Chapter 3

Kalla's POV

"Good girl, come on, Lumps. You captured this little girl's heart." The rabbit came to me and let me pet him.

"He's too cute!" The woman pinched my cheek.

"You can play with Lily; my daughter is a good girl." I was surprised by what she said.

Another princess? They don't like me.

"Talisha, my love."

The woman and I turned to the newly arrived man together. I let go of the rabbit and stared at the vampire approaching us.

A very handsome vampire. Who are these vampires?

"What's wrong?"

He looked at me because he couldn't see me now that he was in front of the woman.

"Oh, hi little thing." It greets me.

"I missed Lily, Thaddeus. We haven't seen them in weeks." The woman stood up and stood next to the man.

"What's your name, little girl?" the handsome man asked me.


"Oh, hi Kalla, maybe she's the same age as Lily?"

"I think she's younger; maybe it's Finn." The woman answered.

"Oh, that mischievous boy," the man said, laughing.

"King Gazellian, the food is ready."

I was stunned when I heard one of the high stewards of the kingdom call him.

He is the king's guest. Then this woman is a queen?

"Do you want to join us?" I nodded at the queen's offer.

"Sorry for the trouble, dear king and queen." I bow down.

"It's nothing. We'll go first, Kalla," the king and queen said, turning their backs on me.

"I like her,"

"Should we bring Finn?"

"What is that, Thaddeus?! Your son is mischievous; he will only make other children cry."

I never heard their conversation. I turned back and was about to go the other way when I met Princess Theresa.

"Anytime really! You want to be a princesst to be a princess! You want to steal my spot? "Come here, you ugly rag!" She pulled my long hair.

"Dear princess, I'm in pain!" Dear princess!"

"Hurt?! Slaves have no right to be hurt!" She pulled my hair harder.

I was about to start crying when we saw a huge monster running towards me.



We both screamed. I closed my eyes when it rushed towards us.


"Help us!  Help us!"

I waited for the princess and me to eat, but I didn't feel anything. I kept my eyes closed due to sheer fear when a loud laugh from the boy's voice grabbed my attention.

When I opened my eyes, a young prince greeted us. Next to him was a furry monster.

"How dare you!" cried the princess.

"You have an embargo on this empire? Your empire is weak." It said it arrogantly. She was still holding a holler, which she repeatedly threw in the air.

"Who is he?" I will ask.

"Princess Theresa!"

When some followers came, they also screamed when they saw the monster. My knees were still aching as the boy laughed.

"You're weak; you can't do anything to Parsua."

The number of vampires has increased, and most of them are strong fighters whenever there is a war.

"Theresa!" There are vampires blocking us to protect us against boys and monsters.

"What monster is this? "How did you get in?"

The princess shook us. I don't know what's going on.

"What the—Finn! What are you doing here?e you doing here?" I heard the king's voice again earlier.


Suddenly, the monster disappeared like a bubble. The king took big steps and blocked himself from the boy.

"I'm sorry, this child is my son. And what you saw was just an illusion." He held the boy's hand.

"I just scared them; they were both fighting."

"Why are you here, Finn?" the woman asked. The queen also came.

"Your son possesses that kind of power?" asked our king.

I was suddenly nervous when all the vampires' eyes were on fire, as if at any moment they would attack the kind king and queen.

I glanced at the young prince again. There is something about his power.

"I will send you away; the people of Parsua will not be able to return alive."

The vampire who was protecting us was about to pick us up, but something prevented me from speaking.

"No! no! Everyone! Just forget everything you saw! He is not a bad prince! He helped me! Forget everything!"

My body fell to the floor along with all the vampires. The only one remaining standing was King Gazellian.

I felt weak and unable to move. I can barely see. What just happened?

"Oh god, I've been looking for that power. It's you, Kalla." I felt the king lift me up.

He sat me down and leaned me against a wall.

"I need to do this."

With my poor vision, I saw him talking with his son. But I saw a different aura from his hand. Is he manipulating his own son?

He was holding his son closer to me.

"Drink from her wrist, son." The dumbfounded boy nodded.

I want to run and fight back, but I really can't move. The prince sinks his fangs into my wrist.

My tears fell when I felt his fangs on me. I have never been bitten by a vampire.

I saw how King Thaddeus kissed his son's head.

"Drink more and learn to savor your thirst with her blood." I'm getting weaker.

After he finished drinking from me, he brought his son's nipple to my lips.

I tried to shake my head.

"You need it, Kalla, hija."

The king made a small cut on his son's wrist, and as the blood lingered on me, my fangs urged me to sink into his skin.

I finally bit his stupid son.

"Kalla, I love my son so much, and you are the only one who can keep him alive."

I don't understand.

"From now on, you can call yourselves mates."

The Gazellian King caressed my cheek.

"But you don't have to know each other at this time. I will erase your memories, and they will only return in due time."

King Gazellian also kissed the top of my head.

"Gazellian's love is the finest hija."

 "My son will love you unconditionally."

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