Chapter 4

When Mariela left the room, Eve felt as if she had been stung by a bee. Slowly, she dropped the letter she had been writing on the bed and folded her hands as she contemplated on what she was going to do next.

A part of her made her feel selfish for trying to reach out to her husband who had put everything in place to make sure that wasn't going to be possible.

Then, another part of her made her feel like an uncaring mother if she just sat there and did nothing while her husband struggled with forces chasing his life.

For a moment, Eve felt justified for her choices. For another brief moment, she felt unjustified. As confusion filled the face of Eve, she brought her hands close to her face and rubbed it gently. She knew that a lot was at stake, and she also knew that the life and happiness of her daughter heavily defended on the decision she made.

What am I going to do now? As Eve contemplated the gravity of her situation and what was best for her and her daughter, she watched as Sofia moved slowly towards her and touched her on the cheeks like a lovely child would do to a mother who she felt was worried about the safety of their lives.

"What are you thinking about, mother?" Sofia asked in her childish, lovely way that made Eve to both laugh and cry at the same time.

"I am just worried about everything that is going on in the life of your father. I really want him to be here with us. I really want him to watch you grow and see what a beautiful girl you are slowly turning into. But, I am not sure if my decision to reach out to him is going to save him or condemn him."

Sofia regarded her mother with those big, innocent eyes. "But why would talking to Papi put him in danger, Mami?"

Eve felt her heart constrict. How could she possibly explain the perilous situation to her young daughter? Sofia deserved to feel safe, untouched by the darkness her father had become embroiled in.

Gently, Eve pulled Sofia into her lap, hugging her close. "Mi amor, you know how sometimes grown-ups have to do hard things to protect their families? Even if it doesn't make sense right away?"

Sofia nodded solemnly. "Like how we had to leave home and come here without Papi?"

"Exactly." Eve brushed a stray curl from her daughter's forehead. "Your papá... he got mixed up in something difficult. Something dangerous. And he sent us away to keep us safe until he can make it right again."

The little girl's brow furrowed. "But if Papi's in trouble, why can't we help him?"

Eve's grip tightened infinitesimally. "I want nothing more than to help your papá, cielito. But he made me promise not to contact him, because it could put us at even greater risk."

Seeing Sofia's crestfallen expression made Eve's heart ache. She hated having to speak in these veiled terms that clearly confused and upset her child. But she refused to shatter Sofia's innocence by revealing the full extent of Marco's transgressions.

"Your papá loves us so much," Eve murmured, her voice catching. "That's why he's doing everything he can to protect us, even if it means sacrificing being with us for a while. Do you understand?"

After a moment, Sofia gave a small nod, leaning into her mother's embrace. "I miss Papi. But I know he'll come for us when it's safe, right Mami?"

Eve pressed a fierce kiss to the top of her daughter's head. "That's right, mi vida. We just have to be brave and trust your papá. No matter what."

The words tasted like lies on her tongue. Because the truth was, Eve had no idea if Marco could ever extricate them from this nightmare he'd brought into their lives. She could only cling to faith and pray her husband still existed beneath the shadowy path he'd chosen.

For Sofia's sake, if nothing else, Eve had to believe Marco would find his way back to them eventually. It was the sole flicker of hope keeping her afloat in this sea of fear and deception.

Drawing a steadying breath, she met Sofia's guileless gaze once more. "Why don't you go play for a bit? I need to... finish writing a letter."

Sofia didn't need to be told twice, scampering off to the adjacent room Juan had converted into a makeshift playroom. As soon as she was out of earshot, Eve's shoulders slumped, her body sagging with physical and emotional exhaustion.

She didn't know if this letter was the solution to her problem, and although she felt judged within her, she still felt that she just had to do something.


But she couldn't falter, not now. Lifting a trembling hand, she picked up the unfinished letter, reading over the words she had already penned in a fervid rush.

Mi amor, Marco -

Our lives have been shattered into a million pieces and I can't begin to understand why...

Eve's vision blurred with hot tears. But she blinked them away, jaws setting in grim determination. This might be her only chance, however slim, to reach her husband and make him see reason before it was too late.

So she would pour every shred of her fear, her love, her pleading into this letter. She had to make Marco remember the man he used to be, the one she fell in love with - a good man, a family man. Not the reckless, haunted stranger he had seemingly become.

Setting pen to paper once more, Eve let the words flow from her very soul, a river of raw honesty and desperate longing.

Mi vida, please...come back to us. Whatever mess you're in, we can face it together, like we always have. But I need you, Marco. Sofia needs her papá...

She dropped the pen slowly on the table as she began to recall how she had agreed to run away with Sofia to safety. Slowly consumed by anger and disappointment, she tore the letter she had written and threw it on the floor.

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