Chapter 2. A Mad Woman

Rachel threw it all on the floor. Coats, bowler hats, vests, polo shirts, and even sapling sets are all available. Luther attempts to restrain Rachel, but she is uncontrollable. Outside their master’s bedroom, the servants witnessed a strange scene.

“Rachel!” exclaimed Luther. Rachel took one of the containers and piled all of his canes on top. He paced back and forth, a plan forming in his head, but Rachel’s irritated expression made him reconsider his actions. Luther brushed his hair, saying her name over and over.

“Call me a crazy woman or a freak for doing this to you right now, Mr. Luther Griffin, but the cage of calmness cannot contain my rage and outrage!”

As Rachel climbed the ladder, Luther was terrified. Her dress was far too large, and she will fall if she is not careful. Rachel grabbed the large suitcases and threw them at her husband.

After laying all of his clothes on the carpeted floors, she was out of breath.

“Leave this house if you’re in love with Amira Edwidge. I’m ready to let you go for good.”

Rachel scowled at Luther and stormed out the door, leaving nothing but coldness behind. Luther spoke up before she could leave the room, “You are the one who should leave. It will not be me who gives way.”

The servants were stunned. What an unexpected turn of events.

As she wrapped the raven cardigan around her breasts, Rachel scowled at Luther.

“Do you have a plan for where you’ll put her? Wow. You and Amira have a wonderful and genuine relationship. Okay, I’ll leave the following day. My servants will be with me. There are no words for it, Luther Griffin, but our marriage should end here.”

Rachel didn’t hesitate to walk out and tell her maids to pack her clothes.


Only the richest man in the UK has the legal right to divorce his significant other.

How many purloins will Rachel count in order to give such money?

They are, after all, not permitted to remarry. Rachel Han, 25, received a heartfelt apology. “Did I forget something?” she wondered as she walked through the streets with Ada, the maids’ boss.

Ada looked around the center of the cobble-stoned path that curled towards the end, and there were no more people there at this hour. Her master appeared unconcerned. Rachel preferred to be outside in the dark, where men could observe her hip movement through the skirt’s frame and see her as an easy target.

She even wore a black gown with white collars and puffs, as well as a veil on top of her head.

Nobody should know she belongs to the Welsh Han family. Rachel was well-known in the neighborhood.

“Do I appear obnoxious?” Rachel inquired. as she removed one last piece of signage from a safe distance.

Ada was more concerned with the scuffling noises than with her master’s words. As the dome radiated luminous warmth, Ada admired the glamorous picture of Rachel without the veil. As a group of men laughed at the expanse of the market entrance, the smoke from their cigars drifted to Ada’s nose.

“Mrs. Griffin, you are not. You are the epitome of beauty, and no one can compete with your stunning eyes. Mr. Luther Griffin, you squandered such a noble woman,” Ada concurred.

Rachel regained her composure and adjusted the veil to cover her eyes once more. She walked away from the Heartless Pub, accompanied by her main servant.


“Good evening, Mrs. Griffin. I’m glad you arrived at such a late hour. Many soldiers have stopped by for a drink.” With a smile, the pub’s manager, a stout man, said.

Rachel was unconcerned. Nothing seemed to ease her anxiety. They also recognized her as a brave member of the Welsh Han family.

“I prefer to be addressed as Ms. Rachel Han as of today. I give up my love for Luther Griffin’s happiness,” Rachel said as she folded the veil and handed it to Ada. Conrad was perplexed after naming the servant who had spent four hours in Rachel’s room.

“Ms. Han, I saw him several times at the bar counter. I’m not sure what he’s up to with Ms. Edwidge, but it was awkward for me to break the bad news while you were celebrating your anniversary.”

Ada wiped the dirt off the wooden seats and turned on the arc light. The shadowy room soothed Rachel’s eyes. Conrad made things simple for her. He simply listened to her music.

“Mr. Duchess, everything is fine now. I don’t think it’s worthwhile to think about him all the time.”

Lifting the corners of his mouth, Conrad motioned for the young lady to sit.

“First, change into some comfortable clothes, and then play for a few minutes.”


“Having earned the Captain’s badge and preparing to deploy as a reserve corps member, an honorable soldier of his generation, and a loving husband to his future wife…”

Soldiers who had a bad habit of mixing beer and non-alcoholic beverages were dumped there. Ezekiel chose a difficult one and spent most of the day with a higher ranking than in previous years.

“Lady of the future? Captain Ezekiel is in love with a woman? Please tell me who it was.”

Ezekiel shook his head and denied seeing anyone.

“Why do you keep teasing me?” I’m not seeing anyone right now.

“You have a very attractive bodice, but you have refused to hook up with one of the lovely ladies. Why are you so thirsty?” Everyone laughed at that insult. Ezekiel does not want to slander anyone.

He motioned to the counter for another drink. Ezekiel exhaled deeply.

“You should relax, Ezekiel! Time flies, and we’re not getting any younger. Take advantage of it while you can!” Behind him, a coworker barked and returned to the couches, slinging his arms around several women and kissing their napes. Ezekiel wished he hadn’t had such a life.

Some of his colleagues began a new discussion, leaving Ezekiel alone.

A powerful soldier like him sat outside the Heartless Pub, but it was already 10 p.m. Their tail-end coats kept their cold bodies warm as the breeze blew past the pub. Ezekiel yearned for a genuine piano performance.

As he moves his gaze to the center stage of the pub, the cover of the piano is lifted, and a wooden chair is placed behind it. There was no introduction, but a woman in a chignon and hair parted in the middle, with ringlets on either side of her face, dressed ostensibly in a straight dress with no petticoats, crossed the street.

She slid into the chair, her gaze drawn to her porcelain skin rather than the ivory and dim piano keys.

Ezekiel has a clear vision. The woman is not wearing a corset. Her stomach seemed to be the size of a corset.

Someone placed a fish bowl full of folded papers on top of the piano counter. After setting the mood for the song she intended to play, the woman prepared her fingers for the pallid keys. After that, her fingers began to glide.

Music began as a hobby, with lullabies lulling everyone to sleep.

Ezekiel concentrated on the woman’s expressionless face, intent on the message conveyed by her music.

Ezekiel leapt from his chair and dashed for an open seat in the front row, paying close attention to every detail, enthralled by her smitten expression. As the song progressed, the entire pub fell silent. The woman had the ability to control the crowd while under hypnosis.

Rachel had musical talent, but she couldn’t show it when her husband was around.

Rachel looked at the fish bowl as she finished the song’s final verse, deciding she was qualified to be an activist. She was a student in her mansion when she was younger. A governess chastised her for being disobedient. Rachel felt the need to be heinous following their divorce.

The audience clapped. The first to rise from his seat is Ezekiel Godric.

Rachel smiled at the audience and waved. Someone stole the fish bowl, but Ezekiel phished one out and got his hands on it.

“Mister, thank you very much. Lady Rachel Han has prepared a poem for you at the back if you finish reading the passage.”

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