Chapter 3. Mafia Boss

The time kept ticking until the clock showed 5 pm. For some reason, it had been a slow day for Selena’s minimarket. Usually, it was bustling with customers since it was the only store in this creepy neighborhood. No one wanted to start a business here.

“Today’s earnings are only 320 dollars. Usually, by this time, it’s already 2000 dollars,” Selena murmured.

Suddenly, Selena’s lips curved into a smile. “I should be happy today since I don’t have to deal with those thugs,” Selena muttered as she took out her phone.

Selena sat down and started browsing her phone. She was watching educational videos on YouTube. Although Selena hadn’t continued her studies, her determination to learn was strong. Selena was optimistic that once her grandmother recovered, she could study through a scholarship. That’s why Selena always found time to learn.

For 20 minutes, Selena’s eyes were fixed on the YouTube videos.

Suddenly, Selena was startled by a loud noise. The sound shook her body with fear, and it was coming from outside the minimarket.

Curious about what was happening, Selena stood up from her chair to see what was happening outside. When she saw what was happening right in front of her eyes, Selena’s beautiful eyes widened with horror.

“Are they fighting?” Selena mumbled, really scared because they were fighting with weapons. Even the tattooed gang members were punching and shouting foul words.

Selena should hide to save herself from this crazy and scary situation. But her body was frozen, and she couldn’t move. She just stood there, watching in horror.

“I guess I’m going to die,” Selena muttered as she continued to watch the chaos.

Her forehead wrinkled with confusion when she saw a group of men who were fighting fiercely just a moment ago suddenly stop. Even the weapons they were using fell onto the asphalt.

“Why did they suddenly stop fighting? It’s only been 20 minutes. Is this how the system works for these criminals?” Selena said loudly with her innocent face.

Selena’s mind wandered as she saw the group of men who were fighting earlier suddenly lowering their heads. “What’s wrong with them? The people in this neighborhood are strange.”

Selena’s eyes lit up when she saw a man with a tall, muscular build and a face like a Greek god walk among the gangsters.

“He doesn’t look like a gangster or thug. This is the first time I’ve seen such a handsome, charming, and sexy man!” Selena exclaimed, already forming a charming smile.

Selena swallowed her saliva when she saw the man she had just called handsome brutally beat up two men who had been fighting earlier.

“That handsome man is also scary,” Selena muttered.

Selena’s eyes widened when the man’s sharp gaze was directed toward her. He stared at her with piercing eyes, and it looked like he was ready to kill her.

“He won’t notice me, right?” Selena asked herself.

Selena winced with fear when the handsome man entered the minimarket. “My body can’t move,” Selena said, feeling like she was about to cry.

Finally, the man stood right in front of her. Selena could only stare at him. “He’s handsome but very scary,” Selena remembered the scene from a few minutes ago when the man brutally beat up the leader of the thugs.

“I’m so sorry. I di-didn’t see anything. I won’t report this to the police,” Selena said, stuttering with fear facing the man.

But the man in front of Selena didn’t say anything. He just stood there silently, staring at her. This made Selena even more scared.

Selena scratched her head even though it wasn’t itchy. “I apologize. I didn’t see anything in the fight earlier. It’s true. So don’t hit me. Look, I’m closing my eyes.” Selena’s palms touched her eyes, covering her innocent face.


Both of Selena’s eyebrows raised upon hearing a word.

“Quick!” he said in a low voice.

Hearing that sentence, Selena moved her hands away from her face. Selena’s face showed a puzzled expression.

“Cigarettes! Do I need to repeat that?!”

Selena shook her head. Selena’s hands grabbed all kinds of cigarettes on the display behind her and placed them on the cashier’s table.

“That’s it,” said the man in a cold voice.

“No, I will pay for all types of cigarettes!” Selena said with enthusiasm, even though she was trembling with fear inside.

“Just this!”

“Oh, you like this type of cigarette. Okay, I’ll pay for everything!” Selena was ready to take the expensive cigarettes from the display behind her.

But a muscular and veiny hand touched Selena’s wrist. The muscular hand gripped Selena’s wrist tightly, causing Selena to groan in pain.

“I said, just this! Don’t you understand human language!” The man said, showing the cigarette he was going to buy.

“Yes, I understand. I’ll take the same cigarette and pay for the cigarettes you want,” Selena replied innocently, staring at the man who seemed to raise his eyebrows. One thing that came to Selena’s mind when she saw his expression was that he was handsome.

“Just one pack! Quickly calculate the total.”

“Why one pack? Don’t you trust me that I won’t reveal your actions to the leader of the thugs and gangsters?”

“Why should I trust you?”

“Because I am an honest person. So I won’t report you at all,” Selena replied.

The man’s grip on Selena’s hand suddenly released.

“Count this and stop talking!”

“But I am an honest person. So please don’t kill me,” Selena pleaded.

“Why should I kill you?” the man asked again, his gaze fixed on Selena.

“Because I am a witness to you hitting the head of the gangsters and thugs. They are people I know,” Selena replied.

“It seems like you deserve to be killed!”

Hearing that sentence, Selena’s eyes widened in fear. Her lips trembled as she heard what the man said. Then, with a quick movement, Selena lowered her head deeply, and her glasses fell.

“Forgive me. Don’t kill me. I promise not to report anything about this, and I won’t tell anyone about this situation. Don’t kill me,” Selena begged.

Selena still lowered her head deeply, waiting for an answer from the terrifyingly handsome man.

“You stupid girl, did you just offend my boss?!”

Selena straightened up as she heard the familiar voice. “Boss?” Selena was confused by his words.

“He is the leader of the mafia. All criminals bow to him. Not just criminals! So what did you do?!” he whispered.

Selena suddenly burst into tears. “I didn’t do anything. I promised not to do anything. Don’t kill me. I can’t leave my grandmother alone in this world.”

Selena’s crying suddenly stopped as the leader of the mafia touched her chin.

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