rang out, firm and unwavering. I trembled at his command, my body obeying out of instinctual fear. With trembling limbs, I lowered myself as instructed, bracing for the inevitable.

As I bent down, the anticipation of his next move hung heavy in the air, thick with tension and uncertainty. I could feel the weight of his gaze upon me, a silent reminder of his dominance and control.

The sharp sting of his hand against my buttocks sent shockwaves of pain reverberating through my body. I bit my lip to stifle a cry, the heat of embarrassment flooding my cheeks as I endured his punishment.

"Get on the bed," his words cut through the silence. 

The fear of what was to come left my heart pounding profoundly.

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