Chapter 3

In less than five minutes, Vanessa was already in Alanna’s office.

“Whaaat, the hottie is here? Where? Show me!”

“He’s in the meeting room. He’s the representative of the other company involved in the merger… Ugh, this is all your fault! Why did I let you convince me to use this damn app?”

“Hey, it’s not my fault that your life is a dubious taste telenovela! But now it’s funny!” Vanessa laughed until her sides hurt.

“I’m not finding this funny.”

“I am.” Vanessa laughed until tears streamed down her face. “Where is he?”

“I already said! In the meeting room. I have to go there. But I can’t look at him without getting shivers.”

“Was it really that good?”


“What did he say when he saw you?”

“I don’t know… He invited me to dinner.”

“Oh, are you going?”

“Of course not!!!”

“Idiot!!! Make the most of it, he’ll be leaving soon.”

“I don’t want to, period.” Alanna stood up and opened the door.

“Where are you going?”

“To the meeting room.”

“I’m coming too!” Vanessa laughed.


“I wouldn’t miss this meeting for anything.”

Alanna entered the meeting room followed by Vanessa.

“So, Mr. Styles. What do you need?”

“Well, my team arrives in two days. However, since the merger involves a process of change for all parties involved, creating a company that maintains the obligations and responsibilities of its originals, I need to have an understanding of the numbers and accounting from both companies. I hope both teams will collaborate.”

“Yes, of course,” Alanna said with a forced smile on her face.

Her phone vibrated; it was a message from Vanessa:

Vanessa: Alanna, who is this man? I’m having orgasms just from hearing him talk!

Alanna: Not now!

Vanessa: And those hands? Those fingers? Ooh! He’s undressing you with his eyes!

Alanna: Enough, I’m not responding!

Vanessa: I’d bite that mouth… I’d bite it hard… Mmm, imagine him in nothing but boxers on that table… Alanna!

Vanessa: Alanna!

Vanessa: Alanna!

Vanessa: ALANNA!!!

Alanna: WHAT?!

Vanessa: Look at his butt!

Alanna: I’m going to kill you.

Vanessa: Okay, I’ll stop.

The meeting ended, and once again, Alanna left without saying goodbye, followed by Vanessa.

Matheus calmly gathered his belongings, and as he left the meeting room, he encountered Charlotte, who handed him a folder.

“Mr. Styles, in this folder, you’ll find personal information about all members of our team. You can contact any of them at any time to address any questions.”

“Thank you, Charlotte. Oh, and one more thing, who was that lady your boss left with? Is she also part of the team?”

“Ms. Vanessa Payne? She works in accounting. She and my boss are close friends! I understand your interest, but I’m sorry to say that my boss is married to her work!”

“Hmm… Thanks.”


Alanna arrived home with the urge to lock herself in her apartment and not come out until the merger was complete. She wanted to return to her life without Matheus, without Vanessa’s jokes, without Charlotte’s stares, and without the desire to strip that Alpha and suck him on the conference room table!

“Damn it, even my thoughts are betraying me!”

Her phone vibrated with a message from an unknown number:

Unknown: Thinking of me?

Alanna: Probably not! Who are you? And how did you get this number?

Unknown: Your secretary gave it to me after you ran to the elevator with your little friend this afternoon.

“Damn, damn, damn!”

Alanna: Do you have any work-related matters to discuss, Mr. Styles? If it’s not urgent, we can address them tomorrow.

Matheus: At the moment, my greatest urgency is imagining you giving me a blowjob in the conference room.

“Oh my God! He reads my thoughts!”

Alanna: Your imagination is quite fertile! Well, if you have nothing more to say, I’m going to take a shower and sleep.

Matheus: Hmm, a shower… Your pale skin turning red from the contact of hot water… I can help with that too! Give me your address!

A shiver ran down Alanna’s spine as she remembered the showers Matheus had given her: those strong hands massaging her body, Matheus’s mouth on her nipples, and his moans in her ear.

“Enough, enough, enough! I need to control myself!” Alanna’s pussy twitched. “I need to control myself! Lust doesn’t control me; I need to be strong! Breathe deeply. Now, I’ll take a cold shower and calm down!”


Alanna arrived at the office very early. She couldn’t sleep and thought that arriving early at work would do her good. The building was practically empty; the only people there were the security guards and the cleaning staff. She buried herself in work, and when Charlotte arrived at 9:00 AM, she was surrounded by a pile of papers.

“Good morning, Ms. Alanna!”

“Good morning!”

“You’re here early; it seems you didn’t sleep.”

“Charlotte, bring me coffee and two painkillers.”

“What did you eat last night?”


“Did you forget you only had juice for lunch yesterday?”

“Charlotte… Please! I’m not hungry. Bring me what I asked for. OH! And don’t forget to clear my schedule today and tomorrow; I need to finish this soon! The sooner I finish this, the sooner he’ll leave.”

“Who is he, ma’am?”

“Nobody, Charlotte, just bring me the coffee!”

In a short time, Charlotte returned with the coffee, a sandwich, an apple, and four pills.

“Ms. Alanna, you need to take the suppressors, but they might upset your stomach if it’s empty. Here, take these.”

Alanna nodded, grabbed the coffee mug, and returned to work. Around noon, Charlotte brought lunch and noticed that the breakfast tray was still intact, except for the empty coffee cup.

“Charlotte, please, more coffee.”

She exchanged the trays and left.

“Good afternoon, Charlotte,” said Matheus. “Can I speak to Alanna?”

“She’s very busy! I’ll let her know you’re here.”

“No need! Aaaand was this breakfast for her?”

“Yes, she’s buried in work! She didn’t eat properly yesterday either. I brought lunch, but she probably won’t eat.”

“Well, now she will.”

Matheus entered the office and saw Alanna hunched over the papers.

“Where’s my coffee, Charlotte?” she said without raising her head.

“Drinking too much coffee is bad for your health.”

Alanna raised her head and faced Matheus. He looked stunning, well-dressed, with a smile that could kill anyone.

“I’m busy right now. I’m not in a good mood. Leave!”

Matheus walked over to her, took her by the hand, and sat her on his lap on the couch.

“What is this? Let me go!!!”

“I heard you haven’t eaten since yesterday.”

“Let me go!”

“When you were in heat, this is how I used to feed you.”

Matheus loaded the fork with food and placed it in Alanna’s mouth, who grumbled.

“I’m not a child; you don’t need to feed me.”

“I’ll do it until that plate is empty.” Even though she didn’t know why, Alanna obeyed until the plate was empty. “Done! Now you can go back to playing.”

Alanna quickly stood up from Matheus’s lap, as if she had sat on a bed of nails.

“I need to get back to work. Why are you here?”

“My team arrives tomorrow; I need a place for us to work.”

“Okay, you can discuss everything with Charlotte. Is that all?”


Matheus pulled Alanna towards him and kissed her passionately.

“Now, that’s all!”

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