Chapter 3


She left the room without saying a word. I had gotten what I wanted from her and her presence there would only serve to annoy me further which was why I had dismissed her.

I fell asleep there exhausted and completely depleted of my energy. In my sleep, I dreamt that the whole kingdom went against me. Every wolf in Bleaming Pack stood pointing an accusing finger. None of them was willing to listen to what I had to say and when I tried to speak, nothing came out of my mouth. Somehow I had lost the ability to formulate words.

I woke up in a cold sweat breathing hard. My whole bed was soaked, covered in my sweat. I struggled to control my breathing and to my discomfort, I noticed my hands were trembling.

The more I tried to control it, the worse it got till my heartbeat got to an alarming rate where I could hear it slamming hard against my chest easily. It sounded like thunderclaps or dangerously hard metals colliding with one another. It left a foul taste on the tip of my tongue and a dull throbbing pain at my toes.

I tried to scream but that would just confirm their suspicions that I was an unstable psychopathic maniac who needed to be put down. That was how they all saw me. As a dangerous thing that had been accidentally given the power to rule.

Rage overwhelmed the feeling I had woken up with and I suddenly felt the urge to channel all the rage I had at one person. The one person who made my life a terrible colorless thing.




I cried letting the tears mix with the water from the shower. Both liquids intertwined rolling over my body in fiery waves and thorny spirals.

I had locked myself inside the bathroom crying for hours unsure of how I was going to make myself stop. The tears were soothing in a way that was impossible to explain and letting them out was my release.

It felt like I was destined to cry for all of eternity assuming I was a werewolf. I was human so far since I had yet to experience any transformation to prove I had any werewolf gene residing within me. Maybe I did but it was just dormant waiting for something to trigger it.

The Alpha had used me again just as he had always done since getting me from the orphanage and he had tossed me aside just as he had always done. This was not the life I had envisioned for myself while growing up. In the orphanage as a child, we had all had dreams of the beautiful lives waiting for us once we got adopted but now the joke was on me.

Suddenly, I heard a sound from my room like a loud bang. I turned the shower knob reducing the water so I could listen clearly. It was quiet.

My heart was beating hard. I knew I had heard something and I was sure it was not just my imagination. I relaxed a bit as the silence gave me a false sense of comfort.


The noise shook the whole bathroom making my world quake below my feet. I tore the shower curtain in time to see Alpha Smith burst into the bathroom red with rage. He looked like a beast out of hell.

"What the- "

He marched to the tub and grabbed hold of my hair yanking me onto the cold tiled floor.

I screamed and clawed as he dragged my naked body from my hair as if I were a cheap fur coat.

I struggled to try to kick him but he was just too strong for me.

"Let go you beast! Let me go." I growled at him.

He had no right to barge into my room, knock down the doors, and drag me across the floor bare ass naked.

"Let go! You're hurting me."

My head felt like it was on fire. Everywhere hurt from my hair being pulled too hard. Blood rushed to my skull making my face red.

"Don't struggle or else I'll break you in pieces right before I throw you out." He said meaning every word of it.

He was about to pull me out the front door when his brothers appeared in the doorway. They must have heard the commotion and had come to investigate what all the ruckus was about.

"What's going on here?" Luke asked looking at the scene confused.

The younger brother stood behind him having the same look of confusion.

"Get out of my way or you'll get punished too. Both of you." He snarled at his brothers.

I lost hope at that moment thinking it was over for me as his brothers would never dare go against him but they did. They both refused to stand aside and watch him hurt me.

"I warned you guys." He smirked.

Smith hit me hard on my belly immobilizing me completely then he walked towards his brothers. I could barely see or hear what was happening clearly over the loud ringing of pain in my head that exploded the very minute he let go of my hair. Everything hurt all at once but I knew I heard screaming and ripping sounds.

I struggled to sit up on the floor in time to see both Luke and Eric in a pool of blood. They were still alive but barely. He had torn through both of them easily; his brothers. That was how brutal and evil he was.

He walked back towards me slowly as I tried to scurry away from him. He kicked me hard sending my naked body across the room. I hit the wall with a loud thud.

"My mate! So weak and useless." He mocked me with a tight grimace.

I struggled to let oxygen into my lungs because they both felt like they were about to explode within me. He had kicked me so hard that I was sure he had ruptured something.

"Stay down before I put you down." He said but I unknowingly chose to ignore it.

My whole body ached and adrenaline made me ignore his warning as I struggled to find my feet.

He swept my legs clean off the floor and my head slammed hard against the floor knocking me out for good. He went on to hit my lifeless body till he was satisfied I could no longer move.


"In here -"

"They'll be fine. I said they'll be fine!"

"I think so. Toss her body -"

"The forest."

Then it all went dark for me.

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