Chapter 3. Mine!

POV Megan

Sighing, I closed the door to my room and went downstairs, grimacing as I watched the ruffles on my dress move in time with my steps. I’m not a dress girl; I’m more of a jeans and dad or Nix’s shirt kind of girl.

But the situation called for it, at least I looked cute, I had to give the dress some credit, I almost didn’t recognize the girl in the mirror in front of me a few minutes ago.

I went downstairs, and my dad and brother were waiting for me in the living room; when they saw me, they smiled and cheered as I made an attempt to walk toward them like a model, noting the sarcasm.

“You look beautiful, baby,” Said Dad

“I do not doubt that you will be the center of attention,” Nix said with a smile.

Then they both became serious and said at the same time.

“Don’t let any boy come near you, understand?”

“Good grief. Of course.” I rolled my eyes as I started to come up with a plan in my head; I knew when I got the slightest chance, I would escape their sights. Hopefully, Kodi would be on site, my best and only friend, who is also a werewolf who has recently achieved the transformation and is the second son of the alpha of the Red Moon pack. My friend is gay, and the only person who knows it is me; Kodi is afraid of anyone else knowing because it could reach the ears of his father, the alpha Mac, and he fears his reaction.

In a world of macho wolves, I understood their concern perfectly.

Poor Kodi, good thing he’s not alone, at least he has me, I thought and grimaced, I sure wasn’t the best at offering comfort.

We set off in our Lamborghini and drove to the Dark Moon herd.

“I love this car, it makes me feel like we’re in the Batman gang,” I said looking at the vehicle as if it wasn’t the millionth time I’d ridden in it “Dad’s Batman, I’m Robin and Nix is bat girl.”

Nix snorted but kept quiet, I looked over to where my dad was and noticed a small smile forming at the corner of his mouth. I leaned back in my seat as we hit the road and along the way, we sang Chandelier, even though we looked like three” of” tune seals shouting at the top of our lungs until we got to the party.


POV Megan

We arrived at the territory of the Dark Moon herd, drove down a dirt road and.

The forest to the side looked almost terrifying in the moonlight, and I could see several pairs of red and yellow eyes watching us as we passed through the entrance.

They were surely sentries, wolves that guarded the borders of the pack’s territory for security.

There were so many cars, all of different models and colors, but every one of them screamed the word “luxury” everywhere, and the mansion was no exception.

No expense spared here, I thought to myself as Dad parked in a space.

"Fiuuuuuuu" hissed Nix,

“They have good taste, don’t you think, Meg?” my father asked me as he admired everything around him.

“Yes, they have it,” I said looking at the house “Good, the sooner we get in the sooner we can leave, let’s go”.

We walked inside the place, and immediately, the music was playing; in what I assumed was the lounge, there were so many people that the poor waiters were struggling to make their way through with cocktails and drinks, along with some appetizers. Dad was greeted by everyone we came across; he was introducing my brother and me as the future alpha of the Moon Black pack and his beautiful daughter. As for me, there was no lack of assholes to stare at my tits or my ass, some dared to ask me to dance, but I refused, politely dismissing them, and by polite, I mean I gave them my best “I’ll cut your balls off if you piss me off” look.

I spotted Kodi in the crowd and jumped on him without warning, but despite that, he caught me easily, as if I didn’t weigh anything at all, hugging me around the waist and then placing my feet on the floor; I could see how some guests were staring at us.

“Hello beautiful, you look splendid; what mischief have you been up to in my absence?” he asked me with a dazzling smile.

If you weren’t gay and I didn’t see you as a brother, I would kiss you, Kodi, I thought, and my chest filled with pride; I had my best friend, and he was very handsome.

“Hi handsome, you don’t look bad at all,” I said admiring him, he was wearing a black suit with a matching bow tie, but the jacket he wore in his hand, stayed with the vest, showing his muscular arms which meant he wanted to flirt and see who he fit his teeth to, and speaking of that.....

“And who have you fucked lately? You look quite relaxed and even more rejuvenated...” I said this last with a stinging smile.

Kodi blushed, but a silly smile appeared on his face.

“You’re a girl; I can’t tell you who they are and what I do with my conquests Meg; what kind of example would I be to you,” He said, but after a moment of still having the same smile he admitted it, after all, he wouldn’t be Kodi if he didn’t brag to me about his bed flings “Well, last night I got pulled over by the police and that because I had been drinking too much, can you believe that?, so I talked to one of the cops, we flirted and by fucking against the bars I was able to get out without any charges” He whispered in my ear, and his face was priceless, it looked like a ruby from how red it was.

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