Chapter 4. Revere the Queen of the Damned

A mist formed around Yudi. And just like that, he disappeared from Lilith’s sight.

If she was being honest with herself—and hey, she always was—it probably was a good thing that Yudi left when he did. If she had her way, she would’ve scratched his eyes out for merely suggesting that Eve cared for her children.

Who the fuck was Yudi to tell her what to do, anyway? A god? Fuck that! He’d just admitted that he made her into a goddess, too!

Well, he said Demi-goddess—or was that about her kids? Still! She was a goddess, damn it! One he shouldn’t have shunned from paradise like a common pariah! No! Nope! She was to be worshiped.

Wait? Scratch that! She was a queen. A queen that should be loved and revered for what she can give and what she’s given because, frankly, Adam never had it so good! And to be cast out of Eden like she was the inferior one? Like she wasn’t perfect? What was that all about since Adam was the human?

And now? Now she’s banished to the Underworld, no less? A place that was beneath Eden—beneath the earth that her children would one day inherit? Yes, she got the implication of that from Yudi. She wasn’t stupid. The only problem with it all was that Adam would look at her children as half-breeds.

Lilith let out a sigh. How could anyone say something so horrible to a perfect child? If her children had partly goddess blood running through them, they were perfect as far as she was concerned. Lilith rolled her eyes—yet another thing she’d probably have to fight Adam on.

However, that wasn’t her biggest concern. Yudi refused her access to her children for a reason—one he didn’t want to share. It had to be about the banishment to earth! Yudi, along with Adam and Eve’s blessing, would cast her babes from Eden soon. Once they were strong enough to thrive on their own—they’d be out. It was the only thing that made sense.

So why couldn’t she go with them? She was a goddess, according to Yudi, after all! Shouldn’t the gods allow her to raise them? What would Adam know about raising a half-god or goddess child? The brute wouldn’t! And she had no desire even to think about what Eve would do. The humanly dutiful woman would probably lie down anytime Adam wanted to scratch his itch.

Lilith shook her head, trying desperately to shake the nagging bile creeping up her esophagus as she contemplated and replayed everything Yudi said to her. But as she continued to recall everything, she realized with his tone, words, and mannerisms that Yudi was dismissing her and dismissing her just as Adam did.

“How dare he! I am a queen! And apparently, a Queen of the Damned now that I have sentenced my Aset and Djet to the same fate. This cannot be happening!”

Lilith started running to escape the tsunami of thoughts crashing down on her. Thoughts of Adam and Eve and the hurt that would surely consume her if she watched Eve take care of her children. Tears sprang from her eyes, making it difficult to see where she was going, but she kept running anyway until she ran into a rock-hard chest.

“Fuck!” she mumbled under her breath.

“What or who makes you sprint, sweetie?”

Lilith let out a sigh. Only this time, it was one of relief. The voice was unfamiliar to her, so she jutted out her chin and brushed the tears from her eyes to get a better look at the man in front of her. When she opened her eyes, the voice wasn’t from a man. His face was ashen, and his eyes were black pearls. The only splash of color on his face was his ruby-red lips. Protruding from the top of his head was a set of black antlers that matched the color of his eyes.

“I’m not your sweetie.”

The man, or lack of a better term, was pleasing to the eyes, but Lilith had no reason to or even want to engage with him. She’d had enough testosterone for the day, thank you very much.

“I’m sorry—my mistake. It was just meant to be a figure of speech. I’m sorry if I offended you.”

“No offense taken, as long as you don’t call me that again.”

“I’m Demetrese.” He said as he stuck out his hand.

Lilith just looked at it. Its appearance was as ashen as his face, but no wrinkles appeared on his hand. Not even a callous graced his masculine, large fingers or palms. Now that she was taking him in, none of his body appeared to show any signs of age. Not one blemish or imperfection that she could see at all. The very idea of his inviting perfection made her question her own.

And because of that alone, she didn’t want to shake his hand. Frankly, Lilith wanted nothing to do with the male persuasion—what woman would after Adam and Yudi? She would not strike out a third time. Nope! All of their testosterone was swimming around in her head and making her think crazy thoughts. She loved Adam, even still. And yet? She found this Demetrese attractive. The mere idea made her stomach do a backflip, and then bile started shooting up her esophagus. Why was she so queasy?

Damned Yudi! Did he put some whammy on her during their conversation? She didn’t want to be attracted to any man. And especially Demetrese! Who the fuck did Yudi think he was, anyway? Did Yudi assume sending this man after her would work?

Is that all women were to a man? An object to have sex with? To fuck? Was it so easy to drape us over their shoulder and take us to their bed? Did the god think she’d be this pliable enough to want to fall on this guy’s dick?

Well—he wasn’t human, so Demetrese had that going for him. But maybe that meant he didn’t have one? Oh, who was she kidding? This Demetrese had to have one if Yudi tried to play a matchmaker! How else would she return to being the baby-making machine Yudi assumed she was?

The idea alone was vile and made her swipe Demetrese’s hand away from her before responding.

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