Chapter 2

Chantal’s POV

I was shocked when I saw that the man in front of me was the same man I had been with last night.

Everyone in the venue clapped as I looked up from the floor at the man before me. I didn’t know what I would feel, but as I started to feel disgusted, the man in front of me offered me a hand. I didn’t accept it and stood up from my weak knees.

My father, Roman, laughed at the scene I had created, clapping his hands while meeting me. “You two seem to be close. Did you meet each other before?” he asked, looking at Mateo, who was standing straight from kneeling.

My heart throbbed hard as I looked at the man behind us while my father waited for the young man’s response.

Mateo cleared his throat and smiled, “No, I don’t know your daughter, but unlike any other woman, she’s unique. A strong, independent woman. You taught your daughter well, Mr. Miller! Especially on how to act in front of a man.” Mateo glared at me.

I knew he was talking about last night, and I looked the other way as I felt my cheeks blush.

My father chuckled at the thought. He felt moved and hugged Mateo. “Thank you for your kind words, Mateo, but for now, I should say that my daughter is not easy to deal with.”

Mateo smiled brightly. “I’ll try, and even if it isn’t easy, I couldn’t give up easily without a fight.”

Roman appeared happy as the guests looked at the commotion that only the three of us on stage knew. I was listening to the conversation and felt like I was being sold by my father. I looked at him, raising a toast, and did nothing but hold my waist and shake my head.

“A toast!” my father smiled. “A toast to my daughter, Chantal, and Mateo Harris’s wedding!”

I let out a sigh of frustration, and my gaze went to Mateo, who was just looking at me. I paused for a while and rolled my eyes at him. Then, I walked towards my dad with a stern face.

“Dad, we need to talk.”

He continued to smile in front of the guests and said, “We’ll talk later! Can’t you see that we have guests?”

I clapped my hands slowly while smiling. “Talk to me, or I’ll ruin your little engagement party by letting them know that I don’t know what was going on.”

My father’s face suddenly turned cold, and he held my arm. I looked at my father with annoyance on my face. He stopped behind the big curtains and turned to his guards. “Take Miss Chantal to a room.”

“But, dad!”

“If Miss Chantal becomes naughty, tell me immediately! I’ll send her abroad.”

Roman turned his back, and as soon as the curtain opened, a smile appeared on his lips. Roman went to where Mateo was standing, someone was whispering something, and as the blinds were closed by two people, I caught a glimpse of Mateo smirking at me.

I continuously stomped my feet to vent my frustration. “Jerk!” I shouted, but it was not heard because of the loud music coming from my dance hall.


I was bored and had been walking around the room where the guards had put me. I felt distressed and uneasy. When I reached the room, I was surprised to see that there was already lingerie ready on the bed. It was suspicious to look at, but that’s what I was wearing when I went to sleep. So, I came to the conclusion that I would stay another night in this hotel.

I was so annoyed when suddenly the door opened, revealing my father with a hint of redness on his face. I looked closely at him and saw that he wasn’t drunk yet.

“What’s the meaning of that announcement? Why didn’t you warn me, dad?” I asked.

He sat on the sofa supported by his cane. “Why? Am I not allowed to have the wish to have grandchildren?”

I started to pace and looked at my father in disbelief. “You should have waited for me to decide. You’re not a god!”

Roman stood up and was about to slap me with the back of his hand when he was surprised that I didn’t even flinch. The old man let out a sigh. “I don’t know what else to do with you. Think of it as a way to straighten your path. Mateo is a nice guy! I’m sure he’ll take care of you.”

“You should have married him instead if you think he is that great!” I bluntly said to my father.

He just stood up, having enough of the blabbering I was giving him. I crossed my arms and didn’t see my father go out of the door.

The surroundings remained silent after the door opened again. I was so pissed. “Just let me be, dad!”

I turned, and my mood started to change. I began to feel fear. “What are you doing here?”

Mateo walked towards me until I looked up at him. “Your father told me you needed someone to fill you up.”

I looked at Mateo’s moving jaw that accompanied the opening of his mouth. Was he this handsome last night? I asked myself while looking at Mateo’s long eyelashes, thick brows, freckles, and high bridge nose.

“Fill me up?” I asked when I came back from my awe.

“Yep! That’s right, fill you up. I’m just wondering why I have to do that…”

My brows met when Mateo leaned towards me, and our faces were inches away. “When I already did that last night.”

My face was red, and I started to feel irritated. “You!”

“You were the one who provoked me last night! You probably put something in my wine! You have no shame!”

Mateo chuckled and looked at my lingerie. “I didn’t do anything. You were the one who started to beg me for that.”

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