Chapter 4

Character: Vampire

Jessica’s POV

Is true love real?

As I sat alone in my prison cell, contemplating what it meant to be in a bad position, I gazed at the sun that was rising from the far side of my lonely cell.

The rays of the sun slowly illuminated my surroundings, revealing the worn-out walls and the rusted bars that confined me. As I looked up at the sky, I couldn’t help but wonder if true love was real. Was it just a figment of my imagination, or did it actually exist?

I had always been a hopeless romantic, believing in the power of love to conquer all obstacles. But now, as I sat in my cell, I couldn’t help but feel that my faith in love was misplaced. After all, if true love existed, why was I alone and behind bars?

As I continued to ponder this question, I heard a faint whisper coming from the cell next to mine. At first, I thought it was just my imagination, but as the whisper grew louder, I realized that someone was trying to communicate with me.

“Psst, hey you,” the voice whispered. “Are you there?”

I hesitated for a moment, unsure if I should respond. But curiosity got the better of me, and I whispered back, “Yes, I’m here. Who are you?”

“I’m Sarah,” the voice replied. “I’m in the cell next to yours. I couldn’t help but overhear you talking to yourself about true love. Do you really believe in it?”

I paused for a moment, unsure how to answer. But then I thought about all the times I had fallen in love only to have my heart broken. And yet, despite the pain, I couldn’t help but hold on to the belief that true love existed.

“Yes, I do,” I finally replied. “But sometimes it feels like it’s just a myth, something we hope for but never truly find.”

Sarah was quiet for a moment before responding. “I used to think that too,” she said. “But then I met someone who changed everything. He showed me that true love is real, and it’s worth fighting for.”

I felt a glimmer of hope stir within me as I listened to Sarah’s words. Maybe, just maybe, there was still a chance for me to find true love.

“Tell me more,” I urged her. “What was he like?”

And so Sarah began to tell me the story of her love, a story that gave me hope and inspired me to believe in true love once again. As she spoke, the walls of my cell seemed to fade away, and I felt as though I was transported to another world, a world where anything was possible.

And so, as the sun continued to rise, I sat and listened to Sarah’s story, a story of love, hope, and the belief that true love was real after all.

As I listened to Sarah’s story, I couldn’t help but feel a sense of envy. Envy for the fact that she had experienced true love, envy for the fact that she had someone to hold on to, even in this dark and hopeless place.

But as her story continued, I began to feel something else. Something that I had never experienced before. Something that made me feel alive, and that was hope.

Hope that maybe, just maybe, I, too, would find my true love. That I, too, would experience the kind of love that Sarah had experienced. A love that was worth fighting for, even in the darkest of places.

As Sarah’s story came to an end, I felt a sense of gratitude. Gratitude for the fact that she had shared her story with me. Gratitude for the fact that she had given me hope.

“Thank you,” I said softly. “For sharing your story with me. It’s given me hope.”

Sarah smiled warmly. “You’re welcome,” she said. “Just remember, true love is out there. You just have to be patient and have faith.”

With those words ringing in my ears, I leaned back against the wall and closed my eyes. For the first time in a long time, I felt at peace. I felt as though anything was possible.

As the day wore on, I couldn’t help but think about Sarah’s words. I couldn’t help but feel a sense of hope and determination growing within me. I knew that no matter what happened, I would never give up on the belief that true love was real.

Days turned into weeks, and weeks turned into one month. And though I was still in my cell, I never lost hope. I never lost faith that someday, I, too, would find my true love.

And then, one day, it happened. The unexpected happened. The guard came to my cell and told me that I had a visitor. I couldn’t believe it. Who would come to visit me in this dark and lonely place?

As I made my way to the visitor’s room, my heart was pounding with anticipation. And then, as I walked into the room, I saw her. The woman who would change my life forever.

She was standing there, confused.

I wanted to walk up to her, but the guard stopped me from doing that and informed me that he had now received new instructions from Richard to return me back to my cell.

“What is going on?” I yelled as I struggled to break free from the guard’s grip.

“Stay calm!” The guard yelled at me before forcing me back inside my cell.

I was numb when I returned. My face was filled with a lot of shame. It was as if I had been redeemed only to return to the place where I had been condemned to die.


I heard my name, and I turned to see who was calling me, only to meet the face of the human I had earlier seen, who I felt would liberate me.

“You have a friend, Jessica.”

Richard’s laugh was really horrible.

“She is human too, Jessica. I hope you enjoy feeding on her.”

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