Chapter 2

Character: Vampire

Jessica’s POV

“I am not your slave, Richard! I want you to know right now that I am not your slave.”

I looked away after I was done yelling at Richard for telling me to kill a human child and drink his blood.

“What I am asking you to do for me is a simple task,” Richard was talking now with his eyes fixated on the ceiling.

“I am not going to do anything you just told me as long as my conscience doesn’t permit it,” I said to him.

Richard turned and looked at me before informing me of how powerful his family was and how little I meant to him.

I felt a surge of anger and hurt rising within me as Richard’s words pierced through me. How could he be so callous and heartless? Had our friendship meant nothing to him all this time?

But as I took a deep breath and tried to calm myself, I realized that Richard’s behavior was not entirely unexpected. He had always been ambitious and ruthless in his pursuit of power and status, even if it meant sacrificing others along the way.

As I stood there, contemplating my next move, Richard continued to speak, his voice smooth and persuasive. He told me about the immense wealth and influence his family possessed and how he could use his connections to help me achieve my goals as well.

But I knew that such a Faustian bargain would come at a high cost. I could never betray my principles or my sense of morality, no matter what the consequences might be.

At that moment, I wanted to make a decision that would change the course of my life. I wanted to turn to Richard and tell him that our friendship was over and that I could no longer be a part of his world of darkness and deceit.

As I walked away from him, I felt a sense of liberation and renewal. It was as if a weight had been lifted from my shoulders, and I could finally breathe freely again.

“Where are you going to?” Richard stopped me with his deep voice.

“I am going to find someone who is not going to tell me to kill a human child.”

Richard laughed loudly and looked at me directly in the face. “What do you think it means to be a vampire? Do you think being a vampire means constantly being afraid of blood?”

I paused for a moment, unsure of what Richard was trying to imply. “Being a vampire does not mean killing innocent people,” I finally replied firmly, trying to keep my voice from wavering.

Richard’s expression turned cold, and he narrowed his eyes at me. “You are too weak, too soft. You will never survive in this world if you continue to cling to your human morals and ethics.”

I shook my head, refusing to believe that I had to compromise my values in order to thrive as a vampire. “I refuse to live a life filled with fear and regret,” I told him before turning on my heels and walking away.

As I made my way through the dark and empty streets, I knew that my decision to walk away from Richard and his twisted worldview was the right one. I was determined to find my own path as a vampire, one that would not require me to sacrifice my humanity in order to survive.

In the weeks and months that followed, I immersed myself in the study of vampire lore and history. I learned how to control my thirst for blood and how to blend in with human society without arousing suspicion.

And as I traveled the world, meeting other vampires and learning from their experiences, I realized that I was not alone in my quest to find a way to live as a vampire without sacrificing my soul.

Together with like-minded individuals, I founded a community of vampires who shared my beliefs and values. We pledged to live our lives with compassion and empathy, never forgetting our human roots and the values that had shaped us into the people we were today.

And although the road ahead was long and uncertain, I knew that I had found my true calling in life—to lead a community of vampires who could show the world that it was possible to live as both a predator and a protector and to always choose the path of light over darkness.

I carried this new belief in my heart until the day I saw something that I shouldn’t have seen. I saw a vampire child being slaughtered by four men.

I tried to save the vampire child, but I was too late.

“Stop!” I yelled as I drew closer, only to see the fangs of the vampire baby on the ground with blood drooling from its body.

I tried to revive the vampire baby, but it was useless.

By evening, I was back at the palace of Richard’s parents with my heart beating really fast.

“So, have you learned anything about humans now?” Richard was looking at me with his eyes fixed on my disappointed face.

I didn’t want to tell him that he was right. I didn’t want to see that evil smile of success on his face. I didn’t want that.

“Well,” Richard turned away and looked into my eyes. “You know you disobeyed my orders when you left this place the last time?”

“Did I?” I was slightly confused.

Richard mumbled something to himself and then walked away from me.

For a moment, I felt the silence of the hall fill me. It was a silence I wasn’t expecting. It was a darkness I wasn’t ready for.


I turned to my left as I saw Richard with four men by his side. His stare had changed to a cold-blooded one, as if he was ready to devour me and damage me completely.

“Guards!” Richard yelled again. “Arrest her.”

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