Chapter 2

"Go ahead." I was slightly different from the man. Like Eliakem, he is also handsome, but I think Jacob is more appealing than Eliakem. He also knows how to smile, unlike my Boss who always frowns.

We ate inside the conference room. Even though the food on the table was delicious, I didn't enjoy it much. It's hard to eat in front of a handsome man I just saw. It's tense to swallow!

"Don't you like fast food?" He asked after he noticed that I wasn't that enthusiastic about food.

"I really like it but the way you look at me is strange," I told him and he just laughed out loud.

"You're a joker. Just call me when you're done and I'll take you home," he said.

"Don't bother," I answered.

"I insist," he insisted.

I didn't argue with the man anymore so that I could leave his office immediately. I still have a lot to do and if I don't hurry, midnight might catch up with me.

Around ten o'clock in the evening, when I was done with all the things he made me do, I immediately called him to say that I was done. He told me that he would take me home, but he just booked a grab car for me.

When I got home, I went straight to my room to rest. Skincare? Maybe next time because I'm too tired from my work! Who doesn't? When I got into bed, I fell asleep in less than five minutes.

Then... suddenly someone called and the caller didn't want to hang up!

I immediately felt the cold as I reached for my ringing cell phone. Because I was so tired because of the amount of work Boss had me do that's why Karl and I didn't talk anymore before I went to sleep.

"Hello?" I said to answer the call. I know it was Karl who called me because he was the only one allowed to disturb me in my sleep.

“Hi, Honey, did I disturb you? I'm sorry," said Karl on the other line.

When I heard his voice, my spirit immediately woke up. I miss him so much. I got up and leaned against the headboard of my big bed and then opened the lampshade.

"As long as you are the one calling me, hon, there is no problem. Anytime you can call me and I don't care even if I'm sleepy. That's how much I love you, eh? Wait, why did you call? It's two o'clock in the morning, ah!”

"Didn't I mention to you that my brother's birthday is coming up? Yesterday was his birthday so I brought him and his friends. We are at the bar," answered Karl.

"Just say happy birthday to your brother, how old is he?" I asked because I don't know his brother personally yet. Karl and I have been together for a few months but we haven't gotten to the point where he would introduce me to his parents.

"Nineteen," Karl answered briefly and I heard his loud sigh on the other line.

"Do you have a problem?" I immediately asked him.

"Mmm, my ATM suddenly made an error and I have to pay our bill here at HIGH FIVE. Maybe you have extra money, let me borrow it first and I'll just return it to you as soon as my card is fine," he said.

I looked up at the ceiling for a moment because it is not new to me that he borrows money whenever there is an occasion or maybe an emergency.

"Haven't we already agreed on such things? Please just ask for HIGH FIVE's bank account and I will transfer it right away,” I told him.

"Okay, just a moment my honey," he said in a soft voice.

A few minutes later the man was back on the line. "What did the manager say?" I asked him again.

"The manager is not here, and the staff won’t give me the bank details. Hon, what shall I do?”

"Calm down there first and I'll think of a way," I said. "Hmmm, please ask your friends if they have an ATM with them and I'll just transfer it to them. The one with the master card logo so you don't have to withdraw outside coz’ it's dangerous," I reminded him.

"Just a moment and I'll ask Nikki."

When I heard the name of one of his companions, I was suddenly alarmed. I know the two have been friends for a long time but I'm still not satisfied that they are always together. I don't know but I don't like that girl will get close to Karl.

"I've found someone, I'll just text the account details on the messenger," said Karl and my messenger immediately rang when I received his message.

I read the name on the card and immediately looked it up on social media. Not that I doubted but I just wanted to see the man's appearance. Fortunately, it turned out to be just a colleague at work.

"How much is your bill there?"

"Nine thousand plus," answered the man.

"Okay, I will transfer the ten thousand to his account. Just a minute,” I said and immediately opened an app where I could transfer money to anyone. "I'm done, honey."

"Thank you, my God, without you, I don't know what would happen to me today. I'm sure the police will call me. Hon, excuse me first, I'll just pay at the counter."

"Alright," I said.

While I was waiting for his return, I kept looking at my cell phone because the call would be cut off after twelve minutes. That's the trend with unlimited calls promo for prepaid subscribers. I used to be a postpaid subscriber but I decided to cut it off due to personal reasons.

The call was about to hang up but Karl still didn't get back on the line. I thought he was going to call again when the call was disconnected but he seems to have forgotten about me. He never called again and when I tried to contact his cell phone number I couldn't reach him either. I just thought that his phone just died. Low battery maybe.

I sighed heavily as I got up and left the room. I'm alone at home and I don't have a helper because I can do everything from cleaning, cooking and washing my clothes.

When I passed by the empty room, a co-worker told me that I could rent it out so that it would be useful and have extra income. He suggested I sign up for Airbnb. The truth is that I have already signed up but I have not yet decided if I will continue. I'm still busy with my work and I won't be able to take care of the guests if there are any.

I got off and went to the kitchen to make myself some coffee. When my eyes passed the wall clock hanging on the wall near the dining room, I gave up on waiting for Karl’s phone call.

While waiting for the water to boil in the heater, I also made a grilled cheese sandwich. Ever since I tasted the grilled cheese at Orange Brutus, it has become my favorite.

At exactly three o'clock in the morning, I was eating grilled cheese and drinking coffee. I know it's not allowed to sigh while eating because grace is said to go away but I can't stop myself.

While eating, it occurred to me again to smoke just n from my work. The salary is high but my job is very stressful especially when the quarterly meeting or maybe the annual meeting is approaching. I had tons of financial reports to complete and to be honest, I had a hard time covering up the anomalies in the office.

I know it's wrong but it's unfair because our Big Boss wants to take everything from the branch. If I didn't really feel sorry for the people who worked so hard to make the company a lot of money, I wouldn't agree with what he made me do.

Should I just resign?

If I continue to rent out the vacant room, I will make some money, but the question is, is it stable? While I was sighing steadily in front of the cooling coffee, I thought of visiting my Wattpad account. It's been a few years and the stories are still ongoing because I don't have time to finish them.

My nose immediately snorted when I read the comments. He said there was no point, he said I should just stop writing, and plow the field. What do they care about my personal life?

While I was thinking of nice words on how to overcome that girl's look, it suddenly occurred to me that she was right. Maybe I really need to resign in order to focus on writing!

“This is it!”

I said to myself while writing a resignation letter for my immediate head.

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