Chapter 5


I glanced at the girl who had blacked out again and smiled. Though I didn't know if she was a werewolf or not. one thing I was sure of was that she wasn't a human.

Though she had yet to tell me how she ended up in that state, I was sure it was done by someone who hated her to the core. She would have died that night if I hadn't found her.

I looked in her direction and drooled at the sight of her. I didn't know why I couldn't just suck her dry. Something was preventing me, holding me back from feeding on her.

Though, I hadn't fed for some days now cause of the situation in the forest. I couldn't bring myself to feed on her.

I looked through the window and noticed it was almost sunset. Being a vampire was hard. I couldn't go out during the day to look for prey. I had to wait till sunset before I go out.

"Let me a nap," I muttered to myself as I sat down closing my eyes. I had been watching over the girl all day and was now very tired. I wasn't supposed to be this tired, but because I hadn't fed for days now I was very weak and had to preserve my strength.

I didn't know how long I slept, but the crashing of the door of my cabin made me open my eyes abruptly. Three figures strode into my cabin heading to where the girl was lying.

instantly I recognized the figures, it was my younger brother and his friends. I didn't know why, but they hated werewolves and humans to the core. I guessed they must have smelled her saint and come over to kill her.

Immediately, I sprang to my feet and appeared right before the girl. "You're going anywhere near that girl," I growled with my fangs sticking out.

My brother and his friends looked at me as if I was a fool. "What the hell are you thinking brother, bringing in a werewolf." he growled at me also baring his fangs.

Instantly, I became shocked. A werewolf! I muttered though I had known she wasn't human, I didn't expect her to be a werewolf, so, I wondered how my brother was able to know she was a werewolf.

"That's none of your business," I growled.

"Have you forgotten what they did to you?" My brother replied staring angrily at me.

"I haven't forgotten, but I'll protect this girl. You won't touch a hair on her." I replied firmly

"I'll see how you'll protect her from the three of us." My brother smirked super speeding toward her direction.

I smirked and appeared before he could get closer to her and sent him flying with a punch.

His friends present didn't believe I could hit my brother. They knew I was overprotective of him, always supporting him even if he was wrong.

My brother stood up wiping away the blood on the corner of his lips. "I couldn't believe you'd hit me for a girl. A werewolf." He smirked.

"I'd hit you a hundred times if you try to touch her," I replied.

"I'll see if you'll keep to your words." My brother smirked and dashed toward her again.

I frowned and dashed toward him again.

This time, we engaged in a brawl and I kept beating him. However, my brother was stubborn and wouldn't give up.

Five minutes later, my brother was covered in blood. His face was swollen and disfigured. I felt guilty about the way I beat him. Since we started the brawl his friends stood on a spot watching and didn't do anything to help him. I guessed they were afraid so I Ignored them.

"Michael why must you do this?" I asked my brother who was groaning in pain all bashed up on the floor.

Michael stood up from the floor and smiled. "Cause I don't want to see you hurt again." He replied.

I smiled at his reply. "Whether am hurt or not has nothing to do with you," I replied coldly.

"How could you forget so soon what they did to you." My brother yelled. His veins popped out of his head.

"I said it's none of your business," I repeated.

Deep down I knew my brother was worried about me. Some years ago, I had fallen in love with a werewolf, but her clan was against our union. So we decided to run away to a far place. But unfortunately, we were discovered by the clan and were chased. The girl died as we were escaping before she could shift for the first time. I was almost killed, but I managed to escape with my life. Ever since then, my brother had sworn to kill all the werewolves he set his eyes on and I knew he wouldn't relent until he kills the girl.

"Brother get out of my way. Am doing this for you, the girl must die," Micheal yelled at me disrupting my thoughts.

"You aren't getting close to her, talk more or less of killing her," I repeated.

"Brother, why are you protecting her? She could be your doom," Michael yelled.

"What's going on? Are you guys planning to kill me?" A soft voice asked before I could reply.

Immediately, I turned back and looked at the girl. She was staring confusedly at my brother who was trying to get past me.

"Get out!" I said to my brother pointing to the door.

My brother stared at me before stomping out of the room with his friends.

"Why where you protecting me?" The girl asked immediately after Michael and his friends left.

I smiled and looked at her. "Cause you look like someone I once loved," I replied.

"Where is she now?" She asked again.

"Dead," I replied noticing the girl was not scared of me but rather was getting used to me.

"Ahhh!" She gasped in shock.

I smiled at her reaction. "Aren't you scared I might kill you anytime since am a vampire?" I suddenly asked her.

"Well, I doubt you would do that." She replied smiling.

"Why?" I frowned.

"Cause you just protected me from someone who wanted my life," she replied.

"Little one what's your name?" I suddenly asked her remembering I didn't know her name.

"Cassandra James," she replied.




"Michael you won't..."

"I'd hit you a hundred..."

"Michael why are you doing this..."

"I don't want you to get hurt..."

I followed the voices as I opened my eyes. All the pains in my body had vanished and I was feeling quite strong at the moment. I guessed It was the pills he had given me. I raised my head and saw a familiar figure standing with his back facing me. Three figures were standing before him. One of them was bashed up with blood all over his face.

"Brother, why are you protecting her?" The figure covered in blood said to the figure standing with his back facing me.

Instantly I realized what was going on. Those three came to kill me and he was protecting me.

"What's happening." I muttered to myself not knowing I had spoken up enough for them to hear.

I watched as the figure chased the three figures out of the cabin. Instantly I felt a sense of security and warmth. I built up my courage and asked him the reason he was protecting me.

After he told me the reason, he suddenly asked for my name.

"What's yours." I suddenly asked him.

"Jason he replied.

I nodded and smiled.

"Why didn't you kill me when you saw me at the forest?" I suddenly asked looking into his eyes.

"Because I didn't feel like." He replied. His reply startled me. I started wondering if he was planning to kill me after having recovered. This thought made me shiver.

"Mind telling me how you got to where I picked you up at the forest?" He suddenly said jolting me out of my thoughts.

Immediately, my eyes became clouded with tears. I didn't want to remember that incident. It was as if a fresh wound was opened in my heart. Tears flowed down my cheeks as I remembered the incident.

"Anything wrong?" I heard him ask looking into my eyes.

"No nothing's wrong." I replied wiping away the tears from my face.

"So would you mind explaining?" he asked again.

"I was thrown off the cliff by my mate." I replied.

Immediately he frowned, "Your mate!" He muttered.

"Yeah, my mate." I replied.

"But that doesn't explain you all beaten and bashed up." He frowned.

I sighed and replied. " Am the mate of Alpha Smith Andrews of the Bleaming pack," I said.

Then proceeded to tell him how much I had suffered at the hands of Alpha Smith Andrews using me as his toy before finally beating me and getting rid of me.

Tears flowed down my cheeks as I narrated my ordeal to him. I didn't know why, but I felt the urge to open up to him. So I poured all of my heart's contents out to him crying and explaining everything to him.

I could see his expression also changed by the time I finished narrating my ordeal to him. I knew he was sympathizing with me. I wished I could take revenge but I was too weak to do so. So the thought of revenge never came to me.



I listened to the girl's painful ordeal In the Bleaming pack. My emotions were mixed up as heard more and more of her ordeal. But towards the end, I couldn't help but become angry. The girl had gone through hell.

Immediately after she finished narrating her ordeal, I stood up looking into her eyes.

 "Don't wish for revenge," I asked looking.

"I wish to have my revenge but am too weak. I don't even know if am a werewolf or human." She replied breaking down.

"Don't you know who you are?" I asked.

"Am just a human who's destined to live a life of hell." She replied.

"No, you're not destined to live a life of hell.

You're someone special." I replied.

"No, am not." She shot back at me.

"I said you are" I replied firmly.

She raised her head to look at me before giving me a weak smile. "You don't know anything about me so you won't understand why I said so." She replied softly.

"Is it because you haven't turned yet." I asked.

"How did you know that?" she asked glaring at me.

"You just told me." I replied smiling.

Cassandra didn't say anything and just sighed.

"I could help with your revenge." I said which made her lift her head in surprise.

"How!" She stated frowning.

"I could train you so you'll be for before your first shift." I replied.

"Hhun!" She gasped.

"Werewolves usually have their first shift at the age of thirteen. Now am almost nineteen. What the hell are you saying?" She yelled.

"Because you possess some special powers your shift is being delayed. So you're gonna shift sooner or later." I replied. 

I noticed the girl wasn't just an ordinary werewolf. I had guessed right from the start. After listening to her stories I confirmed it. The cliff she was thrown from was a very high one. A normal werewolf wouldn't survive the fall and would die instantly. Coupled with the fact that she was all beaten and bashed up.

I had vowed in my heart to help her with her revenge. So no matter what It might take I would make sure train her.

I raised my head and noticed it was almost dawn. we had been talking for hours now. Quickly I stood up to the door of my cabin to fix it before the sun would rise.

Not long, I finished fixing the door of the cabin. Turning around, the girl stretched her wrist to me.

"Drink my blood." she said startling me.

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